Red Carpet Clubs


The term “Red Carpet clubs” refers to a network of FKK clubs, mainly located in the Essen-Bochum-Dortmund area, in Nordrhein-Westfalen (one club, Dietzenbach, is located south of the area, near Frankfurt).


Red Carpet Clubs seem to have changed hands and now go under another handle.

The Original Names (The names will change but the clubs often stay the same)
FKK Club Vitalis

Villa Venus
Konrad-Adenauer-Ring 17
47167 Duisburg-Neumühl
Tel.: 0203/5007667
Free Entry
2 x 80
3 x 105
5 x 150

Kressenweg 6
44379 Dortmund-Dorstfeld
Tel.: 0231/9604245

Villa Arabella
Lohrheidestraße 63
44866 Bo-Wattenscheid
Tel.: 02327/33394
Free Entry
2 x 75
3 x 99
5 x 150

Grimberg Sauna
Grimbergstraße 12
45889 Gelsenkirchen
Tel.: 0209/879089
Free Entry
2 x 80
3 x 99
5 x 130

Villa Romantika
Blitzkuhlenstraße 109
45659 Recklinghausen
Tel.: 02361/15283
Free Entry
2 x 75
3 x 99

These clubs seem to cater to all races and all belong to one group or owner. Pricing is lower. Take note of the name changes from above by matching addresses.

Aplerbeck FKK Club
Aplerbecker Bahnhofstrasse 5 Aplerbeck 44287 Tel 02314461113

Verena FKK Club
Kressenweg 6 Dorstfeld 44379 Tel 02316185478

Dietzenbach FKK Club
Voltastrasse 4 Dietzenbach 63128 Tel 0607447360

Freude 39 FKK Club
Freudenbergstrasse 39 Bochum-Hamme 44809 Tel 02349580115

Grimberg FKK Club
Grimbergstrasse 12 Gelsenkirchen 45889 Tel 0209879089

Villa Erotic FKK Sauna Club
Dröscheder Berg 4 Iserlohn 58638 Tel 02374973691

Romantika FKK Club
Blitzkuhlenstrasse 109 Recklinghausen 45659 Tel 0236115283

Salome FKK Club
Riemker Strasse 110 Herne 44625 Tel 02323387696

Venus FKK Club
Konrad Adenauer Ring 17 Duisberg Tel 02035007668

Arabella FKK Club
Lohrheidestrasse 63 Wattenscheid 44866 Tel 0232733394

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