St Croix
Go to the Red Light District on Company Street near t the end of it not far away from the downtown tourist hotels like King’s Club, Comanche, and Best Western you will find 3 or 4 bars and a few Streetwalkers. Most nights between one to two dozen girls are in this area working most are just average at best maybe a 8 thrown in. Girls are from Martinique and Dominican Republic. Prices are very low $30-$50 dollars for full Service. They have rooms.
St Thomas
You’ll find girls on Main Street behind the Holiday Inn. Next to the Holiday Inn you’ll come to Main Street. On that corner you may find 2 or 3 girls. Turn left and after 2 or 3 blocks is the Jala Jala” and a bit further away the “Sky High Club”go after midnight. In front of Jala Jala usually 3-5 girls. Right takes you to Marisol where you’ll find 3 or 4 working girls outside. During the day this is a pool bar, 2 blocks down Main Street eastbound from Marisol you’ll get pass club 75. Good strip club. Entrance fee 5 dollars. For the extras you can go to a room with the girl. Lot’s of girls mostly from Dominican Republic. Quality is ok 4-8. There are a few strip clubs but they’re really just brothels. These places are even frequented by police who know what goes on in the place and they don’t do anything about it! Average cost in these places is between $35-$50 for fs. Oral w/ condom and intercourse. If you want to take a girl to your hotel for the night it costs $200-$250 and she’ll do you 3 times. Almost every prostitute here is from the Dominican Republic. The brothels I know of on St. Thomas Are:
El Cubano
in Smith Bay
downtown Charlotte Amalie, Main Street.
Jala Jala
Pronounced hala hala
downtown Charlote Amalie, Main street.
The Tank
in the Nisky area of the island near the airport.