
As for general safety, though Guate has taken a beating for some years according to US Gov’t travel advisory and so forth. For the most part the people in this country are passive, and very open to travelers and tourist, with tourism actually standing out over the last several years as the country’s leading industry. Just as anywhere in the world that is a tourist attraction, from time to time someone will be the victim of petty theft, and as every where someone will go where they should not and get themselves mugged, or start a fight in a back alley doing something stupid like looking for drugs and get themselves beat to shit or even shot. What’s New?
What to expect
For quality sex the girls are as good as anywhere. They are in the business, on the upper end, the private escorts, and show club girls, because they are very attractive Latin and Caribbean honey’s and enjoy their work. Some, as women everywhere, have more fire than others.
Massage Parlor: You sit down in a nice living room and girls come out, sit down with you, and cuddle up. This old guy brings you a drink. If you don’t stay, its Q20 for the drink, if you stay, the drink is on the house. These girls are THE BEST. They come from Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, and Nicaragua and they are beautiful. Two girls will cost between $150-180.

The back alley brothels are a different story. There is at least one of these places in every shit hole little village, with a curtain for a door, where men sit around drinking cheap liquor with mostly fat, ugly, pregnant chicks stuffed into spandex, spitting on the floor. It’s a real Billy the kid sort of Mexican whore house scene where the girls are working to pay off family debts, hooked on drugs or booze, and only trying to sell over priced hot beer. It can be a very exciting experience if you really want to have a story to tell, but it ain’t about getting laid…’s about saying “been there, done that.” Of course it takes all kinds and some people go for that sort of thing. The point being this country, Guatemala, has it all for sex and adventure from the top rung of first class to the bottom of third world. As a whole the country is incredibly beautiful, the weather is perfect, the babes are young and hot, and the people are kind.

Guatemalans come in all shapes and sizes, however these girls do not look much like what you see in Houston or Miami clubs. They’re more short and tend to be a bit heavier. In the better clubs, you are guaranteed to see some real dolls. These girls are really hot-blooded. They like to make out a lot and will French with you for hours. Guatemalan women have no clue as to what women’s lib is. They are thrilled if you take them out dancing, by them some good perfume or bring them some American jeans. If you’re a good guy, they’ll be very proud just to be seen in your company. Most of the girls in these places wear tight miniskirts to show their legs and breasts. If you’re a breast man, Guatemala is not for you.

For quality sex the girls are as good as anywhere. They are in the business, on the upper end, the private escorts, and show club girls, because they are very attractive Latin and Caribbean honey’s and enjoy their work. Some, as women everywhere, have more fire than others.

Prices are very cheap (as anything else in Guatemala!), they vary from US$10 to US$90 – but whores will charge you for every hour (or every time you get off, whatever is first…). Be careful with the drinks there – they are very expensive when purchased for the whores (who will keep asking for one all night long!).

Don’t use drugs in GT. There are strict penalties for this activity. Don’t carry a gun or knife. You don’t need them. Hire a good cab driver to take you around even the worst parts of town. Nobody will bother you as long as you are just looking for sex. You can get as drunk as you want, but don’t even ask for drugs–this shit can get you killed or locked up in some very nasty places.
Don’t bring or wear any valuable jewelry or imitations and carry only the amount of money you’ll need for each day always in your money belt never in hand bags. At night don’t walk if you don’t know the area, take a taxi and always ask about places to avoid. Never try to pick up or to take pictures of children without the parents permission FIRST.

Full country name: Republic of Guatemala
Area: 109,000 sq km (42,500 sq mi)
Population: 12.6 million (growth rate 2.6%)
Capital city: Guatemala City (pop 2 million)
People: 56% mestizo/latino descent, 44% Mayan descent
Language: Spanish, Garífuna and 21 Mayan languages
Religion: Roman Catholic, Pentecostal, Mayan-Catholic fusion
Government: Democratic
President: Alfonso Portillo Cabrera
Health risks: Cholera, dengue fever, malaria, hepatitis, typhoid, dysentery
Time: GMT/UTC minus 6 hours
Electricity: 115V to 125V, 60Hz
Weights & measures: Metric
Currency: The unit of currency is the Quetzal, made up of 100 centavos.

As for general safety, though Guate has taken a beating for some years according to U.S. Government travel advisory and so forth. For the most part the people in this country are passive, and very open to travelers and tourist, with tourism actually standing out over the last several years as the country’s leading industry. Just as anywhere in the world that is a tourist attraction, from time to time someone will be the victim of petty theft, and as every where someone will go where they should not and get themselves mugged, or start a fight in a back alley doing something stupid like looking for drugs and get themselves beat to shit or even shot. What’s New?

For quality sex the girls are as good as anywhere. They are in the business, on the upper end, the private escorts, and show club girls, because they are very attractive Latin and Caribbean honey’s and enjoy their work. Some, as women everywhere, have more fire than others.

The back alley brothels are a different story. There is at least one of these places in every shit hole little village, with a curtain for a door, where men sit around drinking cheap liquor with mostly fat, ugly, pregnant chicks stuffed into spandex, spitting on the floor. It’s a real Billy the kid sort of Mexican whore house scene where the girls are working to pay off family debts, hooked on drugs or booze, and only trying to sell over priced hot beer. It can be a very exciting experience if you really want to have a story to tell, but it ain’t about getting laid…’s about saying “been there, done that.” Of course it takes all kinds and some people go for that sort of thing. The point being this country, Guatemala, has it all for sex and adventure from the top rung of first class to the bottom of third world. As a whole the country is incredibly beautiful, the weather is perfect, the babes are young and hot, and the people are kind.

Best time: The dry season, December through April, is the best time to visit Guatemala. Along with summer holidays, however, this is also the busiest time. Although the rain may restrict some activities during the wet season, it’s still worthwhile planning your trip for this time of year, particularly as you’ll be more likely to pick up accommodation bargains. If you’re planning to be in the area around Easter, try to be in Guatemala for Semana Santa (Holy Week), the highlight of the country’s festival calendar. Weather

Major international airlines fly into Guatemala City and Flores. Most flights to the country pass through the North American hub cities of Dallas/Fort Worth, Los Angeles, Houston, Mexico City or Miami. The departure tax is $30. Best flights are American airlines and Taca. American fly’s non-stop from Miami and Dallas I usually get a round trip with American from LA for $464.

Canadian and American citizens traveling to Guatemala do not require visas.
US Embassy / Consulate: Avenida La Reforma 7-01 in Zone 10, Guatemala City. Telephone: (502) 331-1541.
Canadian Embassy / Consulate: 13 Calle 8-44, Zona 10, Edyma Plaza, 8th floor, Guatemala City. Telephone: (502) 333-6102

January 1 (New Years Day)
January 6 (Epiphany)
April 21-24(Easter)
May 1 (Labor Day)
June 30 (Anniversary of the Revolution)
August 15 (Assumption, Guatemala City only)
September 15 (Independence Day)
October 12 (Columbus Day)
October 20 (Revolution Day)
November 1 (All Saints Day)
December 24-25 (Christmas)
December 31 (New Years Eve).

Taxis, taxis are cheap. don’t pay more than $7 (35 quetzals) to get from the airport to Zone 10.

Money changing is a big business in GT. Where is the best place to get your dollars into Q’s? That depends on the time of the day, the exchange rate you want and the volume of the transaction. The street will give you the best rate, but it is riskier–you could get robbed, tricked, short-changed, etc. The bank is a hassle–passports, metal detectors, etc. The private banks only deal in large amounts. The hotels offer low rates. Whatever you do, don’t deal for sex with US dollars. The whorehouses offer the lowest rates in town and usually try to rip off gringos. The best thing is to get your Q’s then go shopping for sex. Only take enough to pay for the cap driver, the screwing and some police tips. Don’t flash your money to anyone, even the whore. They are all starving for quick cash. Although 99% of all GT people are honest, you may run into the 1% more often when you are buying sex services

US dollars or travelers cheques are the best currency to bring to Guatemala, and can be easily exchanged at banks or money-changers. Credit cards are accepted at larger hotels, and cash advances are available at banks. ATM machines are common in the cities, but not elsewhere.


Always change money at bank or hotel. Never on the streets. There is a bank at the airport that is open at the time the planes comes and leave, also a ATM machine that sells Quetzals or US Dollars can be find at the airport. Is a good idea to bring US$1 bills for tips and taxis.

Cuanto por sexo: How Much to fuck?
“Sin perservativo: Without a rubber
“Yaaaa: Stop already
“Me duelle: That hurts
“Que rico: How delicious that feels
“Guapa: Good looking
“Mameme: Suck me
“Coheme: Fuck me
“Mas: More
“Hasta manana: All night or until tomorrow.
“Quieres bilar?: Do you want to dance?
“Vamos a la playa: Let’s go to the beach
“Suave: Softly, gently
“Mas duro: Harder, do it more, with more force.
“Puta: Whore
“Tu Sales?: Do you go out?–sex for money?
Salida: The right to take her home with you.
Regla: Her period.

Guatemalan food shares some similarities with Mexican cuisine, as both rely heavily on corn and beans, but there are many unique Guatemalan dishes. Subanik, a highly spiced dish made from chicken, beef, or pork, and jocon, chicken in green tomato sauce, are two local favorites. Beer is popular all over the country. Drink only bottled beverages.

Budget Meals: US$2-5 Mid-range: US$5-15 Top-end: US$15 and upwards

The safest mode of operation is to hire a taxi driver from one of the large hotels, get to know him. Hire him for the night to accompany you around to the various spots. He will park his car and go in with you–while you buy him a drink, of course. This situation avoids a lot of the trouble tourists get into–local police shake downs, military roadblocks, local thugs. Taxis are generally not stopped in the road blocks by the local authorities looking for tips or stolen cars or both. After about four or five of this trips, buy the cab driver a girl as a bonus for his help.|

Budget: US$5-30 Mid-range: US$30-60 Top-end: US$60 and upwards. The best hotels in Zona 10 run about 65-120 a night. If you want a large suite, go with Radissons Via Magna. for more upscale, there’s a Camino Real. Also the Stoefella is fine. In Zone 1 you can get rooms for $20-35 but the area is a bit rough.
Hotel List

Guatemala City is an ideal place to shop. Visitors interested in handicraft will find them in the Central Market, located a block away from the Cathedral. They will find textiles, leather, wood carvings, ceramics, and basket work. Downtown, especially 6th Avenue, is the liveliest shopping area. Thousands of people move daily through this sector, where they can buy what they need at favorable prices.

The Sunday market at Chichicastenango is an incredibly colorful sight, and local handicrafts are popular around the world. The brightly colored fabrics are used to make everything from clothing to blankets to dolls, and prices will depend on your bargaining skills.

Guatemalans come in all shapes and sizes, however these girls do not look much like what you see in Houston or Miami clubs. They’re more short and tend to be a bit heavier. In the better clubs, you are guaranteed to see some real dolls. These girls are really hot-blooded. They like to make out a lot and will French with you for hours.
Guatemalan women have no clue as to what women’s lib is. They are thrilled if you take them out dancing, by them some good perfume or bring them some American jeans. If you’re a good guy, they’ll be very proud just to be seen in your company.
Most of the girls in these places wear tight mini-skirts to show their legs and breasts. If you’re a breast man, Guatemala is NOT for you.

Las Flores: This place is an “old fashioned” whorehouse. Girls vary from 6s to 9 and maybe a couple of 10s. Price are very cheap (as anything else in Guatemala!), they vary from US$10 to US$90 – but whores will charge you for every hour (or every time you get off, whatever is first…). Be careful with the drinks there – they are very expensive when purchased for the whores (who will keep asking for one all night long!).

To find a massage parlor look in the morning paper of the Prensa Libre.

Machulas: You sit down in a nice living room and girls come out, sit down with you, and cuddle up. This old guy brings you a drink. If you don’t stay, its Q20 for the drink, if you stay, the drink is on the house. These girls are THE BEST. They come from Guatemala, Panama, El Salvador, and Nicaragua and they are beautiful. Two girls will cost between $150-180.

Maruhas: Located near “”El Trebol.” It looks like a regular house, but with the tell-tale red bulb outside. Armed guards outside the place. As you go inside there are several couches where you could lounge around, a bar, etc. There you can talk to the girls. A man will ask you what you want to drink. Order a soda which will cost Q20.00 (quetzales, the local currency $1=Q6.8 around 12/98). Of course that’s way overpriced. It will cost about Q300.00 for an hour with the girl. The girl will lead you to her room, and there the Matrona brings the towels and waits to get paid. You should tip her Q5-Q10 or so. Go over with the girl of what you’d like to do. She will take off her clothes and then the fun begins. Most girls range from 5-7.5). Remember to tip the armed guard outside, he is watching your car after all (Q5-Q10 is sufficient).

Gardens: (formerly Le Jardin), 6a Avenida 6-15 in zone 9, Q20/admission and beer, Q25/additional beer, 10 chicas, casa. Rooms are upstairs.

The strip action is pretty tame/lame compare to US standards, however you can drink, touch and can usually take any of the girls home with you.

747 Club: Oro Solido, 6th Ave zone 4. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. 6 girls, low-class cat house.

Bar Hollywood: 7th Ave, near Calz. San Juan. zone 19. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q15/liter of beer, disco dance club, local young patrons, 7 girls weekday.

Beatriz Club: 11th Ave 1. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q15/beer, 15 girls, Q205/half hour, room with private shower, 4pm-1:30am,

Borders: one block from Hotel Ramada Conquistador, zone 4, Q25/beer, 15 chicas, strip club. The deal here is Q400 – Q600 for short time at the hotel across the street, which costs another Q50. The chicas are average around 6 rating-wise, but are willing.

Capricho: 5 ave. 13-69 Zona 9. not far from the new Marriott hotel. Guatemala City, Guatemala Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q30/beer. Most nights there are 20 to 30 girls, most fairly decent, some stunning. Many are Nicas, some really cute ones are Guatemalan. The rooms in the club are great – WAY better than anything you get in TJ. The total cost for a full hour is Q400, about $55, including the room. Over nighters are about 800 to 1400 Q. You won’t be disappointed – the club is very well appointed, AC, trendy lights, granite tables and bar, great stage, etc. Many girls will blow you at the booth as an “inducement” to go back with them.

Caribe: 3rd Calle 4-69. zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City.

Cesar: 5th Ave 3-85 in zone 9, Q25/beer, 12 girls. No sign in front to label this place. Usually a lot of cars are parked in front. Many locals who frequent it but not a lot happening there.

Club Maruchas: Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City.

Coco Loco: Q19/liter of beer and Q10/beer, roomy grubby cat house, 15 girls weekday.

Extasis: 5th Ave 3-18. zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q25/beer, 10 girls. striptease club.

Facinacion: Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City

International Flamingo: 7th Ave 7-07. zone 4. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q25/beer, 20 girls. Located three blocks away from the Ramada Conquistador Hotel and at the basement level. There is a large signpost in front and an outside entrance door. Just a place to drink, dance, and watch strippers. No reports of girls leaving with customers.

Jardin de Venus: Blvd Los Proceres (or 18th Calle) 21-55. zone 10. Guatemala City, Guatemala
Nearest Major City: Guatemala City

La Enramada: Zona 6. en la entrada del famoso Barrio San Antonio. Guatemala City, Guatemala
Nearest Major City: Guatemala City

Le Club: Oro Solido, 6th Ave. zone 4. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q25/beer, two-level seating, big-screen hard-core flick, 25 girls, crowded, -1am.

Le Jardin: 12th Calle between 6th Ave and 6th Ave A. zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala
Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q22/beer, good cathouse, 10 girls, Q250/half hour, 7pm-1am.

Majestic Club: 1st Ave 14-41. zone 1. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q20/beer, rundown smelly cathouse, local working class patrons, 7-8 young slow-witted girls, 4pm-1am.

Miami: Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City

Oro Solido; 6th Ave, a block away from Ramada Conquistador Hotel. zone 4. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q22/beer, 25 girls, two-level stage for striptease, good shows.
Seven girls entering one at a time on the second-level, grabbing the center-placed, floor-to-ceiling pole to swirl down to the first level (and a couple of girls did this upside down with their heads hitting the floor first), and then the usual shake their goodies about the stage. Then they spread out throughout the audience to do a 30-second shake-your-booty dance before your face and next switch to do the same in front of another customer and so on, until the end of the song. Finally, they returned to the stage for a finale of seven girls stripping nude before your ever-moving eyes. Afterwards, the next group of seven girls came on to do the same. And after them came another group of seven girls. Needless to say, seven naked dancing girls is more than seven times better than one naked dancing girl.

Paradise: 5th Ave. 3-85. zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q22/beer, 2-girl show, Q250/half hour, Q1010/take-out, 15 girls, crowded with local patrons.

Platinum Club: 5th Calle 2-37. zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q25/beer, 8 girls. Quality and quantity have gone down. 7pm-1:30am, Q275/half hour, middle-class local and foreign patrons.

Queens: 11th Calle or 10 Calle A, near Reforma Ave. zone 10. Guatemala City, Guatemala
Nearest Major City: Guatemala City

Sirenas: Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City

Sweet Lady: 12th Calle 9-57. zone 1. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q20/beer, 8 girls, rundown smelly nightclub, local working class patrons, 4pm-1am.

The Baron Roja: (Zone 4) is an OK strip bar with a Q50 (Q6.3=US$1) cover charge that allows you two free drinks. KEEP THE DRINK TICKETS YOU GET AT THE DOOR. Tipping on stage is not done. No lap dances. Don’t expect much English and don’t expect too many gringos. The Gallo beer is not bad (Q22 each after two). There are between 20-30 girls there on a Saturday night. They usually dance two dances at a time 1 clothed and 1 in various stages of nudity. Near the end of the second song, they are buck naked. Most of the dancers appear to NOT enjoy their time on stage. A smile is rare, unless for a gringo. There are a few dancers that put on a lively, athletic performance, but overall….average at best. The quality of women at the Baron Roja is 6-8 on a scale of 10. Expect to see young girls, relatively fit, an occasional stretch mark, some piercing (belly buttons mostly), some C-section scars and SMALL BREASTS.

The Men’s Club: 3rd Ave about 10-37. zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. This is just like any lap-dancing place in the U.S.—except that after a few dances, the girls expect you to go with them across the street to get laid. The place is glitzy with two stages, lots of lights, soft couches in quiet places. The girls will sit down with you, slide a hand up your thigh, and ask for a drink. Drinks are Q70, about $10 and she will be all over you.

Titanium Club: Oro Solido, 6th Ave. towards zone 9. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. 6 girls, low-class cathouse.

Don’t sit at a bar or strip club too long. Order a drink, ask the waiter to bring you a girl that strikes your fancy, order her a drink–a tequila, not a beer or a wine, ask her how much to fuck and don’t buy another drink if all she does is dance and talk. This sounds cruel, but at $8 US a drink this makes sense. You can sit there and order 5 to 10 “colored water” drinks with a really cute girl and before you know it, you are drunk and broke and not fucked.

If a girl in a mini-dress is sitting with you at a bar and after 5 minutes has not told you how much, then you need to get up and get out of that bar, club, dance hall, etc. Move. Don’t spend another nickel there.

Don’t use drugs in GT. There are strict penalties for this activity. Don’t carry a gun or knife. You don’t need them. Hire a good cab driver to take you around even the worst parts of town. Nobody will bother you as long as you are just looking for sex. You can get as drunk as you want, but don’t even ask for drugs–this shit can get you killed or locked up in some very nasty places.

Don’t bring or wear any valuable jewelry or imitations and carry only the amount of money you’ll need for each day always in your money belt never in hand bags. At night don’t walk if you don’t know the area, take a taxi and always ask about places to avoid. Never try to pick up or to take pictures of children without the parents permission FIRST.

Don’t worry about blue shirt police patrols. They walk around in groups of two’s and three’s just checking on things. Offer them a beer after they check your passport. Don’t carry the original, just a Xerox copy. They know you are there to screw. It’s cool. Give the lead guy a small tip to watch out for you, about $3 US. They are looking for supplemental income they only make about $300 a month to support their families and girlfriends. They like gringos who come to GT to spend money. Don’t cause trouble. Police, Military and Trafficos: Police wear blue shirts and always want money or tips–It’s cool, give ‘um $3 when they ask or don’t ask.

Military road blocks are common. They want stolen cars and drugs. Don’t tip these guys, just move on. Trafficos are trouble, they want all your money and your car. None of these guys bother cab drivers very much. Avoid all the hassles and get to know a good cab driver. Most of these guys have lived in the states before and know English. The cabs in GT are old, beat-up vehicles. Don’t worry about flats or repairs, you will get to where you are going, no matter how long it takes to get there.

I had just arrived to Guatemala to visit a friend who had been living there for a couple of years. We decided to go and get some drinks before we embarked on satisfying our sexual desires. We were in the city of Antigua and my friend began asking around for locations of the brothels. Antigua is not the place for this. There is a brothel about 2 to 3 miles out of town in a very suspect area. I didn’t speak Spanish and was totally dependent on my friend to translate and find me a girl. So we arrived to the brothel and the girls were fat and very ugly. They were rude and smelled. But after quite a few drinks and the fact that I really wanted to get laid, I found the cutest girl in the bar who was an overweight average 18 year-old girl. We settled on a price which was less than $8. My friend wished me luck and told me that he wasn’t that desperate. So we go upstairs and go into a “”orphan Annie”” type room with lots of bunk beds and girly posters. We strip down and the girls body was in horrible shape for her age. She was severely bruised and her body looked like that of a 35 to 40 year-old lady. I knew that she was young by her face. So in my drunken stupor I continue with this poor girl. We start messing around and she has me start fingering her. So I slip in one finger and then two. She seems to really be enjoying this and puts three fingers. By the time she starts to arouse me a bell sounds off and she gets up and puts on her clothes and says something in Spanish. So I figure that our time is up. So I go back downstairs with an ultimate feeling of doom and look for my friend who is not there. The poor bastard comes walking down the stairs slowly with the fattest chick I have ever seen. He claims that she had the biggest tits he had ever seen and had to try it out. He said that this chick too was the loosest girl that he had ever fucked. We both agreed that it was the worst experience with whores that we had ever had. So don’t go to Antigua for whores. The city is charming, beautiful and if you need a whore go to the Guatemala city which is only 30 minutes away. I also think that there are brothels on the way to Guatemala city, but I have never tried those

A great place to visit in Guatemala city is Caprichos. Most nights there are 20 to 30 girls, most fairly decent, some stunning. Many are Nicas, some really cute ones are Guatemalan. The rooms in the club are great – WAY better than anything you get in TJ. The total cost for a full hour is Q400, about $55, including the room. Over nighters are about 800 to 1400 Q. You won’t be disappointed – the club is very well appointed, AC, trendy lights, granite tables and bar, great stage, etc. Many girls will blow you at the booth as an “inducement” to go back with them.

I was fortunate to meet up with a taxi driver, Mynor, who specializes in “nocturnal transportation”. Mynor knows all the girls that work in the upscale bars and has the latest whore info. His Cell # is 5016687, Tel# 2543746 (in Guatemala City). Avoid Sirenas club which is about 20 minutes outside of Antigua. Capricho has a sister club owned by the same man (German) which is also high end. Most of the girls in Caprichos also attend in the other club. Unfortunately I don’t remember that club’s name, but Capricho is more than enough to get you started.

Guatemala City
Massage Parlors
You find them in “Prensa Libre” newspaper, some of them advertise their exact address, while others have to be called. Generally no English spoken at the cheaper places.

I find them fair in prices and treatment, you tend to get what is advertised. Girls are usually quite responsive and GFS is almost common. A full body massage (not exactly professional standards, but certainly sexy)with manual dessert costs between 150 and 300 Q (8Q to the USD), full sex somewhat more. According to my longstanding experience there is no general relation between quality and price often you find best treatment in a cheaper place, however installations correspond to the price : the upper range is in nicer surroundings, the lower end often in uninspiring rooms. In the tourist areas (zone 10) there are several parlors that i do not frequent, they tend to cost considerably more than the ones in the other areas, maybe somebody wants to try them out ? I prefer top sex (8-10 in a scale of 10) with girls looking 7-9 for affordable prices.

Guatemala has a wide variety of good brothels. In the Shows and Discos which cater to tourists, businessmen and local “chicos plasticos”, you will spend upwards from 100 USD for a few drinks and a girl in your bed.

However, there are many dozen brothels in Guatemala city, ranging from sleazy (50 Q for half an hour with a girl) all the way to comfortable at 300 Q for the same. Ask your taxi driver for a place at the level you are prepared to spend.

I have many experiences at the upper half of this range, and generally spoken girls are in a 6 to 9 range for looks and 7 to 10 in service. The more upmarket places have a security system, with heavy armed private guards. Inside you find a number of girls sitting around, and another number of men sipping their beer. There is always some interchange, as men buy drinks for the girls, and often spend their cash there (I prefer to spend it upstairs). The girls will approach you for cigarettes or drinks, be careful when you choose, once she is with you it is not easy to change to another one. Be somewhat cool until you have made your selection, then give her some signs and she will join you. Small talk, a drink and approaching the subject, including price. Then move on before she asks for her second and third drink, they sometimes are rather overpriced. Class of service is not necessarily related to the price, you might get super sex for 150 Q, what does always change with price is the quality of the environment, mood in the room, bathroom etc. Generally spoken, you get what you pay for.

Strip Clubs
747 Club
Oro Solido, 6th Ave zone 4 Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City Guatemala City 6 girls, low-class cathouse

Bar Hollywood
7th Ave, near Calz. San Juan. zone 19. Guatemala City, Guatemala. Nearest Major City: Guatemala City. Q15/liter of beer, disco dance club, local young patrons, 7 girls weekday

Baron Roja
(Zone 4) is a strip bar with a Q50 (Q6.3=US$1) cover charge includes two free drinks. Keep the drink tickets you get at the door. Tipping on stage is not done. No lap dances. Don’t expect much English and don’t expect too many gringos. The Gallo beer (Q22 each after first two). There are between 20-30 girls there on a Saturday night. They usually dance two dances at a time 1 clothed and 1 in various stages of nudity. Near the end of the second song, they are totally naked. There are a few dancers that put on a lively, athletic performance. The quality of women at the Baron Roja is 6-8 on a scale of 10

Beatriz Club
11th Ave 5-47 zone 1 Guatemala City Nearest Major City Guatemala City Q15/beer, 15 girls, Q205/half hour, room with private shower, 4pm-1:30am

one block from Hotel Ramada Conquistador, zone 4, Q25/beer, 15 chicas, strip club. The deal here is Q400 – Q600 for short time at the hotel across the street, which costs another Q50

5th ave. 13-69 Zona 9
Not far from the new Marriot hotel. Guatemala City, Q30/beer. 20 to 30 girls. Many are Nicas, some really cute ones are Guatemalan. Cost for 1 hour is Q400, about $55, including the room. Overnighters are about 800 to 1400 Q. Well appointed, AC, trendy lights, granite tables and bar, great stage, etc. Some girls do oral at the booth as an “inducement” to go back with them.

3rd Calle 4-69. zone 9. Guatemala City

5th Ave 3-85 in zone 9, Q25/beer, 12 girls. No sign in front to label this place. Usually a lot of cars are parked in front

5th Ave 3-18 zone 9 Guatemala City, Guatemala Nearest Major City Guatemala City Q25/beer, 10 girls, striptease club.

International Flamingo
7th Ave 7-07 zone 4 Guatemala City, Nearest Major City Guatemala City Q25/beer, 20 girls. Three blocks from Ramada Conquistador Hotel at the basement level. There is a large signpost in front and an outside entrance door. Just a place to drink, dance, and watch strippers. No reports of girls leaving with customers.

Jardin de Venus
Blvd Los Proceres (or 18th Calle) 21-55 zone 10 Guatemala City

Oro Solido
6th Ave a block away from Ramada Conquistador Hotel zone 4 Guatemala City Nearest Major City Guatemala City Q22/beer, 25 girls, two-level stage for striptease, good shows. Seven girls entering one at a time on the second-level, grabbing the center-placed, floor-to-ceiling pole to swirl down to the first level (and a couple of girls did this upside down with their heads hitting the floor first), and then the usual shake their goodies about the stage. Then they spread out throughout the audience to do a 30-second shake-your-booty dance before your face and next switch to do the same in front of another customer and so on, until the end of the song. Finally, they returned to the stage for a finale of seven girls stripping nude. Afterwards, the next group of seven girls came on to do the same. And after them came another group of seven girls.

5th Ave 3-85 zone 9 Guatemala City, Nearest Major City Guatemala City Q22/beer, 2-girl show, Q250/half hour, Q1010/take-out, 15 girls, crowded with local patrons

Platinum Club
5th Calle 2-37 zone 9 Guatemala City Q25/beer, 8 girls, 7pm-1:30am, Q275/half hour, middle-class local and foreign patrons

11th Calle or 10 Calle A, near Reforma Ave. zone 10 Guatemala City

Sweet Lady
12th Calle 9-57 zone 1 Guatemala City, Nearest Major City Guatemala City Q20/beer, 8 girls, local working class patrons, 4pm-1am

The Men’s Club
3rd Ave about 10-37 zone 9 Guatemala City, Nearest Major City Guatemala City. Just like any lap dance place in the U.S. except after a few dances, the girls expect you to go with them across the street to a room. Glitzy with two stages, lots of lights, soft couches in quiet places. The girls will sit down with you, slide a hand up your thigh, and ask for a drink. Drinks Q70, $10US

Titanium Club
Oro Solido, 6th Ave. towards zone 9 Guatemala City 6 girls, lower class cathouse

Club Sirenas
12-18 girls
$50-$70 per hour

Club Facinacion
The Men’s Club
Club Maruchas
on 5th ave.
13-69 Zona 9
$60 flat rate
Close to the Marriott Hotel

Private house run by Yolanda
Tel 595-6147
5-6 girls
Also near the Marriott
Also some escort and massage ads in the “La Prensa”
There’s a gas station on Zona 9 located at the corner of 7th Ave and Calle Montufar. If you look around this block you will find several streetwalkers the rate will be between 200-250 Q. Ask a cab drive

Don’t sit at a bar or strip club too long. Order a drink, ask the waiter to bring you a girl that strikes your fancy, order her a drink–a tequila, not a beer or a wine, ask her how much to fuck and don’t buy another drink if all she does is dance and talk. This sounds cruel, but at $8 US a drink this makes sense. You can sit there and order 5 to 10 “colored water” drinks with a really cute girl and before you know it, you are drunk and broke and not fucked.
If a girl in a mini-dress is sitting with you at a bar and after 5 minutes has not told you how much, then you need to get up and get out of that bar, club, dancehall, etc. Move. Don’t spend another nickel there.

There are 5-6 houses in the town each with half a dozen working ladies. It’s near Antigua and only a few km away from the center. Take a cab or a bus. La Fuente is a popular place. Prices are a little less then $10US.

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