Hong Kong

Freelancers work the discos late at night. For example, Strawberry Disco located in Wan Chai is a popular place (cover charge: 300 HKD, no cover charge for women).

Inside, women will approach you and sit down. Servers come by and ask you to buy drinks for the women. If you’re intersted in taking things further, negotiate a price. They’ll usually start by asking for 3,000 HKD.

The advantage of freelancers vs. brothel workers is you get an all-night session in your hotel room or residence. There is no time constraint and you can ask for whatever you want.

I was in Hong kong a few months ago and with a help with a local friend, went shopping for freelancers at some city blocks near MongKok. My friend said they had closed down most of the action in MongKok. So it was better and cheaper to go nearby.

If I recall correctly, I paid equivalent to about $25 – $30 for FS for about 45 minutes. I believe the girls are from mainland china. You simply walk around some city blocks, choose a girl. And then they will lead you to a place on the second floor where they have rooms with showers. You might have to pay for the room, maybe about $10. My friend said it is normally included in the $30 charge. But since I’m a foreigner and don’t know better, they charged me for the room. What’s $10 anyway?

Quality of service varies, but basically you start of with a shower together with the girl, then a BJ and then FS all within the 45 – 55 minutes. At these prices, you can’t go wrong especially when you can choose the girl before hand.

P.S. Mainland china, you can have an all nighter for the same price. Just bring a chinese friend, so you won’t go in the wrong direction, as prostitution is illegal in Mainland China.

HK Nightlife websites
http://www.hkgal.com (membership site)

I went to a Karaoke place in Shanghai called the Golden Magnolia. There are many girls and usually you can get FS from them between 1200-1500RMB. They will stay for all night.

I visited a night club in Hong Kong called Men’s Night club. It is on the Kowloon side the address is1/F Woon Lee Commerical Bldg. 7-9 Austin Ave TST Kowloon. Phone is 2957-8899. The man in charge is Ah Lam. He can arrange some really cute 18-22 year-olds.

I’m an Old China Hand and I know Wanchai from the good old days, (even lived there for awhile). After many years, I re-visited it last March. The bars on Lockhart Road in Wanchai are all still there except all of the girls now are young & average Thai & Filipino dancers. (No total nudity). I hit every club on the street and they are all the same. The prices are outrageous. Girl bar drinks $20-$25……Take a gal out to your hotel will cost you on average $400 – $450 and that’s U.S. dollars Not Hong Kong Dollars!!

I succumbed to my lust and took one Thai gal out & she was great. Even came back the next day for lunch and 2nds and I gave here a nice tip. She gave me the scoop that all of the girls are also getting ripped off in addition to the customers. They are only paid $US200. per month base pay, live 6-10 in a small room & get only 10% commission, work 7 days, 12 plus hours a day. Sure its big money in their home countries but the Chinese owners & Triads are making a killing. So if you take them out, then you can afford it and don’t bitch at them and at least give them a nice tip.

Seems that Hong Kong is now the hub for multi-national businessmen with deep pockets & expense accounts doing business with China. The Chinese club owners don’t need the small fry’s except for pocket change so they aren’t too willing to negotiate. The Chinese are ruthless when it comes to business & money. I live in Tokyo so when Hong Kong becomes more expensive, then its off the charts as far as I’m concerned….. However if you do go and want that bar scene, The Wharney Hotel on Lockhart Rd in the middle of it all is very nice $US90 daily. The Old China Hand on the corner is a great pub for inexpensive & great pub food and for meeting the local expatriates.

I blew $US900 in 3 days on bar drinks & 1 gal alone and I was conservative this trip……There Ain’t No Bargains No More In Hong Kong!

Dragon Club
Fenwick Street, Wanchai

New Popeye II
Shop T, G/F, Haywah Building, 72-86, Lockhart Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Tel 2866-3692

Venus 2
G/F, 89 Lockhart Road, Wanchai, phone 2527-5088 or 2529-9696

Hostess Drinks: Extra 198 HKD, Deluxe 297 HKD
Room charge: 660 HKD.
Bar Fine: 4000 HKD all night, 2500 HKD after midnight (3-hour short time)

Club Versailles
Just off of Lockhart 1/2 block north towards Immigration Tower. Opens around 5 PM. You get escorted to a booth or private room and then Mama-san will bring you a lady about once every 20 minutes.

Bar fine including 3-4 beers is 750 HKD. The women are mostly from China and English is very limited. Full service runs an additonal 1,500 HKD, sometimes paid to the Mama-san, sometimes to the lady.

Big Apple Disco
Freelancers available from 400 HKD to 1,000 HKD for one night. Thai, Vietnamese, and Filipinas available.

Hostess Bars
The rumors that Hong Kong hostess bars are dangerous and grossly deceptive tourist traps (and that they are even potentially violent places) are highly exaggerated. But beware of the wild prices. Everything in here has “rip off” written all over it. So study carefully the large price list that invariably can be found on one of the walls – probably the police keeps an eye on these places and has strict rules concerning the openness of the prices. Also make sure that you stay on the right side of the line with what you ‘comsume’ while you are on the premises of the bar you enter. Take a little pain to make it obvious from the start what you can and will pay for. That will give you the necessary upper-hand in case of dispute. Before you enter you may ask the tout at the entrance: “Any hidden charges?” and wait for his hesitant “eh, no.” That will give you even more psychological advantage. – You can easily get a pleasant and interesting night on the town in Hong Kong’s Wanchai area without spending the many hundreds and even thousands of HK Dollars which is the official price for female company here. If you want a lady it pays not to be too eager. None of the prices displayed are gospel, all of them can be negotiated and will be just that if the customer is hesitant. The girls and their employers are a little down at their heels for more business, like the rest of Hong Kong. I was repeatedly offered reduced prices in the course of my voyeur wandering – for everything, lady drinks, sitting charge, escort.


To go to Mong Kok, take the MTR train to the station of the same name. It’s on the Kowloon side of Hong Kong, and signified by a red line on the map-directories in the trains and stations. Very easy to find!

When you reach the station (which will take you about ten minutes starting from Central station), go to the A exit. As soon as you are out in the streets, you are in the middle of the brothel district of Hong Kong, the real one, the one meant for Chinese clients (but foreigners are welcome), and without tourist prices.

Hong Kong people prefer pale skin girls, so a whiter girl will fatch a better price.

Also HK is full of Filipino/Thai servants, so they aren’t as rare. Find a white whore and I’ll bet you she’ll be fully booked for months.

BTW tipping is not absolutely necessary.

The places do not advertise themselves by names but by anonymous green and red neon tubes, often arranged in rows so they form an arrow pointing to the entrance of the brothel, somewhat like this:

Take a walk, preferably using one of the free maps of downtown Hong Kong which are distributed for free by all hotels and many restaurants. Get acquainted with the neighborhood – go through Portland Str, Shanghai Str, Argyle Str – and find the good lanes and alleys, the ones that are aglow with green and red neon.

Personally I chose to enter 415 A, Reclamation Street. It is not the most tightly packed brothel street, but so what, I had to chose some place to start. Most of them present large ‘menus’, handwritten with black ink on yellow cardboard. The script is in Chinese letters, the prices in roman ciphers, and not much help to a foreigner.

I walked up a few stories via whitewashed, neon-lit stairways. I was immediately addressed in English by one of the young guys in the entrance room, a sort of reception, behind the first open door on my way up: “Yes, come inside.”

He pointed my way by a clear and unabashed gesture with his hand in the direction of one of the rooms in this apartment. The room was about 4,5 x 4,5 square meters, had a broad bed by a wall covered by a large mirror, low shelves, and a shower cabinet of clear glass. There was a tv showing an Asian porn video.

The young man went inside with me and explained the Chinese script on the yellow menu board. It read as follows:

Thai 260 HK$
Filipino 280 HK$
Mainl. Chinese 340 HK$
Hong Kong 340$
(unknown) 430 HK$
Singaporean 700 HK$
(unknown) 360 HK$

For some reason or other, Thai girls are considered low class here. But I like Thai prostitutes better than any others, and since they are even the cheapest, I chose a Thai.

Now followed 15-20 minutes of waiting, which I spent writing down the menu from memory (which is why some of the words have slipped) and with watching the XXX video. It seems to me that Asian porn is more sophisticated than Western – more quiet and lingering in their treatment of the subject. This movie showed the gradual undressing of a ‘shy’ and beautiful girl.

At long last noises by the door. I was presented to a pretty, really attractive, Thai girl whom I estimate to circa 28. That is, she looked like circa 20 by Western standards.

The guy asked for 260 HK$ and I asked how long time that would cover. I thought he said 50 (fifty) minutes but in reality it came down to 15 (fifteen). This may have been due to language problems. Or it may have the one instance of cheat I met in this place.

I handed him 3 hundred HK dollar notes. He soon returned with exchange money without any no problem. I had actually not expected that.

The girl immediately proceeded to undress, and so did I. The atmosphere was good and friendly, without up-tight pretense.

She did not think of a mutual shower by herself, but she were good at making the water temperature pleasant and covering my body with soap when I showed her that I wanted her to. I could follow the porn movie, reflected in the mirror over the bed. The shy smiling girl was now completely naked and being touched by a male actor.

Down on the bed on my back, receiving kisses and caresses. This Thai whore was sweet, she had good hands, but she came close to breaking my balls when she got down there. I had to stop her from sucking my dick without a condom. Luckily I had brought my own Durex and put them beside the pillow. On the tv screen the girl was now being fucked hard.

Then: intercourse with her riding on top of me. The orgasm was a destroyed a little when she changed rhythm towards the finale. But first of all she was loyal and worked hard till the end. The tv girl had sperm sprayed all over her ecstatic face.

After my redemption she disappeared rather quickly into the shower niche to wash herself. I could feel that the show was about to end but I spent some moments caressing her body and kiss her breasts after her return. She permitted this with grace.

When we were dressing again she spend a long time recreating her face cosmetics. Then, just before our goodbye, she came down to it:

“No tipping for me?”
I gave her 100 HK$. She deserved it – also because she asked in a nice and unaggressive way. She received the note with a traditional Thai ‘wai’, with both hands before her face, the two palms touching each other.

I have regretted that I did not go straight to Mong Kok as soon as I arrived in Hong Kong. The style here is right-on and might be considered cheap by some people – but it is also honest and straight forward. The room I was in was not sleazy but surprisingly clean and friendly. The lamp could be turned up and down so the action took place in pleasantly subdued light. I was able to turn off the air con because I hate the cold when I have sex.

Mong Kok is an area dominated by Chinese. You see very few neon signs with Roman letters outside the shops. There is not one normal bar for a drink after the adventure. You will have to go to Hong Kong Island on the same MTR train by which you came here. But it is only four or five stations away

I was just in Hong kong- Mong Kok in May 2002 and that last guy is right, they are cracking down. I couldn’t find any more of the multi colored signs that I used to look for. I can’t read Chinese, so I relied on these signs and the price lists outside.

Now you just have to go up to the 2nd floor and see if there is a massage parlor or follow a girl to where she works. Also, the girls are kept near by and you get to pick from about 4-8 Chinese girls. No more long waits in the room for one girl to show up. The girls all seem real young. Like 18-21. Most will not want to be with a white guy. They mostly cater to locals.

Just pick one that looks nice and isn’t so afraid of you-smiles at you! The price is still the same. About 350HK= $45US will get you a mainland Chinese girl and they are not in as much as a rush as before. I think you get your full 45 min if you want/need it. Remember to tip these girls at least 20 or 50 HK.

Saunas in Kowloon
A really nice place is Park Sauna. It’s east of Nathan rd in a large courtyard/shopping area not far from the famous strip clubs. (sorry I can’t remember more than that).

The place is first class, definitely not the usual hj place, they have full facilities for wet and dry sauna, hot tubs, and a lunge room that has recliners and plasma screen tv’s.

When you get there you will shower, then get into a hot tub, then you go to the lounge, where a manager will come by (usually just to see if your a VIP). I recommend telling her you were referred by some friends who work in HK and that you are moving here soon. She will usually give you her card (and a better masseuse).

The massage is one of the best I’ve ever had, and by a beautiful young Chinese girl). They are pretty off limits, I don’t think you can even touch unless you know them well. But at the end you will get a great hj to finish off.

A great place for FS action is Kobe Sauna. Basement of East Regal Hotel in TST East.

The please is very well decorated, with sauna, hot tub, etc… They have a 2 course massage where by the first hour is a proper massage by a professional and the girl comes in after your first hour. Great looking Chinese girls.

Cost is abour HK$1500.

Agree with megaballs here, just came back from visiting CITY SAUNA (Woosung Rd, opposite San Diego hotel, off Austin Road, behind Nathan Road.)

Although the place is less luxurious, it is great value and the girls are good at what they do. HK$400 for HJ, HK$600 for BJ and HK$800 for FS.

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