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Capetown is like all big harbours full of sex workers. Your best reference would be daily newspaper Argus with it’s classifieds section, and also website,

35 Ebor Road, Wynberg Cape Town.

Checked the Yellow Pages to see what was up for action. I found a couple of entries for Capetown downtown. I called one of the places and asked for location and conditions. They are open from noon to late and have in the early shift 2-3 girls available and from 7 PM 7-9 girls.

The hour cost 380 Rand. I arrived in the afternoon and a short haired blond busty girl has opened door. She takes you to the bar inside and there was a 2nd girl. Very little selection but her friend was a nice local lightly colored girl with a nicely shaped body and having a rum and coke I choose to have her.
We went upstairs the rooms were clean with a shower, a whirlpool and a bed.

After taking a brief shower together with some nice soaping action we moved on to the whirlpool for some nice underwater massage. Great body to body massage that makes you almost come. Some nice tit fucking and good long CBJ to get going moved on the main act. The girl’s name was storm and that is truly the best name she could have gone for. Overall I give her a 6.5 for looks and an 8 for performance.

After one hour we went downstairs again and a 3rd girl showed up. Great looking blond all and slim. I wished I had more time left… looks 8.5 and the rest is to be tested out. Body Heat 021 419-0293 address is on Strand Street. The other club mentioned in the Yellow pages is called Paradise at 157 Long market Street 021 422-0069.

First, be warned, South Africa is a very dangerous place. Most people are very poor and any ghetto in the US would be two steps up from where many people live. Cape Town is the best but murder is still common. I would not go anywhere in Johannesburg at night – the people I worked with had armed guards driving them to the office and back home. In Cape Town, just be careful and know where you are driving. Also AIDS is a huge problem here – you must use a condom.

I was in Cape Town, about four times in 2001. I don’t know the legal status of prostitution in South Africa but it is very common and cheap. Going rate was about $40 to $80. One of the first places I visited was an upscale strip club called Teazers in Bellville outside Cape Town. It had some pretty good dancers (nude) with private dances in the back but no sex. But still a good time. Good food, good beer, and pretty women in a classy club. I met a waitress there that I liked a lot, she called herself Pocahontas – I went back several times just to see her. Last time though she had changed jobs.

Best area for real action is around Regent Street in Seapoint. I went to a club called Romeo’s. Kind of shabby outside and there are bars on the door, but inside they were very friendly. I went there three times and they always had at least eight young Asian (?) girls there. Most of them appeared to be mixed race or Malaysian descent or something. Most were attractive, ranged from 4 to 8. They have a bar with a pool table and the ladies sit around the wall on sofas waiting for you to pick one. There is a shower and rooms in the back. I was a bit shy the first time there and it took several beers before I picked one playing pool. At first I thought she looked a bit boyish, with short hair – but when I saw her naked I was really impressed. She was also very athletic and very cooperative. Very tight. After we finished we found the condom (provided by the bar) had broken. We were both a little concerned. Showered and washed very well. Next time I went she had been tested and all was OK. This time I brought my own condoms.

Down the street was a more upscale place, brightly painted and well lit. Don’t remember the name. It was off a side street but easily visible from Regent Street. First time I went in, there were about six women (it was early). Most appeared a bit older, not so attractive – but friendly. They were mostly white with a few blacks and Asians. The manager gave me a tour. As you enter, you are in the bar and upstairs there are some very nice rooms with baths or Jacuzzi’s. Much nicer than Romeos but I did not fancy any of the girls. A week later I went back and found a Chinese girl (spoke perfect English) who was about 28 with long black hair. We went upstairs and had sex. She was excellent and very friendly. A real girlfriend experience.

Another place nearby is Cupids. A bit harder to find, but in the same general area. I went in saw several attractive women, but just as I decided on one, she was taken by another customer. I left, but this place has potential.

Probably the most fun I had was in the most unlikely place. It was a “strip club” called Crazy Horse in a shabby part of town, far away from the waterfront. I had read about it somewhere on the Internet. I was nervous just walking there and the place appeared to be pretty run down. I paid a small entrance fee and went up the stairs to the bar on the second floor. It was an old wooden bar room with a couple girls dancing and around 10 customers. I think I saw about six girls total – all Asian of some sort. I’d rate them from 4 to 7. I was not too impressed but the beer was good and cheap so I stayed and drank for a while. Finally the most attractive girl came over and we really hit it off. We talked for over an hour at the bar except when it was her turn to dance (of course I bought her a few inexpensive drinks). I think she genuinely liked me. Finally she asked if I wanted to go upstairs. Of course I did.

I paid the bartender about $45 and we went up the stairs to the third floor. She said she only takes about two customers a week upstairs. She grabbed some towels and we went into one of the rooms. It was old and sparsely furnished but had a bed – what else do you need? She undressed me first then herself. Of course I had a huge boner by then. There was a filled bathtub in the bathroom so we washed up first. Then got in to some serious sex. Probably more positions than I’ve ever tried before and it was great. After I finished I spent considerable time eating her – she went nuts, said it was the first time she had ever had two orgasms. We were playing around and I dragged her into the hallway both of us naked and laughing and started fucking her on a nightstand in the hallway where anyone could walk by. Then we went back to the room again and continued. At one point another girl came in thinking the room was empty and laughed when she saw my erection – so I asked her to show me hers and she pulled down her shorts and showed us what she had. We were all laughing.

Later we went back down to the bar, I was a bit drunk and very relaxed. When it was my girl’s turn to dance she stripped and then came over to me (next to the stage) and pulled my shirt off. For a minute I thought she was going to strip me all the way and have sex on the stage with all the other customers watching. Normally I’m shy but I would probably have done it that night. However, she stopped with my shirts. Soon it was 2am and the bar was closing. Here is where I made a HUGE mistake. I had hoped to get her to go home with me, in fact she suggested it. Then she told me the bar fine was $200. Well, that seemed very steep since 90 minutes upstairs was only $45 and the bar was closing anyway – so I declined and she got a little mad and left. In hindsight I know I should have paid it, but drunk and at 2am in a strange country I made the wrong choice. But overall I had a wonderful time that night. I tried to go back on my next trip but couldn’t find it – someone said it might be closed now.

Kloud Nine

As a tourist visiting Cape Town city be street smart, as in any big city it attracts all characters so travel with company at night if possible.

Cape Town can be a big night out so be sharp, leave your valuables in the hotel safe before indulging and most of all enjoy your visit!

Long street is the heart of the city nightlife where you will find tourists from all continents. However if you prefer not to chase the ladies & willing to take advantage of your no doubt stronger than Rand currency the fee for entering a licensed establishment full of ladies will be within your budget.

After a few beverages at least half the ladies should be attractive and I can recommend visiting one of the following safe venues; Nauty40, The Embassy or Mavericks where the latter you will find a great lap dance.

Should you require genuine independent girls at a private venue then browse where you can contact the ladies directly.

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