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Checking for street action in Rue St Denis. About 40 girls on the block. Many were from parts of west Africa. All shapes and sizes available. Standard prices were FF300 for 10-15 minutes. Most of the girls had rooms nearby in houses. Whatever was agreed on the street was suddenly forgotten by the time you were in the room, asking for more money for getting totally undressed, different positions etc. Considering the low price, this was probably predictable.

The better looking girls were generally towards the north of the area and in some of the side streets at the north. Many of the girls spoke some English so communication was no problem. More girls were available earlier 10-11pm than later 12-1am. Going back to your hotel for the night varied from FF1600 to FF3000. Although I would not recommend this as hardly any hotel is going to let girls dressed like that in at midnight and the forgetfulness of the girls seems likely to lead to a night of increasing expense for a normal level of service

To start off, I would say that, as far as the pay for play scene goes, the typical guy is far better off in Montreal, Canada than in Paris, France. The laws concerning prostitution in France are very similar to those prevailing in Canada. However, in Paris, the prices are generally much higher, the potential language challenges are more difficult, and the whole scene is quite a bit harder to figure out than Montreal. As for the women themselves, I would say the differences are more cultural and attitudinal than physical–Montreal women are North American with a French twist while Parisian women are pure French/European. Both cities are full of women of outstanding beauty, seductiveness and charm, but I’d give a slight edge to the Parisian’s for their fashion sense and to the Quebecoise’s for their more overt sexiness. On the other hand, it’s probably better to spend your hard earned dollars (be they American or Canadian) in Montreal than in Paris. Compared to Paris, Montreal is a much better value. Still, should you find yourself in Paris, as I did recently, naturally you will wonder how you can practice your favorite hobby.

If you happen to have a lot, a whole lot, of money, then it becomes much easier, as is so with almost any city. Money solves lots of problems. The challenge is to find the desirable independent girls whose clients are average Frenchmen or tourists in the know and whose prices are reasonable for Paris ($100-250). After considerable research, I was able to identify a number of such girls. I narrowed my search to one girl in particular, who goes by the various names of Tina, Manon, and Nana (her web site is She’s an independent who works out of an apartment in the 15th Arr. not far from the Eiffel Tower near the Dupleix metro stop. I spent 45 minutes trying to reach her, and the directions she gave me to her apartment were not very good. When I arrived there was no sign of Tina anywhere in the building. I searched everywhere, and even knocked on some wrong doors, but eventually left without finding her. I decided to go back to the phone booth and call to see if we could not straighten out this misunderstanding. When I reached her on her phone she barely let me speak before she launched into a venomous attack on me. She accused me of being late and wasting her time. The next day, I did not particularly feel like going through the same experience with someone else, so I chose carefully my next girl. I chose Victoire (, but she quoted me a price of 2000 FF ($270), which was more than I wanted to spend. Now I was ready to give up completely. After reading a British Web site that had some reviews, I picked a girl named MariLou, a petite but shapely girl who claimed to give good service.

When I called her cell phone she was friendly and gave me good directions to a phone booth on her street. I went there and called her and she again gave me good directions to her building and floor. No problem…the elevator worked properly, and she was peeking out of her door when I stepped off the elevator. The whole thing was so much easier than my problems with Tina–it was like night and day. She greeted me in the nude which I thought was kind of cool and showed her lack of inhibition. Her face was just average but she did have a pretty hot, relatively firm body. I liked her shape. The best thing about her apart from her friendliness was her price–a real value at 600 FF (about $85). We did not waste a lot of time and I spent only 45 minutes with her, but it was very satisfying and just about made up for my frustrations of the previous days. She gave me a very skillful, long, covered BJ and then we had sex in several positions. All in all it was an excellent session. So it is possible to have an encounter with a real French belle de soir. If you find yourself in Paris, it might be worth it. But it is not exactly what I would call a destination resort in the realm of escorts. You’re much better off saving your $ for a city like Montreal. But if you’re going to try, you should probably know some French, be willing to invest time to do your own research because there is not that much out there and prepare yourself for potential cultural misunderstandings. But all in all, I felt very satisfied with my encounter and came home feeling that I had learned a little bit more about French, shall I say, civilization.

Let me tell you that I have tried a number of options while in Paris, and nothing beats the program of finding a girl around Rue de Tilsit and getting her to a swinger club (there are plenty around Paris). It is not a cheap program (be ready to pay her around € 200/300 and to spend at the club around € 100/150. But the truth is that it is an amazing experience.

I recommend avoiding Pigalle or Rue St. Denis areas, there are a lot of massage places and strip clubs in those areas, and they are a total ripoff, I’ve heard of guys paying 150 Euros for simply jerking off in front of the woman. Plus the legitimate hookers are too old and very few are good quality.

There are a number of very classy famous swinger couples clubs (Chez Roi is famous. They are elegant, in nice residential areas of Paris. Entry varies from 500-3000 FF/couple and generally includes all drinks incl. French Champagne and delicious food.

As my french is limited, I engage a french speaking escort agency lady for the night ($700-1000) as a swinger club guide. The agencies or concierge will provide experienced hostess – YOU WILL NOT BE SORRY! Apart from having a great GFE looking date and fucks with her, I give a bonus (about $50) for each other lady,whom I fancy, and she helps me to fuck, generally by making a pass at her man. THEY LOVE THE CHALLENGE.
Majority of the women are there with their husbands or boyfriends, mostly knock-dead elegant and sophisticated. Anal seems to be very usual. BJ without condom.Cum sharing is a seal of approval if your DATE escort) gets into GFE role. Last time I ‘was with’ (I did not say ‘had’)Jacqueline – 28yo 8-9 slim Parisienne, medical school dropout, biology teacher. Terrific sense of humor…..sorry would not give me her phone number…got her through concierge at Crillon Hotel (one of the best hotels in Paris)

There are MANY other swingers clubs which allow singles with some very choosy oversexed amateur women who are into gang bangs-shower-and go home to husband minding the kids. Several publications list all. Have tried 3 or 4 and vouch for their descriptions. Couple of times came across a prostitute, on the prowl in the swinger club, for a generous foreigner, to fuck on premises (1,000FF) These are however the lower grade clubs.

Went to Rue de st Denis because I didn’t know much about the city and hear it was good. But it just sucked and I wouldn’t go back. Had a taxi driver to take me to the rue st Denis the driver didn’t speak much English and was rue but that’s the norm in this city I think. All I saw for girls was some fat asses white French women and some OK looking black chicks but really didn’t want a black girl today so I passed. I decided to walk down the street a while and met a black guy from Senegal who was pushing a peep show, said to go check out the peep show no obligation so then I said alright he then brought out a menu of chicks. were I picked a hot looking one of the menu he then said 50 euros & you get a lay with your show. Should have turned and left right then you know if a deal seems to good to be true than it is. Went to a room upstairs this OK looking French woman came in and told me to Jack off seems to happen a lot in this country from reading the post here. These girls think we should pay them and then just jack off. I told her I paid 50 euros for a lay, she then said no! That what I paid for was just a peep show! I should have just walked out but offer her an additional 100 euros. She said what are you doing don’t you know that to fuck a nice French girl like me it’s at least 350eros? I told her I wanted to fuck not be fucked and walked out. Like the above poster said stay away from st Denis, the clubs & peep shows here are just con artists. Overall I wouldn’t try this city again found even the service people here to be rude and just looking for cash.

Don’t forget the people of Paris are some of the rudest people in Europe. I actually experienced this on many occasions when I visited and as recently as last September. Hairy armpits and “BO” was very apparent in Paris. The museums were filled with BO air from French people who either don’t bathe or use deodorant. Asking directions we got many rude responses. Outside of Paris I had better experiences. For some reason the people in Paris think their shit don’t stink.

This was my actual experience. Historical value and Romantic settings can be found elsewhere in Europe. Italy for example had far more culture and art, better food and warm, friendly people. This goes for Holland, Austria, CZ, Denmark and Germany too. I can only speak for the places I’ve visited. Paris for me is not what it’s made out to be.

Le Baron is about 2000FF per session with your choice of lady. The catch is you have to take her back to your hotel. Its on Avenue Marceau near the Arc De Triumph. Although the price is high on a good night there are some amazing women. Oh another tip for Saint Augustine, if the lady asks at the door if you have been to the club always say yes. Just say you were there a few months ago or something like that. Another tip, don’t look or dress like a tourist, try to wear something professional so they don’t try to detect that your from out of town.

About Le Baron, it varies how much time you get. It ranges from around 2 hours to the whole evening. The way to get more time is to negotiate with the women. Surprisingly most of them speak English quite well. One brunette who I rank a 9 iIdon’t believe in 10, in my opinion Cindy Crawford or Heidi Klum even cant be ranked a 10 as no one is perfect) spent three hours with me at a hotel. 2000FF is about 270 US dollars. So at worst it averages about 135 dollars per hour. As for cover charge its about 150 Francs last time I checked. Also I have found a few independent women in the many clubs around the city. French women in personality are quite sweet and soft mannered. One other thing, I think the younger ones are always the best when it comes to service in France.

Tulip Inn Elysees Foch is a nice place right in the heart of the Champs Elysees its walking distance from Le Baron. Generally, the hotel shouldn’t give you trouble as long as the lady is properly dressed but most ladies in that area look quite classy.

The avenues circling the Arc De Triumph are the best places to meet women for good times in Paris. The Madeleine area is another top spot. Prices range from about 100 Euros for an hour in your hotel with complete service.

It’s well known worldwide that people in Paris are rude. This is not the view of one or two people but something that is very old news. The French were pussies in WWII and just caved in when the Germans came rolling over the border. Their machine guns were a joke and many a solider was killed trying to use them. If you recall that stupid underground defense system they built made up of tunnels and pill boxes well the enemy just drove around it. What a joke and talk about stupid. Paris is a shit hole, dirty and dangerous muggings are common place. If you don’t speak French the people don’t want to talk to you.
Perhaps since you’re from NYC you have a different view of what rude is. I’ve been to Paris many times (only to take advantage of the low airfares). Otherwise I would not recommend going there. How many French cars come to the US? Not many as they’re known for being unreliable and poorly made. My point is that for as many small {personal experiences) you may have the majority of visitors feel otherwise. If you go back in history you might better understand where this rude attitude comes from.

Don’t trust the cab drivers and if you go to a tourist area restaurant be prepared to pay triple.

I enjoy reading Sexapades posts and perhaps he has found some sex in a place that is otherwise avoided at best. You can verify this by just looking at any discussion forum and trying to find French prostitution. People go to Holland and Germany not France for sex.

I’ve had totally the opposite experiences in Paris from 12 visits over the past 10 years. Whether it be rental car, airline, restaurant employees. If I were treated this way in the other 5 countries I frequent in Europe I might think I personally had a problem. For some reason in Holland, Germany, Italy, Austria, Denmark and CZ the people are friendly, clean smelling and crime free. (I’ve heard crime is a problem in Italy but I never had a problem even with 100’s of visits).

If you are looking for great pussy in France, your best option is to go to the South to find it. The best sex hunting is around Cannes, St. Tropez, and Monaco. Most upscale beachfront hotels have bars and nightclubs where women hang out, and there are always several of them to be found in these bars. If you find yourself in Paris try going to nightclubs to meet women few of them will be hookers and take note the French people as a hole are very rude and not that friendly. If you are looking for pros try these upper end sex clubs listed below. You will find the pros here but have a fat wallet because Paris hookers are not cheap.

Adam’s Club
19, rue de Brey, 75017
Tel: 01-42-67-92-18

La Cheminee
11, rue Des Fosses-St-Marcel, 75005
Tel. 01-47-07-66-66

Chris et Manu
5, rue Saint-Bon, 75004
Tel. 01-42-72-52-18

Le 2 + 2.
70, rue L’hommard, 75005
Tel. 01-47-07-25-81

Le Prelude
1 rue Richelieu, 75001
Tel. 01-42-60-31-60

Le Pluriel
13, rue Francois Miron, 75004
Tel: 01-40-29-07-52.

Le Feelings
26, rue Vavin, 75006.
Tel: 01-43-54-06-04

I just visited Paris for the 3rd time in my life , mainly to visit a friend who lives in Arr. 11 near Bastille. I love Paris and last time I took a long walk down Rue St Denis and found the women to be too old, ugly and scary to approach any of them.

Anyway, we went walking around Momontre and ended up on Pigalle and were unfortunately coerced into the club Taxi Girls (about 2 blocks from Moulin Rouge). A nice , somewhat cute girl who spoke some English approached my French friend and me and offered us 20 Euros to see a 5 -10 minute strip show (half-price). My friend asked her in French (my French is a little lax) if we needed to incur any other charges and she said NO.

As we we entered the small, dark club there was some fat old bastard (whose drink was empty) sitting close to the stage, a bartender and some other guy hidden in an alcove by the front door. Then a half-Asian girl came by and sat down next to me and my friend. She proceeded to ask me questions about my life in both French and English and, after sitting there for 10 minutes or so, they brought us 2 beers. Then the girl who brought us into the club ordered two mixed drinks without asking us.

To make a long story short, some somewhat hot looking girl came in off of the street and danced for about 4-5 minutes. After her short show, we were done with our beers and ready to explore more of Paris. As we got up to leave, my friend handed the guy at the bar a 50 Euro note. Then the commotion started. The bartender, along with the bitch that got us in there, had a card printed up that said that each drink was 55 Euros and that we had to pay 20 Euros plus for our entrance. I started to freak out and was about to pull my friend with me when the big dude got up and shouted something In French into my ear and proceeded to block the exit.

Had I not been so tired , I would have shown him my American Kick-boxing skills and drop-licked him. After arguing for 15 minutes, my friend gave them 140 damn Euros for nothing. After walking down the street a bit to let off steam, I ran back down the street , walked past the new bitch trying to get people in there, and proceeded to threaten them with my American Army friends and some explosives (only joking of course)! They did not like that one bit. I also told the 2 girls in there that you will pay with some disease on your pussy!

Bottom Line, Strip Shows on Pigalle are a no win situation. When I get back to Paris in 6 months, I am going right back in to that place and beating the shit out of the big dude, and doing some harm to the ladies too.


Le Baron
Fine, friendly club, but after having read the review I expected more. App. 8 girls were there (Wednesday night), some 6-8 looking. Definitely worth a try.

Le Japanese bar
App. 12 girls in there, quiet friendly, take your time to have a look around. Main action starts after 11 pm. a bottle of champagne (1400 French Francs) and 2000 French Francs for the girl and then you can go downstairs. Not very relaxing atmosphere in the “separées” you have to be sportive. Depending on the girl, nearly everything is possible. For another bottle of champagne and another 1000 French Francs you can go with the girls to our hotel, but I believe it is a waste of money.

Anysa (Thai-Chinese) < CTION=display&ADID=97603535> <>
+33(0)6 15 66 82 82, <>
26yo, 4’9″, 90 lbs., ultra petite. 32b-20-32
FFR 1000 (about $150 as of posting), 1 hr. full service incall (Metro Place D’Italie).
Seen Mar 00.
face: 7.5 (looks much, much better than pictures)
body: 8
appearance: 10
ambience: 6.5 (more if you don’t mind the dogs watching)
performance: 9
From north of Thailand, from Chiang Mai. Because she’s advertising as a “Lolita” type, everything is shaved, but she says she naturally doesn’t have much fur as it is. Very good English, better than her French. Quotes FFR 1200 over the phone, but will take FFR 1000. Very sweet young lady, good service, excellent value for money. Incall in modern efficiency apartment in Place D’Italie area, Left Bank. Covered oral (BBBJ for regulars), enjoys receiving, and sometimes is available for after session Thai munchies (at very least she will give you a number of recs as to where the good Thai restaurants are in Paris). Definite recommend.

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