
I’d been working in Madagascar for some time, out in the swamps. It was nasty, dirty work and I was ready to come home by the time we finished. Four days before we left we got to Tana where I ate like a horse.

The first night I was talked into going out for a drink with two business colleagues. Some dark and dingy disco with dire (Vengaboys) music at a volume just above the pain threshold. I sat there for an hour, hoping my friends would quickly see sense and we could leave. But they didn’t. Nevertheless the girls in Madgascar are beautiful and I spent the time looking at various heavenly creatures on the dancefloor.

Finally convinced that I would be there all night I asked a girl at the next table for the time. Tall and slender with the most beautiful face imaginable. Amazingly she spoke some English, and combined with my weak French we sat and talked about food, which I had been missing enormously during my work. She told me that she was there with her friends but didn’t want to dance and couldn’t go home alone because of the danger, or the expense I forget. She asked if I had a girlfriend and I lied outrageously. “You are looking for a girl, Monsieur”, she asked, and the combination of her wonderful eyes and all the beer made me reply, “I am looking for you, Mademoiselle”.

Three minutes later we were in a taxi back to my hotel. She showered and reappeared wrapped in a towel. Kissed me, dropped to her knees, took out my brain and gave it the most wonder sucking it has ever experienced, not looking at me until I was coming all over her lips and tongue, when she stared at me as she licked my brain clean. Not until she stood up did I realise the towel had come off. All praise to him that makes beautiful women. She was a goddess, lithe firm body with firm breasts and long slender legs. I felt the blood flow once more to my brain, picked her up and dropped her on the bed. She giggled, spread herself wide open and pushed my face into her crotch, rubbing against me with remarkable vigor and fingering herself as I licked for Canada.

Somehow she wriggled round to reach my brain with her lips and made me come again. She spent the next two hours teaching me the local language and i finally fell asleep. Woke up about 10 in the morning to find a perfectly formed breast in my face and fingers running over my brain. This time she used her hands, causing me to explode all over her stomach and breasts, which she found hilarious. I could have stayed there forever, but had work to do and asked her if I could see her again. Then she asked for a “present”.

I should have realised she was doing it for reward the night before, but the way we had met and everything that had happened blinded me to the truth. Sex for money is not my forte, being of the philosophy that while I have my own teeth and hair I should be able to get women without paying them. Not to mention the very real threat of a retrovirus snuffing me out slowly and painfully. But this girl was extraordinary and I happily gave her a present and met her on the next two nights. By then I had been condom shopping and spent many blissful hours inside this long legged goddess. I only made her come once – she cried afterwards and just hugged me for about an hour, before giving me a blowjob that culminated in my brain spilling all over her face.

The next day I was on my way home, she came to the airport then headed off to the disco. I noted she had tomorrow’s knickers with her and presume somebody else got lucky as I sped through the air. Easily the most beautiful woman I have ever met in a bar and the most exciting sex with someone I wasn’t in love with. She’s there in Tana and I will never forget her.

Madagascar is a sexual paradise. Women here are risk free relatively (low AIDS etc) but rubber is recommended. Society is quite open for sex and as locals tell it is almost impossible to get virgins beyond the age of 15.
Girls are well shaped and beautiul. Good in bed. Price is highly negotiable.
TANA – Capital and houses most beautiful girls. Feel free to flirt with any girl you is low risk affair here. Full night a decent girl will cost abt $22-$25. Shorties for as low as $10-12. Indra Bar , Two night clubs (one is caveo) behind Hotel IBIS and on all major streets in the night after 7.30 PM. Hotels normally allow girls in. Tana is a bit unsafe in nights but Ok compared to other African places.
Tamatave – Good night action. Pandora night club is a class pik up point but all girls there are not available. Try making eye contact. Hotel Neptune has a night club and gets good girls
. There is disco called Queens which is a out and out pick up joint. Females rating 4-8 are available there. Ensure that you do not go with the girls as they have nasty boyfriends. Price here not to exceed $15 for night.
happy fucking.

Malgache Girls (“MG”)
All the physical types and nuances between African, Asian, Indian, Arab and European. The two main types are black (Sakalav) in West and North and Indonesian (Merina) in the Central Highlands. The prices are the lowest I have ever seen in the world. Local westerners (called Vazaha by the Malgaches) pay between 25,000 francs malgaches “FMG” (4 USD) and 50,000 FMG (8 USD) for a complete night. As a newcomer MG will expect between 50,000 (8 USD) and 100 000 FMG (16 USD). The most gorgeous MG could ask 150,000 FMG in Tana (24 USD). Some Europeans are paying 250,000 FMG (40 USD) by week.

By experience, very similar with Thai girls (“TG”). They are friendly like real Girl Friend looking for long term relationship. Most of the girls would be happy to stay with you more than one day. Some tourists are paying MG by the week. Most of the girls are looking for a wedding with a European.

The main difference with Thai Girls is that MG will never begin to speak with you. They are not aggressive. For a MG , the boys (even if they pay for love) have to do the first step. The first feeling is that MG are not looking for a guy but it is completely false. Almost all the girls are doable. When you invite them for a drink they are very happy and very open for a deeper relationship.
The technicity and enthousiasm of MG is better than European gals but slightly below thai gals.

Mostly “before places” like night bars until 11 pm and disco after 11 pm.

Vahiné before 11 pm,
Nouvel Hotel between 11 pm and 2 am
Tropical after 2 PM.

Nosy Be
Bars of Ambatoaloka (Rhumerie, Maison de la Mer et Safari) or Hell Ville until 11 pm

Discotheques (Djembé, La Sirène, Moulin Rouge, Vieux Port, Papagayo) after 11 pm.

Some nights only one or two disco are open. Ask in “before bars” which clubs are open before to go for girl hunting.

In discos, music is good and malgache people like dancing. I have never seen agressivity like it happens too often in Europe.

Le Glacier (A bar with an interesting live show) until 11 pm and Indra (THE PLACE for MG) or Bus, le Caveau after 11 pm.

Other places
Zaza Club in Tulear, San Antonio in Majunga and many places in Tamatave one of the hottest place ( People are coming by boat to fuck from La Réunion island)

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