Kampala is a paradise, all the Hotel bars and may venues such as The Rock Garden at the Speke Hotel, Rhino Bar at the Sheraton, Copper Bar at the Imperial as well as Al’s Bar Kansanga. Prices fair and negotiable, excellent service although beware the dreaded HIV. Girls lovely and accommodating although there are a few hard nosed professionals, the majority are willing amateurs. Have fun.
I have stayed for 3 years in this country on assignment. This is really a good place for the people who really want boobs & pleasure. Visit this place kabalagala after 8pm about 5 km away from city. The place is full of discos and beer bars where you will find local girls moving around. You may approach any single and ask her to come along there are hotels outside who will charge very nominal. Please Please play safe and use very high quality condom as the person might be aids patient. The people are really friendly and seems to be fond of foreigners.
Street Scene
Drive by the main post office after 7pm nightly where women try to wave you down and offer services. The area is safe, service can be had in your car or hotel. Cost 30,000ush $16USD or less
Night Clubs
T.L.C in the city (rock garden) you can apporach single women and have a drink. Buy her a drink, chat a while and then offer her to come to your place. Don’t offer money unless she requests this.
Married women often make themselves available and without a fee. Try Al’s bar in Kansange. $25US per women.