Massage Parlor at Klosterport 7 in the downtown area. The name on the door is “Hansen”. It’s 24 hours, basically Thai women.
Aarhus the second largest city in Denmark. Copenhagen the sex capital of Denmark. Buy a copy of Ekstrabladet look for the personals under “Massage” for phone numbers.
Downtown Aarhus Klosterport 7 club which is an institution for underground sex in Aarhus. Behind the pink and white door with a sign s “P. Hansen”. This massage parlor offers old Thai woman. 24 hours a day one-hour massages.
Malaysia Club on Schleppegrelsgade 23, in a basement. Take city bus line 5 and get off at Frederiksberg Torv. Then ask for directions. They are open from 10am-2am.
Try the Massage in the basement at Silkeborgvej 120. Several storefront brothels are also located there. Look for the white Venetian blinds and signs in the windows saying either “Velkommen” (You’re welcome) or “Optaget” (Busy, will be back).
The porn shop “Video Kiosk” with a big sign “Sex Bio” is next to the French Restaurant “L’Estragon” Klostergade No 6. Sometimes a “coffee girl” is available who’ll take customers to one of four private cubicles in the video cinema in a dungeon-like basement.
For Street action go to Borggade in the late hours around the corner from Klostergade. Before the Video Kiosk closes (at midnight) some street walkers use the place for service if you don’t have a car.
it’s in danish, but never the less escort portals. Most danish girls speak English. Tel numbers and email addresses are available at the portal