The following is a list of brothels, grouped by region, that may be or are currently for sale.I-80 AREA
Donna’s Ranch/Desert Club (closed), Battle Mountain
Asking price: Unknown
More details here (link to external website with property description and contact information)
NOTE: Listing is from April 15, 2004. Contact current owner to learn status of sale.
Green Lantern, Ely (closed)
This brothel has been closed since 1995, but may be for sale again. Contact the White Pine County Chamber of Commerce for details.
“The Line,” Winnemucca
All Winnemucca ranches, except My Place, which was destroyed by fire years ago and is not worth saving, have been sold and are operating under the same management team.
The Cottontail Ranch, Esmerelda County, near Tonopah
Asking price: $1,000,000. Includes license, rights to name and logos, photos, and all brothel contents. Turnkey operation.
More information here.
Angel’s Ladies, near Beatty, went out of business in October, 2007, and there is no word on whether or not it will ever reopen as a brothel.
It appeared that the recent (June 2007) re-sale of the Chicken Ranch, near Pahrump, would go through (sale price: $5.25 million, down from $6.95 million when the brothel was first put on the market in 2004), but the new prospective owner, Bruce Kahn, did not qualify for the brothel license per the Nye County code. Therefore, the brothel will remain under the control of the present owners.
The sale of the property would be a turnkey operation, including the trade name and 40 acres of land.
More details here. (Pahrump Valley Times)
Lazy B Guest Ranch, near Fallon
Asking price: Unknown
Contact the Churchill County Planning Commission to learn status of sale.
Salt Wells Villa, near Fallon
The abandoned brothel burned to the ground in July 2007. Arson is suspected.
NOTE: A proposed anti-brothel law was defeated by Churchill County residents during the November 2004 election.
The Wild Kat Ranch, near Mina, has been sold, and is being operated by its new owner.
- Brothels Alphabetically
- Alien Cathouse Brothel
- Bella’s Hacienda
- Big Four Ranch
- Calico Club aka Donna’s Battle Mountain CLOSED
- Chicken Ranch
- CLOSED Angels Ladies Brothel 10/17/2007
- CLOSED Cottontail Ranch 2005
- CLOSED Green Lantern
- CLOSED Love Ranch Pahrump Las Vegas Area
- CLOSED Love Ranch South (Madam Butterfly’s)
- CLOSED My Place
- CLOSED No. 1 Geisha (formerly Chardon’s Club)
- CLOSED Pussycat Ranch
- CLOSED Shady Lady Ranch 12/14/2014
- CLOSED Simone’s De Paris
- CLOSED Villa Joy
- CLOSED Wild West Saloon (formerly Cozy Corner)
- Donna’s Ranch
- Dovetail Ranch
- Inez’s Dancing and Diddling
- Kit Kat Ranch
- Love Ranch (Bunny Ranch 2)
- Mona’s Ranch
- Moonlight Bunny Ranch
- Mustang Ranch (aka World Famous Brothel)
- Old Bridge Ranch
- Playmate Ranch
- Sagebrush Ranch
- Salt Wells Ranch
- Sharon’s Brothel & Bar
- Sheri’s Ranch
- Stardust Ranch
- Sue’s Fantasy Club
- Wild Horse Adult Resort and Spa
- Wild Kat Ranch
- Brothels For Sale
- General
- Interstate 80 Area
- Las Vegas Area
- Links
- Reno/Carson City Area