
While Cannes is home to some of the highest priced hookers in the world, oddly enough it has a very reasonable street scene.

At first i didn’t even notice these girls, until i couldn’t figure out why there were women parked diagonally in intersections waiting in their cars. Prices ran between 200-400 FF ($40-80) for BJ-sex.

I’d suggest you look on the croissette, the main blvd facing the ocean between 10PM and 1 AM, by 11 the best are picked up. The side streets are also possible, but it’s sparse pickings

Visiting Escorts seem to be difficult to find in the Nice/Cannes area, although I am sure there are many given the economics of the area. Finally found a site that has contact numbers and photos for about 18 of them.\topgirls.htm Prices range from 1000FF (under 100GBP or 140USD) for an hour to two or three times that depending on how classy the girl considers herself.

Warning: The one calling herself Nina is the one I mentioned before (mobile 06 13 25 77 25) and if the photo provided is really her then I’m a pineapple. Don’t believe me? Call her and be disappointed first hand!

ELLA is an entirely different prospect altogether. A pretty black French girl of 24 (June 2001) and about the closest I have come to the GFE (girl friend experience). 1200FF per hour and 300FF every extra hour so good value for money for longer visits. Very good service is all I will say.

PAMELA is a reasonably attractive white French girl with reddish blonde hair (can’t remember if the collar and cuffs match). A bit nervous which might hint at a previous bad experience with some punter (pure supposition on my part). 1000FF per hour. Enjoyable but not sure if I would call her again.

I was in Cannes for one night back in January, but I didn’t have much luck. Maybe it was unusual, as Cannes is a classy and expensive place, so you would expect classy, if expensive action. Or maybe all the talent is out of town during an IT Convention in January!

First tried a club, which styled itself an American Bar. Very nice and friendly girls, while they persuaded you to buy and drink house Champagne. Two of them were fun on a couch in a quiet corner, but didn’t stretch to a BJ and made it clear rooms where not available – then lost interested when I wouldn’t buy a second bottle. Shame, one of them had a great body (an 8) and moved wonderfully under my touch. At their best French women are amazing!

So I decided that “American Bar” was code for all marketing hype but not delivering what you really want.

On the promenade there were women in cars (a typical French thing, which I’ve had luck with in Paris). The girl that caught my attention (it was her platinum blonde hair) was rubbish though. Not as expensive as I expected, which was probably a bad sign (sorry, its six months ago and I forget the prices and names – or maybe I didn’t want to remember).

She pitched a good story in the car, but in my hotel room she because much too business like and just wanted to get it over with as quickly and efficiently as possible. It was my second worse experience (the worst being an escort from the Yellow Pages in Boston, when I was too new at this to know better).

So my recommendation is to avoid the clubs, and try to see if you can find girls in the hotel bars, where you can talk to them and size them up better than you can when they are in a car in the street.

AVOID at all costs! Her phone numbers are +33 (0)4 93 35 84 69 and mobile +33 (0)6 13 25 77 25 and she called herself Sofia. Looking around the web for something in my home town this site came up in alta vista. A brief phone call with a rather humorless lady resulted in an appointment being made for 8.30pm for 2 hours with whom she assured me would be an attractive young lady of 28 (would not give any further details just said I would not be disappointed – I should have known better). She called back later to change the time to 9.15pm. Eventually she arrived at about 10.30pm. Why was it bad? 1) She was not the young 28year old she had claimed. More like 36years old. 2) Not unattractive but her body had seen better days, cellulite thighs, sagging breasts with scarring (from reduction?) . I’m not a body fascist but for the amount I was paying I expected better. 3) Having agreed to 2hours, 30mins was a complete con! Remember 2hours was agreed beforehand. 4) Whilst she was blowing me (with condom) she kept saying ‘Are you going to come’ when I said not like that she said ‘Go ahead then we’ll start again’. After I finished off inside her (protected of course), she went into the bathroom and performed the fastest quick change I have ever witnessed and then said ‘That was fantastic, you really wore me out’ and left. 5) Technique was totally absent. 5) Right up until we were inside she claimed that she was sending someone but it was her all along. Overall a really bad experience, I haven’t even mentioned how she was near hysterical on the phone whilst I tried to direct her to my house. Let my experience save you the time, effort, and money that I wasted on this ‘lady’. Some would say I am bitter and they would be right. But you would be too, I guarantee it.

Street Action
The best time is at night after sunset for street action look along the Promenade des Anglais and Rue de France. On the promenade close to the old town, there are transsexuals, some look like women and are beautiful so be careful. If looking for black girls try the area around the Negresco Hotel where some extremely beautiful black whores hang here. Otherwise it’s mostly eastern European girls, many of them are very young and beautiful, especially on Rue de France. Prices ranges from 50-70 euro for “l’amour” and 30-40 euro for “la pipe” (blowjob).

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