Your best chances at some quality girls are either at certain clubs or taxi drivers. You can also get lucky if you bump into a so-called tourist hustler. They will provide you with everything you need. Just use your commonsense in selecting a well-dressed & educated hustler.
Ranging from best to worst chances of scoring. Starting with nightclubs “The Drop Off” Situated on Bay St. in the heart of downtown. The club is located on the corners of Bay St. & East St. The entrance of the clubs leads down a stairwell to a basement like club-style. They have an assortment of music, played from a multi disc CD changer. Great menu for the late night prowlers wanting to soak up the alcohol. The Menu has native dishes to International dishes. Crack Conch a must try! The club is small & definitely gets packed around 12:00pm – 1:00am with people. The club will be open until sunrise. You can find the working girls here. They normally sit in the rear area of the club. If you have trouble finding any I suggest you ask the doorman he will definitely find you one.
The other club to try is The Zoo Night, although I have never successfully scored in the zoo, I have heard many success stories. This is an up-to-date style nightclub that plays Hip-Hop, Rap, Techno, & of course Reggae.
Wow, what can I say about this island? Its definitely a lovely place to visit. I mean that’s if you are interested in swimming, snorkeling, diving, enjoying the sun etc. Definitely not the place to go for your next sex vacation. Look elsewhere. Only street action is on a street called Dowdeswell Street close to the harbor. Pass there after 10:30pm in the night or so and you will usually find a few black girls hanging around waiting for guys. Most look like they are on drugs or low life girls, who will probably jack you up real good.
Go for it if you are the adventurous kind who likes to take risks. No more than US $50 for a BJ, and probably another $20 if you want full sex behind a wall in the shadows, but that’s about it. You might be able to convince them for some anal, but I wouldn’t count on it. Altogether, my experiences have been quite disappointing. Look elsewhere my friend