Kuala Lumpur

i returned to the same place, PJ DeInn. it’s a small hotel near the PJ Hilton. if u can afford the Hilton, go ahead. I’ve heard they have a good place for massage there too. but since I’ve a bit on the budget side, DeInn’s the place.

head for the elevator and go up to penthouse level. it was a bit embarrassing that one lady who was working in an office in the building was in the elevator. must be thinking what kind of horny people we are to be visiting such place in the afternoon. it’s quite commonly known that massage parlours in Malaysia are generally used as a front for brothels.

once up there, me and my friend was seated and offered drinks. the man then proceed to ask us what are we looking for. he explained the price structure : rm60++ for massage, rm160 for sex and rm210 for massage and sex.we generally said we were looking for massage. my friend decided to ask for a Malay girl. the man said no problem and suggested to me an easy-going one.

i was lead into a small room with a massage table and an attached shower cubicle. a few minutes later a sexy looking lady walked into the room. she had a great body but was not as young as the one i had the last time. i guess she was about late 20s to early 30s. but she was sexy and was already turned me on. she asked me what service i wanted, but i couldn’t really understand the terms she used so i said massage. she asked me to strip and lay down on the table.

then she proceed to give a wonderful massage. it really felt good. that’s the advantage of having an experienced one compared to a young one. and she is quite friendly. i was totally relaxed. after about half an hour of wonderful massage, she asked if i like any extra service. i asked what services she offered and she proceed to describe her services in term that I’ve not heard before, me being new to all this. we laughed as she explained to me what she meant. rm50 for handjob, rm100 for nude handjob, rm150 for full sex and rm160 for sex plus blowjob. it’s really reasonable. was tempted to take the rm160 but i knew i wouldn’t last so i opt for the rm150.

she then proceed to strip and what a beautiful body she has. nice breasts and sweet looking nipples. nicely trimmed pussy. can’t take my eyes of her hard nipples though. she then proceed to ‘service’ me… fondling my cock and licking my nipples and body. a little awkward though because the table was a bit narrow. being new, i didn’t do much before she slip on a condom on my cock and ask me to be on top. again it was not as comfortable when i was screwing her because of the small table. not a bad •••• although she was a bit ‘loose’ for me. faked moans brought some atmosphere though. didn’t last too long before i cum. cleaned the condom up and prepared me for shower. this time, this girl helped me showered.

once I’m done, paid her and said thank you. generally it’s a much better experience than last time. even my friend had a good time. said his girl was wonderful… very open and had a great massage plus handjob. she didn’t even charged him for extra time. my friend said this place has the best service of all the places he visited.i planned to go back soon, maybe in a few weeks time. hope to have more stories to tell. i do enjoy telling my experience and also like to hear from others especially about their experience here in Malaysia.

My tips for escorts at Holiday Villa Subang Jaya. All these girls are local Malays. The price for sex or ‘package’ as the locals call it is 50 Malaysian Ringgit.
1.Ayu: Great sex (with condom), condomless blowjob, tit-•••••••, breast-sucking and best of all, she french kisses. Petite, small firm tits and extremely charming. 5 star rating.
2.Julia & Suzie: Both do condomless blowjob and great sex but do not kiss on the mouth. Both have great tits. 4 star rating.
3.CC & Tina: Both give blowjob with condom but were less enthusiastic. 2 star rating.
4.Mona: This bitch will not •••• in any other position except for man-on-top, and sucks cock with a condom. Totally insulting and unco-operative. My dick went limp just listening to her rantings. Avoid her like the plague. 1 star rating.

Malaysia is a massage paradise. Visit any massage and you can expect beautiful girls serving you. Try p.j hilton if you prefer high class treatment or Madarin court hotel for middle class cost around 70 for massage and extra service around 100 (RM). What should be recommended now is the Renaissance hotel which is a 5 star hotel now having promotion rate at RM78 only. Try it and you know will worth it. do you have any info on Melbourne brothel recently year 2000 as I’ll be visiting there. Please provide price and location.

First, I will review The one I went to today at the Mandarin Court Hotel on Jalan Maharajalela. Go to the 7th floor and tell them what you want. The guy or girl may ask you “if you want a good massage or a young good looking girl”. If you say good massage, you may get a 45 year old lady who is all burned out, but has perfected her massage technique over the years. I told the guy that the massage part was not that important. A Chinese girl showed up that was in her late 20’s or maybe 30. She was cute and had an okay body. I showered first and she started to massage and I asked about extra’s. She said sex would be 150RM($40 US) more. The massage was 62RM($16 US) paid to the front desk after the massage and the 150RM was paid to her. She started to massage my legs and I told her that was enough. She asked if she wanted a “sexy massage”. Ok with me! She got naked and rubbed my body with her nipples and finger tips. That’s my kind of massage! She pulled out a rubber and asked if I want her to go down on me. I declined and she put the rubber on me. I fucked her doggie style and came on her back after asking her if that was ok. She showered and then I showered. I gave her 20RM($5) as a tip. She was nice and spoke some English, but not much.

The second one I will review will get a bad review. PJ Hilton has a Health Center on the ground floor. I went here last night and the lady asked me if I wanted young and good looking or a good massage. I think there were only two girls working and I saw them as I walked in the door. I should have just taken the $20US massage and called it a loss and moved on to find a better place, but I didn’t. The room was hot and the girl was old. Older than me. I’m 31. She must have been close to 40. She had a slim body and smooth skin, but her hairy stink pussy was a big turn off. I almost couldn’t cum. Anyway, you win some you loose some. I should have walked away from that massage. It was 150RM($40US) for extra service. 80RM($20US) for the massage.

Looks like there needs to be some new up-to-date info for KL. I have it -Jan 2001!! I have done some research for you guys on two of the massage parlors that are mentioned in these reports. Today I went to The Blue Apple Health Center at the Holiday Villa Hotel in Petaling Jaya on Subang Jaya road. Yesterday I went to The Health Studio in the De INN Hotel in Petaling Jaya near the PJ Hilton.

I will start with the De Inn Health studio. It’s in the Penthouse, The elevator will open to the front desk where you will be greeted and asked what you want. Massage will be offered 78MR($20US). I asked what kind of girls were working and the guy told me there were 6 Chinese girls working. He lead me to a clean room with a table and a shower. I waited for the girl to show-about 4 min. She was good looking and friendly. Shiela was her name. She is half Malay and Half Chinese. Good mix!! She has me get naked and lay down on the table. Good massage, but I wasn’t there for that. I wanted to tell her she could skip the massage, but didn’t want to hurt her feelings. I asked if she offered “special massage-full service” and she said “sure”. She said that she would make me feel real good- everything for 200RM($53US). Sounded good to me! She said that was a set price and standard. I don’t like to bargain and it sounded fair enough to me. After about 30 min of massage, she had me put on a condom and she laid down on the table. I started off this way, but ended up in three other positions. She was willing to do it in any position I wanted. She even started to talk dirty to me “fuck me darling” and “fuck my pussy” came out of her sweet mouth! Ok, I came right back at her with my dirty talk. I asked if I could fuck her in the ass and she said no, I offered 100RM($26US) more and she was willing to give it a try. I got the tip of my dick in and she stopped me and said it was too much. I asked if I could cum on her chest and she let me take the rubber off and do so. We showered off and got dressed. I gave her the extra 100RM-$26US for being such a good sport about the back door thing. I paid for the massage and the sex to her. She gave me her cell phone number and wants me to call her today for more. I will try not to, since I need to sample other girls in the name of research for the WSG. I get hard thinking about her on her hands and knees again. It will be hard not to call her. I’m staying in the De Inn (100RM or $26US/night) and she said she can come to my room if I wanted.

The Blue Apple Health Center at Holiday Villa Hotel in Petaling Jaya. It’s in the Parking garage of the hotel on the 2nd floor. The massage was 80RM($21US). I was asked if I wanted Malay, Chinese, or Indian girl. I picked Indian and was lead to a clean room with bed and shower. Cute Indian girl shows up named “Sharon”. She’s about 4 foot 11 and has a nice little body with big D cup tits. Really nice dark brown skin. She gave an okay massage and this time I told her that a 5 min back and 5 min front massage would be good enough. She stuck to her routine and didn’t leave any part of my body untouched. I asked about full service while she was giving her massage and she said she offered full service for 150RM($39USD). Sounded good to me!! After the massage she took a shower and told me I could take one after sex, She took out 2 condoms and put the first on and began to suck my balls and dick. I stopped her after about 60 seconds and told her I like sex more that BJ’s. She said “OK, no problem” and took off the condom and replaced it with a new one. These were flavored condoms. Smelled better than a regular one! Anyway, I told her I like doggie style the best. She said ok and told me to go slow because it had been a day or two since her last time. She asked what position I wanted to start in and I had her lay down on the table. The table was high enough for me to stand up with her on the edge of the table. Had fun like that for a while and had her go on her hands and knees on the table. I was still standing-on my tip toes! I asked if she has ever had it up the ass, nope, asked if she wanted to try, nope, for 100RM more? nope. pressed my thumb on her ••••••• while I fucked her and she had me stop that after about 1 min. I asked if I could cum on her back and she said ok. She was talking dirty as well and knew how to respond to my dirty talk. She said that she could go to my room if I was staying in that hotel -Holiday Villa. I asked front desk how much per night for a room-195RM-($51US)/night. Looked like a 4 or 5 start hotel too! She asked how I knew about the place. I told her the internet and told her I would write a review on her and to expect more people asking for her! Tell her Tom Swift sent you! We showered after sex and I gave her the 150RM($39US) and I gave her 50RM($13 US) for such good service. Oh, she’s 25 years old. I have phone numbers and address’s for some hotels you may want to check out/in. I also have Sheila’s cell phone number!

This report covers Kuala Lumpur and Johor Bahru, in Malaysia I am a Chinese local guy, residing in Kuala Lumpur, happily married for over 10 years to a Chinese. My college sweetheart is pretty and sexy. She does for me most things that other Malaysian wives do not do – head, daily sex, and if time permits more than once a day. The only limitation is anal. With the frequency I engage in sex, it is not easy for me to come. Typically I need a good bj followed by another 15-30 mins of condom less action, before I come. If I were to have sex with anyone else, it would be for more “exotic” reasons. Johor Bahru My first experience with some other person was in 1998, when I was in Johor Bahru, a city across the causeway from Singapore. There is a place about 1km south of the Pan Pacific Hotel JB, which comes alive at night. Most of the talents here are transvestites but you will find some young Malay girls – I find them exotic as they are Muslims, and what they do is a forbidden thing. This place however is a place where you are expected to come in less than 5 mins, especially after they see my size; they want it over and done with in a jiffy. I never came in any of my encounters here as I had to wear condoms and there was little head given. The rooms are nothing but cubicles measuring no more than 50 sq ft, mattresses are stinky, stained and thin. The encounters with the Malay girls are from RM60-80 per shot. Do not expect any BJ from the girls. If you are curious about the other set, the TV’s are going for between RM30 to RM80. There are a handful of TV’s who look absolutely gorgeous, and they may charge more than the real ones. Kuala Lumpur There are a few places that I have tried in Kuala Lumpur. Let’s start at the bottom end. Chow Kit, as the locals know it, or the Lorong Haji Taib area is infested with TV’s and drug addicts. The real stuff is usually not seen outside, while the TV’s parade themselves outside their nests. To view the real girls there are a few pre-war shop houses with shutters. Pimps will be outside, cajoling horn dogs to take a look inside, promising that you will have very young girls from Sabah, considered one of the most exotic places in Malaysia. Unfortunately, only one of these joints was seriously providing leisure to its clients, and I have had 2 encounters there, one of which was with a very cute girl for RM50 (RM10 tip included), but I never came. I think that it has shut down by now. The other joints are nothing but rip-offs. Basically, the pimp will tell you everything that you wish to hear, and prices start at RM30 and never go beyond RM50. The truth is that, the girls never take off their tops, they do not give head (slang: ice-cream), and your wallet will be taken while you are at it, and returned with some contents emptied, before you are done (there is a hidden sliding door behind the wooden wall where you put your clothes). But, if you still want to try it, take your wallet out and put it in front of you. I suspect if you do that, they will try to terminate your encounter before you get to slip even an inch in, by saying that there is a police raid, or something else. Indeed there is a police station, a stone’s throw away, but many believe that the police there are on the take. For your best interest, I would advise you to avoid the pre-war buildings like plague or go with a friend but take turns waiting it out while the other has a go. There are also a handful of real grills working independently of the pre-war shop houses. If the prices are below RM70, immediately suspect that they will take you to another brothel with the secret compartments. Another place I had tried was Bukit Bintang, Nova Hotel on March 18, 2001. There is a side entrance, on the left. Go up the stairs and you will find a place with a number of male staff but no girls. Tell hem which category that you want. Prices range from RM180 – RM230. Selection is made up of Thai, Vietnamese or Mainland Chinese. After giving you a glass of tea and some sweets, and getting relaxed, in walked 5-6 girls, who stood in line for you to view and choose (I did not try to cop a feel, don’t know if you can). I opted for the RM230 Thai. We then proceeded to an acceptably clean and secure room. She was sweet and had unbelievably big natural hooters for someone her age, which I did not notice earlier. She tried to tell me that my cock was too big measuring it with her hand and superimposing it on the mound, saying “big-big”. Asked if she like it big, and she said “no, chakit” (sakit in Malay language is pain). She gave me a short condom less bj after the mandatory shower, and then slipped on the condom where I took her for a ride in the usual position. During the long fuck, we had to stop a few times for her to recuperate and think what to do to make me come. We had one last try, going at it like puppies. She gave up and tried to jerk me off, and before we knew it we were there for already an hour, as we heard a knock on the door. We stopped after the second time that the idiot came to knock on the door. After cleaning up, I wanted to go away on my own but she wanted me to follow her back to the main area, where she thanked me and asked me to come again. No come – but a nice experience, a little steep though. Holiday Villa is situated in Subang Jaya, which is on the west end of Petaling Jaya. The Blue Apple is located on level 2(?). On April 10, I went through the entrance and there were a few girls and guys there. I asked for a package and this super-efficient guy, starts to name each and every girl sitting around a table behind the counter, and also their race (Only Chinese and Malays, when I was there). As if that were not enough, he told me step to the left of the counter and observe the door. One by one a girl opened and shut the door, while he said the name, number and race, while jotting down something on the notepad. I chose the Malay girl, Suzi, being attracted to her race and cleavage. The going rate was RM170, regardless of race. She gets RM85 for her work. I was given a nice clean basic room, in a special wing. I had an immediate hard on when she took off her dress. She is not fat but had some more meat than my wife and oh so luscious boobs. The biggest natural ones that I have laid my hands on. The usual shower follows and we are on the bed. She gave me a choice of protected or bare-back bj. I opted for bbbj, and she made me promise not to squirt into her mouth, she does not know me yet. After a good but insufficiently long oral, she slipped on the condom and I had her on top of me but I had to do the pumping. By the way she does not accept cunnulingus. We soon changed position to the mish. She was getting sore and we moved on to the hand job. The hand job was pleasurable, but she was hurrying me up, as we had only 45 minutes (I think I will check with “management” how much time we had, next time). At the end I gave up. I stayed on to chat with her while she cleaned up herself and the bed. She is from Terengganu, a state on the East Coast that bans alcohol, gambling and even has men and women on different queues at the checkout counter. That made me feel good, to be able to do the deed with her. She initially complained that my manhood was big, only to correct herself saying it was ok, but long. Asked her the difference, but she could not explain. She prefers big but not long as deeper penetration supposedly hits somewhere deep and causes pain. Also asked if she knew any girl who would do anal. Had a matter of fact discussion without blushing. She said that she understood that the other way is much tighter and nicer for the guy, but she did not know of any who would do anal. Walked with her to the lift, but did not follow her back to the Apple. If you guys out there know where I can get some bd action with a real girl, let me know. And if you had the problem of coming too slowly and overcame that, let me know also. Of course the option of being a porn stud has crossed my mind, but I think it is too remote in this country.

Just my 2 cents worth. Hotel The Palma, in Ampang has a good service joint and the girls are of vaorious types… Massage RM80 = US22 and full service RM150 = US40. Place is clean and people are pleasent. Mostly Chinese girls with few malays or others. Deco.. so so clean. Worth Checking out

I am married with a Malaysian Indian woman also for more than 10 years and we live in Germany. Normally we go back to Malaysia every year to visit her family, except this year. I think you can be very lucky with your wife and your sex life. I think not many Chinese womans are so open-minded than your wife. I wished I
would also have such a horny woman. Before our kids came our sex life was like yours. nearly daily sex, oral sex, etc…. when i meet her she was a virgin and very eager to learn everything.(she even allowed me to finish in her mouth.) today we do everything only “sometimes”. My wife refuse to take the pill, so most of the time I have to use condoms. As I said before, malaysia is my second home and away from going to perak where the family of my wife lives we spent also some time in kl where i also tried some”places.” mostly i visited health centers from the hotels we stayed. Always you get a massage and the lady will ask for more, handjob, blowjob, fucking….. my experiences are not up to date and i do not want to mention it today. I had an experience in the health center of concorde hotel. Very good looking younger chinese woman. She only refused that i can do oral on her good experience also at pj hilton hotel. Very attractive, young chinese woman but also very expensive. None of these womans complained about my “size” because it is just average. You must have realy a “long” one for a chinese man that they all complain about it.!!?? Like you i am also very eager to try a lady who is doing anal. i never did in my life, only twice i tried with my wife. I went inside a litte bit but we stopped because I feared she will have pain.

Went to venus massage, beside malaya hotel in chinatown. i asked for a massage and was guided to a small windowless room with shower, chair,mattress, etc. i told the guy “please sent me a young, nice woman and he answered that they only have older, not so nice looking womans for massage but maybe i wanted sex. i agreed and i had to wait until they sent a woman to you.( you cannot select by your own.) after 5 minutes a malay woman was entering the door. i cannot remember her name. she was 29 years old, had a big more meat then usual but was okay. ( not fat) she washed myself and afterwards she had her shower. she had quite big tits which was a bit hanging.i had some sexy dessous with me and asked her to wear for. i think she liked to wear for me.after a long time of foreplay we had oral sex.
she liked it a lot that i was eating her and after a while she came with my mouth. (or she must be a very good actress) i like oral) very much. she gave a also a blowjob before iscrewed her. anyhow, i was not able to finish so i asker her to take the condom away and to finish over her tits. she agreed and we had another shower afterwards. time is 45 minutes but there is a chance to extend the time for another shoot. price was 150,- m$ if i go to this kind of places i like when the woman shows a little bit of feelings and motivation. sometimes you are lucky, sometimes not i like oral sex and to eat the woman. also making love in different positions and no time pressure. if the lady is very attractive i would try to stay longer for 2 shots.

i already thought about spending my next stay in kl at holiday villa. i heard about it before and read some messages about it. (mostly positive) i think you can give me more info about this and other places in kl. for me, as a person who is not living in malaysia is important to get infos before i visit the country because i have only 4-5 weeks there and just a few days in kl.

for those of you familiar with the bukit bintang area, try the London health center at cardogan hotel located along jalan bukit bintang. prices range from RM130 – 150 (Indonesian & Thai) or RM250 (European).

go with the Indonesian girls, they give excellent service (some even allow you to cum all over them)plus you get your 1 hrs of worth of full service unlike most places where the girls try to hurry you up. the only limitation is (as usual), anal. whats more, they keep a steady supply of fresh girls which means you won’t have to contend with seeing the same old faces again and again.

Try hanging around the apartment block up from the Malaysia Hotel or the Federal on Bukit Bintang.It has a large courtyard and traffic at night. The parallel street (cross from Federal and use the sidestreet besides the movie theatre) and which on the other end starts just beyond the junction (down 20 meters and then left) has cruising girls and a few places that have escort services.

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