With more than 23 million adults living with HIV/AIDS, sub-Saharan Africa is ravaged by this epidemic. An astounding 36 percent of Botswana’s 15- to 49-year-olds live with the disease. In Lesotho, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe, approximately 25 percent of adults in these prime ages have HIV. Namibia, South Africa, and Zambia each have prevalence rates of 20 percent among adults ages 15 to 49. In another nine sub-Saharan African countries, more than 10 percent of adults ages 15 to 49 are infected. South Africa has the highest number of adults living with the virus, at about 4.1 million. Nearly 3 million Ethiopian adults live with HIV.

Outside of sub-Saharan Africa, the largest numbers of people infected with HIV or living with AIDS are in India at 3.5 million. Globally, 15.7 million adults with AIDS are women and 1.3 million are children below the age of 15.

Tonight on court TV cable channel 41 in the Los Angeles Area the show “COPS” was aired. The show featured Las Vegas where they had a sting going for escorts working the Las Vegas area. As you might know prostitution is illegal in Las Vegas and only legal in certain counties of Nevada which are usually a distance from major cities. The police now demand the women to take a blood test for HIV when arrested. (16) of the women that the police busted were found to be HIV positive. They were also told that if they had sex with a customer after the arrest knowing they were positive they would be responsible for other violations. The interesting thing here is that these guys are NOT Media hype, this is a factual show that records actual Police action. This shows that there are actually prostitutes that exist who are HIV positive in Nevada. These were NOT crack whores wondering the streets but attractive well dressed women that were working for escort companies.

Worldwide HIV/AIDS Stats

These are good stats to consider when planning a trip to an adult destination. Next time you ask yourself “What are my chances of getting something”? These help set the odds. Don’t be fooled by those guys who tell you “I’ve never heard of anyone getting anything so you have nothing to worry about”. In fact if you think about it you have everything to worry about and all they worry about is if they make money off you.

SOUTH EAST ASIA SEA “The Land of Smiles” is in fact by all means cheap but should you come down with an STD or worse a deadly illness what good do low prices do for you?

Odds of getting HIV with the Worst odds at the top

By using the charts above and other web sites that calculate HIV cases this is the list how countries and your chances of winning the HIV lottery fair.

1. Thailand 20x more likely then the no.10 spot
2. Philippines 20x
3. Brazil 4x
4. Mexico 4x
5. Costa Rica 4x
6. Czech Republic
7. Netherlands
8. USA
9. Canada
10. Germany

This list only contains the countries featured on this sites home page.

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