El Salvador

Tio Sam was one of the more popular strip clubs and like nearly all clubs and casas there was filled almost 100 percent with local latinos, including some poor latinos and some latino teenagers. Every guy has his taste and the girls who work constantly change. But, the best girl I ever saw in Tio Sam was maybe an 8. If you got a 9 or 10 at Tio Sam, then you were very lucky.

The best girls worked at Lips, on the Escalon street next to a traffic circle where there was a Burger King and the discotheque Padrino. Lips is a must-see strip club with over 50 girls. The problems with Lips were that the girls cannot leave until 3am when the club closes and many girls were not interested in a date because they made their money doing lap dances, which costed about $12 for three songs. Most gringos would do better going to San Jose,

Was in San Salvador in the summer. There is a massage parlor behind the Sheraton, around the block and down the street just behind it; can’t remember the name, something like “OKOLE”. For less than 40, fs, bbbj, beautiful girl took my leche in her mouth two days in a row. Have to go back.

San Salvador
On avienda 43 just off of FDR (This is Escalon after BVLD de los Heros), there is a small whore house. It has a right light and gaurds out front. Its $2.50 to get in, and that includes a beer. You can pick a girl, and buy her a beer for the same price. You can go into one of several dingy bedrooms for $20 per half hour. You can get whatever you want including 2 girls. The price is double. Its obviously not the nightest place, but its relatively safe and reliable. Not to mention pretty cheap!

Tio Sam
Recently returned from San Salvador. Some things have changed since my last trip 7 yrs ago. Street action is still available, (which I didn’t try.) went to “tio sam” or uncle sam. It’s a small club. Liquor is available. Maybe 30+ dancers of various shapes and sizes. Ranging from 4 to 10 in looks. The 10’s are michelle 18, 5’2, 34 24 33 and her sister Jennifer 19, 5’3, 34 24 34. Took them & another gal out for about $150USD for 2.5 hrs. Went to motel($40USD) Michelle provided excellent BBBJ, everything else was safe. Was enthusiastic. She has an awesome flawless tanned body! I’m not sure if you can take out a dancer at any of the other clubs in town, they’re more like US strip clubs. Also knowing Spanish helps.

Good looking girls and a good selection. The menu had a $29 dollar service special; oral, multi positions, and massage. The girl was nice but mechanical. BBBJ and sex without a condom offered.

Z Club
Hours 7PM-2AM five girls working and a couple customers. Cost for service $40 each hour, which includes the pool and private room shower. Deep French kissing, BBBJ.

Recently returned from San Salvador. Some things have changed since my last trip 7 yrs ago. Street action is still available, (which I didn’t try.) went to “tio sam” or uncle sam. It’s a small club. Liquor is available. Maybe 30+ dancers of various shapes and sizes. Ranging from 4 to 10 in looks. The 10’s are michelle 18, 5’2, 34 24 33 and her sister Jennifer 19, 5’3, 34 24 34. Took them & another gal out for about $150USD for 2.5 hrs. Went to motel($40USD) Michelle provided excellent BBBJ, everything else was safe. Was enthusiastic. She has an awesome flawless tanned body! I’m not sure if you can take out a dancer at any of the other clubs in town, they’re more like US strip clubs. Also knowing Spanish helps.

For those looking for the pure joy of sex, San Salvador should be remembered as one of those havens. Sex is cheap, abundant, girls are varied, and locations are across the city and convenient.

First off, if you are in one of the nicer 4 or 5 star hotels, forget about bringing in a girl at night. Most girls are situated at or near “motels” as they call them, and charge by the 1/2 or full hour.

Girls range from butt ugly to kinda nice. If it’s a princess you’re looking for, San Salvador is not for you. But the girls enjoy sex, and
some are really good. Going rate is 250 colones for about an hour, which will include oral and straight sex. This is for one shot of your load, so if you lose it in the oral, it’s over. Wear condoms. They’re available for next to nothing at the “motels” if the girls don’t have in their purses. Motel rates are usually about 25 colones for the 1/2 or full hour.

Exchange rate is and has been steady around the 9 to 1 mark. Your event should end up costing you less than 300 colones, or around US $30. Beat that!!! Two places are walking distance from the El Camino Real hotel, but don’t get busy until around 9pm.

First one. Go “down” the main road in front of the hotel. Eventually the road starts up again and you’ll come to a round-a-bout. Turn right there and go down the street about 3 or 4 blocks. Ask anyone around for “Senoritas” or “Putitas”. The first term is nice meaning “ladies, the second is “whore”. Either word and any guy around there will know which way to point you.

Second one. Go “up” the main street in front of the hotel. When you pass the car dealership and come to the gas station, turn right and go up the hill a little ways. You’ll pass another gas station within a block or two and see girls down the street to your right. DON’T go there. This is the TV/TS hangout (unless that’s what you’re looking for. The DO look good!) Go another block or two and you will see all the girls camped out on both sides of the street.

As with any country, knowing the local language helps the girls become more friendly and maybe knock off a couple bucks. One night, I had two girls together. They weren’t bi, but they worked me well, one on each end. Total cost for the package of two was 300 colones, plus 25 colones for the room for the hour. Throw in the 30 colones of taxi fair round trip (Hey, I’m lazy) and the evening with two great women was just under $40. For that I got one blond girl that looked 18, and another typical Salvadorian who said she was mid-30’s. She looked it, but came through in the end with her years of experience. She gave me a blow job like I’ve NEVER had!!!

There is club at the top of the street Escalon called Lips. You get in for a $6 cover that gets you a large beer, so its break even. There are dozens of girls. You just sit down and they start coming to you. For $12 you can have a lap dance. This includes the girls getting naked, and your allowed to touch anywhere. Most of these girls are available for take out. However, you must wait until the end of their shift, which is 3am. It’s pretty expensive from there. The asking rate is $100. That is for about 4 hours, as much as you can handle. You need to go to a special car hotel. The price for this is between 10 and 20 for 4 hours or so. The girl and the taxi drivers know where to take you. You can arrange to have the taxi driver to pick you up when you’re finished. The regular hotels will not let a girl in at night, but if you plan ahead for a daytime meeting, you should not have any problems

Recently returned from San Salvador. Some things have changed since my last trip 7 yrs ago. Street action is still available, (which I didn’t try.) went to “tio sam” or uncle SAM. It’s a small club. Liquor is available. Maybe 30+ dancers of various shapes and sizes. Ranging from 4 to 10 in looks. The 10’s are Michelle 18, 5’2, 34 24 33 and her sister Jennifer 19, 5’3, 34 24 34. Took them & another gal out for about $150USD for 2.5 hrs. Went to motel($40USD) Michelle provided excellent BBBJ, everything else was safe. Was enthusiastic. She has an awesome flawless tanned body! I’m not sure if you can take out a dancer at any of the other clubs in town, they’re more like US strip clubs. Also knowing Spanish helps

On avienda 43 just off of FDR (This is Escalon after BVLD de los Heros), there is a small whore house. It has a right light and guards out front. Its $2.50 to get in, and that includes a beer. You can pick a girl, and buy her a beer for the same price. You can go into one of several dingy bedrooms for $20 per half hour. You can get whatever you want including 2 girls. The price is double. Its obviously not the nightest place, but its relatively safe and reliable. Not to mention pretty cheap!

For a nice short time lay at a reasonable price, check out “Ali Baba’s” in San Salvador. Small whore house with 5-8 girls, some hot, some not. This place has friendly service and does not try to hustle you, unlike many Latin American strip bar/whore houses. This is a local place for slightly more upscale Salvadorenos, so they have not yet mastered the scamming of gringos. You must, however, be able to speak passable Spanish or you will get nowhere.

Any large strip bar where the waiters wear bow ties and seem overeager to serve you. At these places you will be fleeced with overpriced drinks, room charges, etc. $100 for a piece of tail in this part of the world is outrageous unless she is model quality and you are getting her for the night. Cab drivers will always try to take you to these neon-lit, overpriced tourist traps but you should insist on a local “puteria” instead.

Go to a place called Gloria’s. Any local or taxi driver can get you there. It usually gets busy after eight p.m. It is in a housing district. It looks just like any other house, except when you knock on the metal door, someone opens a little slot, to see who is on the other side. Then they let you in. Kind of like a Chicago speak easy. Once you are in you can set around drink beer, shoot the breeze, look at the girls, whatever, but you better be buying something. The girls just walk around, they are not naked but by the way they are dressed you know what they are doing. You can ask one to come over or go talk to one. Most speak basic English for those gringos out there. Once you make the deal, you pay the girl and she takes you upstairs. There is only one bed in the joint. The room is kept clean. They are a little more expensive than the street girls, better looking, and are regarded to be a bit safer. Some girls from central and south America are a little naive about certain things such as oral/Russian/anal sex. You had better ask, before you make the deal. However, I had a few that asked me to teach them. Women from El Salvador are very beautiful and friendly to Americans. Do not get rough with these women or you will be out

At Lips, you can work something out with the ladies after they leave their shifts for the evening. $50 per night was standard when I was there. The shift changes at 8 PM, so if you arrive at 7 PM, you can see both shifts.

Tio Sam does not exist any more, and the brothel reported in avenida 43 neither. I was there three weeks ago. However, there are many nice places where you get very good service for anything between 20 and 200 USD. If you speak spanish and know where to go you will enjoy san salvador an evening long with several girls and not spend more than 100 USD. Taxi drivers can always get you to the best places, but tell them what type of money you want to spend, they usually get good tips for bringing new clients to expensive bars, while the really good places might not need that type of help.

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