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I have been to Nairobi several times now and stayed each time at the Hilton Hotel; in fact each of my trips has been one night only so I have had no time to check out the area. Central Nairobi is not the safest place especially at night so take a cab after dark.

The Jockey Bar at the Hilton has however a plentiful stock of very willing ladies of the night. On a quiet night they will probably outnumber the guests. They give you some space but their looks tell all. Buy them a drink, turn down the offer to go to a disco unless you are adventurous and make it obvious you are looking for company.

As a previous contributor mentioned to get them to the room involves a 50% supplement and registration. This isn’t difficult however and the first time I did this the girls ID was definitely dodgy but was still accepted.

The girl will stay all night and expect a present, I usually give 80$ which may be too generous. I have had 2 good experiences and one average so not a bad rate of success.

The girls are friendly, open and will be energetic. Treat them really nice and they will give you the same back. Use a condom, have your own supply as one time I had only one and the girl hadn’t got any which was a little frustrating with the whole night available.

Beware if on expenses as if you don’t ask for a separate bill her name will be on your account when you check out. Also don’t go to your room too late as security may get tougher later, especially when the bar closes.

Nairobi what a city, you ‘ll find the most beautiful girls in East Africa. Go to the following places:
1. New Florida Club.
2. Florida 2000 Club.

After 10 p.m you can take a taxi to there. It is a risk to walk at night.

I have been fortunate to stay in Nairobi for several years, and i continue to regularly visit Kenya. Sex is abundant in Nairobi and also very risky. AIDS is on the increase and therefore if you must fuck use a condom. Unlike in Europe where condom dispensers are available in hotels this is not the case, and you have to buy them from chemists or supermarkets. Any decent hooker will have a few, but these are cheap ones usually dished out by the government.

Hello viewers, In Kenya nowadays sexual activities are very much easy after mobile (cell) phone become cheaper. You can find large number of call girls having mobile phone here. The Well known Kimathi Street here and few massage parlor also which are being listed in Nairobi’s daily news paper the Daily Nation in advertisement page and under heading b4:beauty you will find everyday more than five contacts Though they are very cheap and excellent in work but it is highly recommendable to use condoms Also there is other website called from there you can choose Nairobi area and you can also choose the age group and you will find many sex seekers women here sometimes they can even offer you money to fuck them nicely In my next review I will write some contacts for your handy contacts But all around within 20 $ to 250 $ you can do whatever you want And not only in Nairobi but all part of Kenya you can get contacts and they are from all ethnic group Just try some Good Luck Fucking Master

Although probably a bit more expensive than Ethiopia, I would recommend Kenya over Ethiopia. Nairobi is Africa’s answer to Bangkok or Boca Chica, but I would take either of these two over Nairobi in a heartbeat.
The Florida discos are packed every night with young, undemanding African girls of all origins; Kenya, Ethiopia, Somalia, Tanzania, etc. In fact, many of the more attractive or better-off girls from neighboring countries like Ethiopia come to Nairobi because of the many foreign workers and tourists. I went with dated a Ethiopian girl who was a flight attendant on a local airline. And don’t overlook Mombassa and Malindi, two beach towns especially popular with the Germans and Italians.

I was in Kenya a few years ago. I don’t think things have changed much except for the current danger of AIDS.

Kenyan women are very sexual and will want to have a good time when they are in bed with you.
The prices were US$6 short time and $12 all night then and probably have not gone up too much.

Both Nairobi and Mombassa still have several night clubs with freelancers. I think that clubs called Florida are still open in both cities. Throughout Kenya are many places called Day and Night Clubs with freelancers hanging around. They cater to the locals and are cheap, dirty and probably HIV+.

Freelancers are also probably still available around the resort hotels in Watamu-Turtle Bay. You may also score there if you get friendly with the few female staff members or with local girls doing babysitting for tourist families. Many of the ladies speak English. I would not walk anywhere at night. Always take a taxi. The drivers will know the hot clubs. Bring your own condoms and use them for everything. Probably half of the ladies are HIV+ by now.

Florida 2000 is the best sex joint, its a disco and if you are lucky you might get a quickie in there but beware, if caught you’ll have to part with some money for the bouncers. Just like any city, there is a red light section, even though prostitution is illegal in Kenya. If caught loitering, be ready to give a bribe to the police. Here the sex is very cheap and will cost less than £5 for a fuck including hiring of the room.

The street girls are very desperate and will even accept £3 (£1=Kshs 115). With £20 you can get a weeks fuck. Just enter into any bar and you’ll find the girls. Decent bars include modern green and friends bar on latema road. And please leave your valuables in your room. There are a few brothels but only for the locals, upto 80 girls- young, old, slim, big, light/dark skinned (i’ve actually been here) in New Aden on luthuli street. Several girls in one room partitioned with bedsheets, very dingy, and very cheap, only £1. Massage services are also available for £30 and above, lovely ladies- never tried. Are advertised as Massage in the daily papers classifieds, call and they will direct you.

At night all hotels are frequented by hookers and don’t part with more than £50, they are all desperate unlike if a beauty queen or the rest are ugly. Fuck they will especially if you are a foreigner but few will match up to what the west has to offer.

Been about two years since my last trip here, but the best action was still the Florida Bar. Ended up being the site of one of my most fun experiences. Saw A nice looking girl was having a drink at the bar and struck up a conversation. Made her laugh a time or two and she said she had a deal for me. She looked at her bar bill, which was about four dollars, and she said four dollars paid now gets me for the night. She was pretty, early 20’s and white, so she really didn’t look like she belongs here. A bit out of place. But what the hell, I enjoyed talking to her so I took the offer. Gave her the money and she laid it down on her bar tab and said “let’s go give you what you bought”.
End up she’s a doctor’s daughter, a spoiled rich kid who, daddy cut back on her play money so she would go out and screw any guy she picked up for money. The amount was not important because then she would go home and say see what I had to do because of you daddy just make him feel like shit. Besides she was a little sex machine and I think she believed it was safer with an American white guy but I still used condoms for all not that crazy.
Each trips there were always a number of nice looking girls with friendly smiles in the Florida to choose from. But for the most current scene, ask the desk guy or bellhop at your hotel rather than a cab driver for the latest spots. Most will know, or can find out. Knowing they will have to face you again, you tend to get better information than a taxi guy who just wants a kickback and who knows he’ll never see you after that night.

Place to go in Nairobi is Razzmatazz in the Hilton. Usual drill is to have dinner at an Indian restaurant called Bombay Club (very good food – but don’t eat so much so you’re too bloated for the fun that’s about to come!), then ask the manager if you can go to the club upstairs to see the dancers.

And what a dream come true – beautiful freelancers, almost all of them, at least a few dozen. It’s up to you to strike a deal with them. I don’t know much about the price range, because I haven’t actually inquired, but the guy who showed me the place said that if you’re paying $100 for the night, you’re paying too much. But I guess it depends on your state of horniness and the looks of the girl(s).
Best to have a hotel room you can take them to.

Currently the best pickup points in Nairobi is by far the two Florida Discos. Nearly all the girls there are in the trade. Don’t come to early – the girls don’t start to arrive until after 23:00. Typically they will be happy with ~50 USD for the full night.

I’ve been to Diani Beach in Kenya, it was a paradise, when you like Nubian girls.
You don’t need to go to brothels, the girls are easy to get in most places at least when you are Caucasian.
There where ladies in the hotel area, at the casino, but the best choice you have are in the discos and bars.
In the first night I took a girl with me who worked at a casino an went to a disco with her. it was late in the evening and she didn’t want to go to my hotel room, but at the next day she returned and provided the services I was looking for. She tried to made it clear, that she was no professional and that she does not have sex for money. Afterwards she seemed very happy with the US$25 dollars that I gave her as a gift not payment in her eyes. There where all kind of girls here who where waiting for tourists to invite them for a drink. the next night I found a 23 year old Nubian beautiful lady. After a drink and the obligate talk I told her, that I wanted to have anal sex with her. She agreed and I was really surprised. She told me, that she expected money from me, but she also told that didn’t want to bargain with me. I spend several nights with her in cheap hotels, always with condoms and I always gave her money between US$20-US$30 dollars per night. The sex was very good and she earned every dime that I paid her. The tourist guides always told stories about how dangerous it is for white tourists alone by night, but the people here where always very friendly and I didn’t have any problems. But one thing to remember here condoms, condoms, condoms, the aids risk in Kenya is very high.


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