Main area or RLD in Hamilton is James along Barton to say Ottawa, then down to King until Hughson, some on Hughson. The action can be as far away as Barton/Ottawa, the library area on Barton has be very good. Go down Main to Sherman, King/Sherman, Main/Sherman and Barton library. Check the one way streets of these main routes.
I use escorts in Hamilton a lot… the best price around (140.00 per hour). The best service to use I found is Gentlemen’s choice. tele: 905-962-0006…. its been around for quite a while. TNice clean girls 18 to 26 mostly. very discreet I use the esquire motel to meet them at, as for $30.00 cash 2 hour rate no questions asked & no paper work.
When visiting Hamilton get a copy of “the View”; it’s one of those “alternative/ counterculture news papers which lists all the Escort Services and Massage parlours in the area.