A freelancer is a prostitute who works for herself. She is not employed by a bar, brothel, or massage parlor. Or, she is employed, but is looking for customers after hours.
Lower prices. She does not have to share her take with the bar.
Longer sessions. She is not on the clock and can spend more time with you.
If she cheats or steals from you, you have no recourse.
If you want to see her again, you may not be able to find her.
Where to Find Them
The most popular area for freelancers in Bangkok is Thermae Coffee House.
In South Pattaya, the most popular area is along Beach Road during the late afternoons, early evenings till midnight. Marine Bar Disco is also a popular after-hours spot.
Cost of Sex
The going rate for a freelancer in both areas is 500 Baht for short time; 700-1,000 Baht for all night. Don’t pay more than that!
Here are some rules to guide you:
Bar Women, Short-Time Relationships
There’s no set fee. Each woman will charge according to her mood, her state of mind, her financial needs and desires, etc.
Different area, different price. Geography dictates price. Bangkok rates tend to be higher than those of South Pattaya or Chiang Mai, mainly due to higher cost of living.
Establishment dictates price. Price is set according to establishment. Go-Go bars are the most expensive, followed by coffee shops (such as the Grace or Thermae), and finally no establishment (streetwalkers).
Go-Go dancers ask for 1,000-2,500 baht for short time or all night.
Freelancers out of the coffee shop generally ask 1,000 Baht for short time, 1,500-2,000 Baht for all night.
Streetwalkers ask for 500 to 1,000 Baht for short time, 1,000-1,500 Baht for all night.
The prices quoted above pertain to Bangkok. They tend to be lower in South Pattaya. Examples: Go-Go dancers, 1,000-1,500 Baht; Beer Bar Women, 500-1,000 Baht; Freelancers, Walking Street, 500-1,000 Baht; Freelancers, Other Areas, 300-500 Baht.
Bar Women, Long-time Relationships
Never pay in advance. Payment signifies completion of the relationship. This would be like handing free money to a begger. She will take the money, thank you, and move on to someone else. Pay afterwards, right as she is leaving your room. If she will be with you for more than one day, pay her daily, perferably right after sex.
Don’t delay the payments. If you don’t pay daily, then you will inevitably end up paying much more than the going rate.
Gifts ARE the same as payment. Taking a lady to a restaurant, shopping, or the doctor is the same as a salary. Like gold jewelry, which is considered the same as cash.
Full-Service Massage Parlor Workers
At a massage parlors where the price includes sex, you should not pay extra, unless you feel that a tip is warranted (500 Baht is fine). If the woman demands a tip up front, or for service that you don’t feel she earned, then complain to management.
Relaxation Rooms
Many of the Go-Go bars include discrete relaxation rooms where you can have sex with the bar women. The rooms are usually upstairs from the bar, and are often quite fancy (colored lights, air conditioning, mirrors aside the bed or on the ceiling, TVs with porno flicks, and jacuzzis).
Normally, the room is included if you pay the bar fine. If you bring a woman with you who does not work in the bar, then you will have to pay a short time fee, usually around 300 Baht per hour.
To find out if any given Go-Go bar has short time rooms, ask the lady who you are interested in. If the bar does not have short time rooms, then the lady will certainly know where else to go.
Usually if you talk to the mamasan and tell her what you’re looking for, she can be helpful in pointing out the girls that are willing to do that. She can also help be a translator to make sure they understand what you want.
I’ve never had a problem with customs when it comes to condoms and I have never heard of anyone else having such a problem either. As far as I know, there’s nothing illegal about transporting condoms for personal use and I don’t think that 50 will really take up that much room in your luggage anyway.
Where you go in Thailand will depend on what you are interested in. If you want just sex then Bangkok and Pattaya are your best bets. There are lots of fun touristy things to do in both cities as well, but you may find that after a few days in Bangkok that you are ready for a change of scenery. If that happens Pattaya is a great little beach town that personally I find to be more relaxing. If you don’t like it you can always go back to Bangkok.
If you’re interested in a more hybrid tourist and sex vacation then you may find a girl you like and take her along for your sexual gratification as you explore Thailand since few parts of the country will have the selection of working girls that Bangkok and Pattaya have though many areas like Chiang Mai, Chiang Rai, Phuket, etc have some availability.
My first trip or two to Thailand I didn’t know a word of Thai and got by just fine. Most hotels, banks and western style restaurants, etc have people who speak enough english to get by and many of the signs are in english as well. Obviously the more Thai you know, the better you will do and there may be some phrases related to what you are looking for sexually that you may want to learn so that you don’t have rely on someone else’s translation and you can be sure that you’re getting what you want. As with any country the people will appreciate the effort of you trying to communicate in their language but for a short trip it really is not necessary to get by and have a good time.
As far as phones, my understanding is that calling from just about any hotel will be inordinately expensive however there are plenty of shops around that have calls to various countries at discount rates (like in Pattaya try 2nd road and walking street). I think calls to the US ran around 50-60 baht per minute but I could be mistaken. If that is still too expensive you will find that several Thais (like in Pattaya near walking street and beach road) set up their cell phones on little tv tables and charge a very low per minute rate for international calls (maybe 30 baht per minute? I don’t recall exactly). I have never called using this method so I do not know how good the quality is but I imagine that the street noise could be a problematic factor as well.
Lady’s Drinks
The lady you’re sitting with in a bar may ask you to buy a lady’s drink. The ladies get about a 40% commission on the drink, which is why they push them so hard.
Unfortunately, the bars do not require that the lady sit with you as she finishes her drink. Go-Go bar women are notorious for hustling customers for a lady’s drink, taking a sip, then running off to get a drink off another customer or run back on stage (sometimes to never return).
Most lady drinks cost around 85 baht ($2). The key is to order a coke or orange soda for the ladies. If you order any alcoholic drink, the price will be double or triple. Indeed, if the lady orders such a drink, stop the waitress and say, “No, she wants a cola.”
Money talks!
Money talks when it comes to bar girls. They tend to like older guys because they generally have the cash. Those old fat guys are probably spending a lot of dollars on those girls.
If you see a girl with a lot of gold on then she is almost always being sponsored.
You can find some really hot girls, you just have to look around. Also the hottest girls always are taken early. Get out around 7pm and see what you find. Check out Marine One and Marine Two. You are guaranteed the hottest freelancers there for sure.
Remember looks are generally unimportant to bar girls. Money first. If they land a good looking guy with money then so much the better.
Things are not the same in Thailand as in other places. There are some great books written by the experts in Pattaya. Check out Bookazine on Soi Post Office. Check out “Hello my Big Honey” and “Money Number One, a guide to Pattaya”. These books explain the mentality of the Bar Girl and will enlighten you on the subject.
Some views from a recent visit to Asia for the purpose of sex. This is just my perception and opinion only. Please don’t take it any other way.
What is GFE?
The term “GFE” (Girl Friend Experience) may be defined differently by some. Sexually and non-sexually where as what happens during sex and what happens besides the sexual encounter. For example in Thailand some men enjoy the non sexual GFE experience. Going to movies, dining out, taking walks, going shopping etc (things one does with a girl friend). For men who lack this sort of thing in normal life “the companionship end” the non sexual GFE is what they seek. The sexual GFE version of the term can also vary a bit by the experience of each person. A talented lover will be skilled in oral, fs, deep french kissing etc. during which the encounter they make you feel as if they also enjoy being with you and performing. In simple terms sex like with a lover, girlfriend or spouse. Very intense and mutally satisfying.
It was very easy to find women in Thailand who enjoyed spending time (for some sort of monetary gain) outside of a sexual encounter. One must always remember you’re in an Asian country where keeping face and agreeing to things you don’t want to really do is part of the culture. While you might think when asking a Thai girl if she wants to do something that her response is genuine the fact is her going along with you regardless of what she wants is mainly for money. If this illusion is what you seek then Thailand is perfect for you. True but rare one may find mutual interest from a Thai girl without monetary goal. Just remember this is their job, to have sex for money, to make as much money as they can. Most have families that depend on them thus the desperation factor is higher.
9 out of 10 Thai women that I spent time with were unskilled at sex. Although they had no problems doing non-sexual things this is not what I personally consider “GFE”. To me “GFE” is strictly a sexual issue. Perhaps there are two types of customers, the one that has a normal life at home with plenty of interaction with women and those that have no interaction with women. Thus any interaction with a woman can be considered “GFE” when it totally lacks in your life.
It’s all relative, depending on what you have experienced, if you’ve only had average sex then you judge all your encounters by that average encounter and won’t know what better is till you actually experience it. Thus if you’ve never been with a woman and your first encounter is one that just lays there allowing you access and the basics you’ll most likely judge future interactions by that one. There are also guys who need only be with an attractive woman and nothing else. Even if her sexual skills are lacking it’s the visual aspect which works for them. All things to consider when playing this game of paid sex.
In anything dealing with human nature it’s all relative. Your goals and expectations, her skills and abilities. True chemistry with any woman can mean the difference between a great time and a poor one. It’s not about how much or how little you pay. If she is making a profit she’ll do what she needs to do. Thinking that the sex is better the more you pay makes no sense. Skill is not determined by cost as are educated people. This is sex not brain sugery, some have it while others never figure it out. It’s a human function that some are born with while others get better with over time.
Desperation Factor 101
Finally the “Desperation Factor” also figures in. How desparate is she to make money, “familie starving?”. How desperate are you to engage in sex, “No sex for years?”. While in the western world most women are never as desperate as those in third world countries Men on the other hand may be more desperate due to this. In third world countries men from western cultures usually have more options due to the more desperate women. Wonder why there are so many sex workers available in Thailand? It’s not cause they love sex and men, it’s due to the poverty and lack of money. No money and poverty makes people do things like paid sex. But it’s so cheap you say, hey do the currency conversion take the same act in a western world and it’s like your paying 1000 dollars for sex, in the western world more women are open to sex at those rates. In Thailand the cost of living is pennies compared to the west. That my friend is the reason why the sex trade prospers in Asia.
In paid sex the women look at the men as currency and nothing else. The men look at the women as sexual pleasure. There is no “she wants me” so don’t fool yourself, it’s her job and need for income. In a room full of paid sex workers they’re thinking “who is going to cash in on you”. Not they all want me…
You don’t change from being unpopular in one country to being popular in another. It’s your wallet that becomes popular. Keep this all in mind when going to Thailand and other countries where you find paid sex. It’s no different then walking into a car dealer and the guy makes you think he’s your friend, the fact is he wants to sell you a car not be your friend.
Thus the unpopular guys in this world need to take care in their own desperation to be wanted by women. I hear guys talking about how messed up western world women are the fact is western women are not as desperate as those who are living on the edge of poverty.
Thailand offers cheap services due to the difference in currency. If things cost the same as in west then the sex trade would surely die. There are guys that seek out the most desperate women in the world wanting you to think it’s not desperation but the fact that love western men. Don’t fool yourself people are people it’s all about desperation, how desperate are you?
In Thailand the bar owners go to the provinces and pay the girl’s family about $200 up front for the girl to work. She then must work off the advanced money before she can quit. If you want the girl to be exclusively yours, like as an arrangement, you normally can pay the mamasan the $200 advance and the girl will stop working. Then you must pay the girl about $100 a month for her support and she will be yours. (Your companion, sex mistress, lover, whatever.)
I had a couple of girls tell me this when I was in Thailand, as they expressed an interest in me and I suspect would rather have a regular customer (mealticket) or financial benefactor than have to work in the bars and change men every night.
During my last trip I was fortunate to have made acquaintance with a “good girl” and eventually managed to get in some wonderful girlfriend sex within two days. First of all realize that a “good girl” is not necessarily going to give you the gonzo sex that you’d get if you’d paid for it. Having said that here are a few things to keep in mind:
1.) Be reasonably fit, confident, (not arrogant), well-dressed, clean and have a good sense of humor. And be aware of your best assests like are you good at singing, dancing, art, photography, even god … accounting. These things may come in handy later as you slyly market yourself.
2.) Learn some conversational level Thai so you can at least flirt a little. Your chances are slim if you don’t speak some basic Thai or at least try to speak. You might even turn this into some mutual humor if you’re creative.
3.) Try meeting a girl that has a “legitimate” occupation like a sales girl or a university student going to school and working a night job. And obviously try to meet a girl away from the red light districts.
4.) Don’t be desperate. “Good girls” anywhere in the world can smell desperation a mile away.
5.) If you don’t get a response of interest within the first minute or so accept it, smile and move on. Just be nice. Have an attitude of, “well it doesn’t hurt to ask.” That will be appreciated and who knows you may not be right for her but you might be introduced to her friend(s).
6.) If you do perceive an air of interest make small talk. Compliment her on the good job she is doing, that she is helpful and intelligent, that she is wearing a nice outfit, that she has style. If you aren’t good at spontaneity maybe make a list to study. Kind of pathetic, but hey you’re asking for help.
7.) Don’t ask for her number the first time you meet unless you really seem to be hitting it off. Remember don’t act desperate! Come back again later and joke and compliment and mention that you are alone and having a hard time finding fun places to see. Ask her what she thinks are fun and interesting places to see. Ask her when she has free time what does she like to do and where does she go (intelligence gathering). Mention that you would like to go to those kinds of places too. But be cool, if she’s working a legit job in an office like a bank, Thai airways ticket office or some other place that requires some brains she’s no dummy. If she shows an interest and you are both playing the game … be smooth and be cool … again no desperation … this is where the skill of a true player comes in.
8.) If she’s interested and you manage to set up a date be a gentleman, dress nicely, and take her out for a nice night on the town. Like any “good girl” anywhere she may give you a kiss goodnight or a hug. If it seems to be working set up another date.
9.) Tell her you’d love to show her your country. Wonder out loud about how much it might cost to fly her to your country. Watch as her eyes light up at the possibility of living in her dream home in Beverly Hills. Ask if she can take a day or two off … if the answer is yes …
10.) Book a flight for two to an island, get room and a king size bed and by now you’d better know what to do.
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