
I was in Honduras a few months ago. Here is a good place to go for action. In the capital city, Tegucigalpa, go to the Hotel Honduras Maya. There is a casino that is attached to the Hotel. In the evenings there is always cab drivers in front of the entrance to the casino. They were great and knew exactly what I wanted. A cabbie took me to a small neighborhood about 15 minutes away. He told me I had to pay around 50 American dollars, then he would go get

2 young girls for me to pick from. I waited for him to bring them back. They were both great looking, Young, and it was hard to choose. I decided on Yessi. He took me to a Hotel that they have a deal with, they use that same Hotel everytime. I think I paid 5 bucks for the room, then it was on. Yessi was gorgeous, 18, and I could do whatever I wanted for a total of an hour and a half, hell, I wasn’t rushed, I may have stayed longer if I wanted to. the cab driver waited right outside the door for us when we were done. I went back 2 times after that, the ladies were 4 or 5 years older, but still great looking, nicely dressed and huge breasts.

Visited Honduras many times. Pussy EXCELLENT,PLENTIFUL,CHEAP. Best city: San Pedro Sula; areas: downtown near Grand Hotel Sula (GHS) and “Parque Centro” (PC). Approx 3 blocks BEHIND GHS, 3 blocks RIGHT (near RR tracks) female and TV streetwalkers. 1 block BACK toward GHS is city utility and telephone building. Many attractive girls on steps, rails, benches. “PC” (2 blocks W X 6 blocks L) located 5 to 6 blocks past FRONT of HGS. (Small “parque” across street from HGS is NOT it). Around “PC” cantinas with take out girls providing good service. Careful; PC area brothels steal and rob. Local currency: Lempira (15L=US$). Negoitate prices in advance. 1 or 2 hours time, pussy licking; BJ, long fuck (condoms optional), cum in partners mouth, swallow cum, LESS than 200L ($14US). Best short time hotel: Hotel Sauce ($7-$10US). Taxis know the location. Avoid “El Centro” strip clubs, perimeter Ring Road (“chicas casas”) brothels; both are rip offs. Summary: LESS than $20US buys 2 hours good sex in a decent clean short time hotel in San Pedro Sula.

I was recently in Tegus and found nothing attractive. The hookers on the street corner talking to the police were less than attractive. I would feel ashamed walking into any hotel with such low quality women. One that I saw every night on the corner had some of the worse teeth I have seen in a long time. The body looked good, but those teeth. I just gave her a cigarette and walked on.

I looked for Noa Noa and never found it. It either disappeared or it is very hard to find. Any advice would be helpful for the next time.

Tegucigalpa and San Pedro Sula are equally squalorous cities and indistinct. “Noa Noa” in Tegus and “La Casa Presidencial” in SPS are reliable puterias (no more than $40 short time). Don’t expect any real talent to arrive until after 10:00pm.

A more adventuresome alternative would be to have your cab driver pick up some street girls and bang them in their homes (no mas $15), although your spanish should be good and you should have a National Geographic Explorer level of cultural adjustment ability.

Roaton Island
I went to Roatan Island this summer and it was fantastic. Roatan is an island off the Caribbean coast of Honduras. It has Beautiful beaches, friendly people, and it was very inexpensive. Roatan is fairly primitive, it has only one paved road that runs the length of the Island, with few big resorts, but it does have some great bars and wonderful restaurants. You can get a good hotel room for $25-35/night, and there are many SCUBA dive centers that offer 7 nights and 10 dives, including 1 night dive, for under $600. This is a real bargain, especially considering that Roatan has some of the best diving in the world. The visibility is well over 150 feet and it is located on the second largest reef system in the World.

The people of Roatan are very friendly, there is a good mix of traditional Hondurans, as well as black people who came during the slave trade, and American and Canadian ex-patriots. All are very friendly and willing to make you feel like one of the natives.

The best part is the women scene. If you can’t find a women for a fun night in Roatan, you can’t find one anywhere. The bars are full of young beautiful women, both Hondurans and travelers, who are looking for some good music, lots of drinking and a good night of sex. The drinks are cheap, and the sex is free. I met a young attractive black Honduran girl, with a great body, at a bar, we got drunk, visited several awesome bars, and she came back to my room for an incredible night of sex. I saw her again a couple days later, on my way to SCUBA diving, and we agreed to meet at local bar that night. I didn’t see her at the bar, but that night around 2:00 she knocked at my hotel room door, came in and we got busy again. All for no money at all. And believe me, there were several other occasions to pick up girls, and there is a great choice of anglos, blacks, and Hispanics. It is really paradise. Go and see. What could be better than great food, great drinks, great SCUBA diving, great beaches, great food, and great chicks. All at a reasonable price, and the women are free.

San Pedro Sula
Streetwalkers 5-7 and a couple 8’s were evident after 10pm to the east of the Gran Sula Hotel. The streetwalkers to the west were all TVs. Also, right outside the Hotel Bolivar about 8 girl’s gathers every night and they are all like $8 – $20. They range from about a 4 to a 6 in looks. Walk or cab the 10 blocks north to the mall and you will have many more girls here to chose from. Nearby the Holiday Inn at San Pedro Sula 10 Ave 1 st, and the intersection with novaprisa mall there is a place where some girls can be found between 6pm to 10pm every night just go to this area and hang around you will see them. I just sat in a beer joint across the street from the stroll and watched until I saw a girl that I liked, then approached her and hailed a cab back to my hotel.

The best place to pick up girls if you are looking for a club type place is a disco named, Confetis you can find plenty of beautiful girls there both pros and non-pros. Many girls live with their parents and don’t tell them what the real night time job is that they have so it’s easy to find nice girls here that are not to harden. Hit Confetis about midnight any day of the week but Thursdays is Lady’s Night and a lot of gorgeous young girls will come here looking for fun or to earn a little extra cash. The average person works a month at a normal job here to make $120 dollars so if you are offering $10 or $20 dollars its a great deal of money enough to make even a non pro think twice.

The strip bars are called nightclubs in Honduras. Take-out is available from the nightclubs. A typical mixture of Latin women is available at “Cherries” and a second place sharing same building and parking lot. On a week day night Cherries had approximately 20 women of which: 2 very attractive black girls, 8 hauling wide assed loads rating 4-6, 4-5 were 7.5-8.5 and 2 were 8.5+. Ages ranged from 18-26. On a weekday night the women outnumbered the men 2:1 at 11:30pm. Found a nice looking one that I want to try. After a couple lady drinks, at 30 Lps, and a 300Lps bar fine ($22) she was begging to leave.
During our bar side discussions, two other women 6 & 7 offered me all night double for 300Lps. San Pedro Sula is a good place to find willing girl friends for longer term relationships, and you can have several at the same time. The female to male ratio seemed to be around 10:1 in San Pedro.

The Paradise strip bar was burned down in October. This strip bar had been a real drive in the past but they got some quality women there and had become one of the best in the city. Now it seems the girls have moved on to Tegucigalpa.

The main nightlife district or bar-district is located along a street known as Boulevard Morazan or The Boulevard. It is not far from the hotels, although walking in Tegucigalpa is not recommended especially at night. Crime, like muggings, is rampant here, take all available precautions. Along this road, you will find several good bars, restaurants and discos.

Strip Clubs
For Your Eyes Only
In Tegucigalpa across the street from the airport entrance in Comayaguela. The girls in these places run from 5’s to 9’s and from black to white. The club closes around 4:00am. On a Friday night, it had 12 strippers who danced two at a time in front of 60 customers, mostly locals in there 20s.

Las Vegas
Half a block from the main post office, at the end of a three-block pedestrian mall. Saw a few local patrons who wore handguns inside this nightclub. Be careful walking around this area at night.

Noa Noa
Ask someone where it is. The club has a brick front, that has been painted bright yellow just look for the only yellow brick building that has 6 guys with M16s out front & that’s the place! There is a cover charge of around 40 Lempiras. Inside, there is a round stage, where the girls take turns dancing. They dance several songs and take a little bit more off after each song ending up nude. You can tip them on stage and get a feel while you are at it.
The girls will come and sit with or on you and give you lap dances and a good general feel and inspect session. The girl’s drinks are 100 Lempiras. You don’t have to pay for the lap dances, but you need to buy her at least one drink There is also a small dance floor in the back where the girls will take you for a little “dirty” bump and grind action. Take-out is available for 1,000 Lempiras 300 for the bar and 700 to the girl. This arrangement is usually for short-time 2-3 hours. They also have a couple short-time rooms in the bar, where you can retire with your girl for the main event. This may be a consideration since, if you decide to take her back to your hotel, you’ll usually need to slip the doorman 30-50 Lempiras to let you proceed to your room with the girl in tow. The bar also has a Shower-Show enclosure near the stage. The club closes at 4:00 am

A pretty good place is “Vista Hermosa” in Comayaguela, which is on the road from downtown Tegu to the airport.
It is a traditional brothel, relatively well run and more or less clean. Girls vary from 5 to 9, service also. You enter through a dark corredor where you meet the first women, right at the stairs to heaven.
Inside the small bar there is a group of women sitting around and waiting for you to sit next to them. I prefer to go to the bar and start casing the scene, which includes walking back into the corredor and the back yard. Eventually it is to make up your mind, just keep in mind this is probably your best bet.
Prices are easy, 200 to 300 lempiras for half an hour, that means less than 50 USD for an evenings entertainment with a few drinks and a threesome.

Afterwards you might want to try one of the other clubs nearby, the Cocodrilo and “Chicas California”. Cocodrilo usually is less well staffed, girls are somewhat heavier (locals like them round)but the few times I went backstage their performance was excellent.
Chicas California (on a sidestreet 100 yards from Cocodrilo) is very varied. Over the years i have been there when it was best staffed with young good looking and willing girls, but lately it is a place for coke dealers and the girls are rather absentminded, play tricks on you and try to get you paying them a potion. I would not go there at the moment, because one of those days it will be busted (maybe it happened already, was last there some 6 months ago).

There is also a place called “Chicas Jovenes” in another part of time, was there twice and wont go back. Little action, ugly girls and bad installations at prices higher then “Vista Hermosa”.

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