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Accra, WEST AFRICA: This will not contain a great deal of news regarding prostitution per se but I believe readers may be interested and where there are so many hot women available free, surely it is relevant. So where to find another partner? At my 63 [at the time] but still horny years the only local contemporaries were obsessed not with ••••••• but either with reciting blood-curdling descriptions of operations on themselves or relatives; or with their grandchildren. Having been severely burned by marriage to a Filipino I didn’t want to go that way again Research revealed a formerly unknown vast pool of very comely ladies. Where? In Ghana in far off West Africa.


Very little is known here in Australia about West Africa. There are squillions of Asian migrants here and of course we white ozzies mostly came from northern Europe, but you can walk the streets of Sydney (pop. 3.5 million, no mean city) for weeks and not see a really black face, other than an occasional view of one of our own distinctive aborigines, but Africans about nil. So I wrote a few letters to advertisers from Ghana in a lonely hearts mag [yeah, snail mail] and was stunned by their style of ad and the responses. Filipinos (of course) make the greatest contribution to them with ads typically couched in words such as “”I am a devout catholic [yeah sure, mine prayed for an hour each day!], honest (?), home-loving, family-oriented”” etc. etc, some even mentioning their alleged “”virginity”” at age 36!

By contrast the Ghanaian babes are uninhibited, e.g., some openly seeking “”broad-minded, sexy men; I am interested in erotic pictures, masturbation and making love””. Strangely 70% of such ads. emanated from just one town with a double name: Agona/Swedru. Well, after a $2500 [round-trip] 38 hour flight by Egypt-air and changing planes in Cairo, I arrived in Accra the capital. Used to be the British Colony of the Gold Coast until 1957 and English as in the Philippines, is the lingua franca.

It’s a typical hot, bit scruffy tropical city, on the Atlantic Coast and with a bearable climate. There ain’t any 5 star hotels, the best being the four-star $120 a night Novotel. I found and recommend the ‘Korkdam’ at $12 -15 a night: clean, very friendly, restaurant, bar, air.cond, refrig. and private shower & toilet. This isn’t meant to be a travel piece but so little is known that a few words should appear. Anyway, get the ‘Lonely Planet’ guide to West Africa, it’s very accurate. All I’ll add is that Ghana is NOT South Africa [where I was mugged in Jo’burg and robbed of $4000 + everything else! BE WARNED – KEEP AWAY from same, it’s a sad, brooding, unhappy land at the moment] By contrast Ghana is a stable, law-abiding, calm, orderly, peaceful and exceptionally friendly place, very religious in a late 19th Century London Missionary Society sense. Even other Africans acknowledge that. In three months there, even during presidential elections, I went everywhere, day and night, with never an unpleasant incident!

I found my way the 80 [rough African bus] km to Swedru and the pleasant Hotel Ntiamoah, modern, pool, around $25 a night. Yes I met Rita there who promised everything in her letters but wouldn’t leave her big brother’s side when the chips were down. No matter, the word soon got around town that an eligible ‘obroni’ [white man] had arrived;’ visitors soon came and my room phone ran hot. Jeez I had to schedule them: Caroline, Gifty, Spendy, Doris, Agnes etc.[yes, such classic names are common]. Each was gorgeous, like the best coffee: hot, strong, black and full of flavor! Aged 20 – 30, voluptuous, beautiful big African butt, fantastic breasts and hot and wild, do anything, suck you dry, cum in their mouth, some offered anal sex if you want [I don’t], screw all night, love being on top, do all the work, and again, who ever heard of condoms. I must be a tough old bastard to have survived that week. No payment asked, but a few thousand Cedis [C1800 = US$1.00] would be welcomed and you should take some gifts, Ray bans, a Walkman or similar will make you like a king. Don’t short change them, they are SO poor but so pleasant-natured, not a devious Asian-style bone in any body there. WYSIWYG. It’s the ambition of every one to snare a white man and one succeeded. In short, I married one with a little difference, she’s a Liberian, refugee from a nasty civil war, lots of them in Ghana. Cost $2000 visa fees plus fares, much paperwork, HIV-free certificate required, then a 12 months wait and a personal visit by me to the Oz embassy in Nairobi, Kenya, (expensive, violent, unattractive women – forget it) 6000km away for her visa [no Aust Embassies in W. Africa]. You’ve never been to a wedding if you haven’t attended a West African one, such happy musical people. Now she’s been here two years – wonderful, always happy and laughing, no PMT, loving, hard-working, bright, reliable, and so naturally good-natured , genuinely religiously devout thus faithful yet humorous. Wife wise forget Asians – black is beautiful.

And yes for those who wanna pay, visit any disco or ‘joint’ near Kwame Nkrumah Square in Accra – lots of happy chicks @ $15-20 all night with the above attractions.

Finally, I spent a few days in Abidjan, capital of the francophone Ivory Coast or Cote d’Ivoire. Much bigger and more sophisticated western style city, but wild, violent, corrupt out of downtown Plateau. Costs much higher there, had only one chick, a woman of 22 from the neighboring Republic of Burkina Faso [ex Upper Volta]. Very ordinary and at $18 for a half hour, no bargain. Be adventurous and try Ghana. I’m told the little nearby Republic of Gambia is similar and the Wolof women are said to be the most attractive in West Africa.

I was recently in Accra on business and having read Joe’s account I really wanted to get some closer contact with local girls. My experience with Africa had never associated it with good sex-just danger, disease, war. Yet I’m very attracted to black girls. There are actually several hotels better than the Novotel and they all strive to insulate business travelers. I escaped and extended my stay trying the ‘Korkdam’ as recommended and found it as advertised. It’s not a dangerous place. Instead of $200/night expensed I was paying $20 a night and enjoying it more. The exchange rate had gone to roughly $1(US)= 4000 Cedis and changes so I’ll stick to dollars. Ghana is a former British colony but it trades a bit more with Germany at present. I ran into lots of Germans. English is the official language and it’s widely studied. I found a local driver through a German expat who took me all over town for $50 a day (plus I paid for the partying). We just drove around and hit the clubs until we’d picked up two girls each (we both agreed on all of them), then the six of us would pack into his compact and go back to the room.I just let my guide, Joshua, do the arrangements, and he made sure that the girls were OK with anything we’d want for the night. I paid Josh a total of $150 to cover all four girls and they were very happy (and I’m sure he kept a tip). That covered a lot. I kicked back for a 2 hour non-stop sloppy bbbj changing girls whenever I felt the whim, while watching Josh go at it. I used condoms but Josh didn’t want to- the anything goes price meant it was our choice.So I just insisted on a bit more showering and douching. My favorite girl, Alice, had never done anal and was scared but Josh’s deal stuck and she nervously did everything I asked. I spent an hour slowly and properly introducing her and we were both quite happy with the result. We kept it up in some form or other all night. I managed to cum three time -each time in a different beautiful girl’s mouth. In the morning, Josh asked me if I wanted to do it again and I had to admit that I had no more to give. Josh kept Alice on for the day anyway (at no extra cost to me -which makes me wonder how little he really paid them). The sight of that cute little round chocolate butt did magic by afternoon and I had another slow sloppy lick it clean and swallow every drop bj before leaving for the real world. Before I left I did my bit to spoil the market by tipping Alice 200,000 Cedis ($50) and the look on her face was worth it.

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