FKK Club Bahama Club

FKK Club Bahama Club
Marie Curie Ring 30
Gewerbegebiet Ost
63477 Maintal/Dörnigheim
Tel 06181 9458333
Open Daily 12 – 3am

Entry and Session Fees:
12pm to 8pm = 30€
8pm to 3am = 40€
50€/session (30 minutes)
FREE entry on your birthday (show ID)

Hotel visits can also be arranged within 50km of Frankfurt @ 250€ per hour
Book a hotel visit at this number: 06181 9458334

Sauna, FREE Taning booth, Massage, Erotic Massage, Bar with Alcohol,Daily Buffet, Discreet Parking, Limo Service

Single Women Welcome?:
Yes. Guys, bring your wife/girlfriend – her entry = 45€

Contact Information:
Web Site

From Frankfurt take Hanauer Landstraße direction Maintal/Dörnigheim, continue straight thru Maintal on I3268 till you see a BMW dealer on the right. At the BMW dealer right 50m and the next street left 50m, next street left is your destination.

I met up with a couple of friends here on Thursday night and found a few changes. I have had a few trips to this club over the last few months (many on Sundays – a quiet day for all clubs), and generally find it super clean, very friendly, very small (even smaller than Relax was!), with 4-6 girls of varying qaulity.

last night was a change in a very positive way. There were still only 7 girls, but 6 of them were 7 or better, and 4 of them very nice indeed. More guests than I am used to seeing, which also is a good sign that there is some consistent service here. In addition, they have a new pricing policy that makes it attractive for evening visits. Happy Hour is from 19-21, and entry is only 25 Euro. After 21:00 it goes up to 40, so it pays to get there early, although considering it includes normal beverages and I think beer, as well as food, it is not a bad deal even at 40.

If you like small, cozy, relaxed clubs, this is worth a visit. If you go, tell them I sent you. It won’t actually help me or you in the short term, but in the long run will help the club relize where the customers are coming from, and help if we make suggestions.

Oh, BTW, the desk girl during the week (Rabina) is super nice and speaks excellent English, as do a number of the girls.

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