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I just returned from Barcelona and had a bad experience at a place called Club Riviera. The going rate there is l0,000 psetas for 30 min. and 20,000 for l hr. (l70 psetas to $l). Anyway I picked this girl named Maria who has long straight blonde hair and brown eyes. When we went into the room upstairs, she explained to me in Spanish and through pointing to the watch and finger drawing that she charges l5,000 psetas for 20 min. or 20,000 for 30 min. Not wanting to argue with her about the price . I paid her l5,000 psetas. After we were both naked in bed and I tried to kiss her breasts, she said that will cost 5,000 psetas extra. At that time I was getting pretty angry, and I only had l0,000 psetas bills available. When she saw that, she tried to tell me that it is 5,000 psetas for the right breast and 5,000 psetas for the left breast! I could not take it anymore and got up, dressed and stormed out of the room. I tried to find an employee there to complain but nobody speaks English. I went back to the hotel and had the receptionist wrote a letter to the management to complain. I brought the letter with me back to the club and after the management read the letter and talked to her, they told me (through translation of my hotel receptionist over the phone) that it is normal for some girls to charge a higher price. That this girl is new and if they have anymore problem with her later, then they will fire her. Essentially they did not do anything to correct the situation. Before Maria, I had service from three other girls there and they are all either average or below average. ( I work out daily and look decent)

Barcelona is a big city and I found the people there much more inclined to take advantage of you if you do not speak their language. The taxi driver who took me to the airport and refused to give me back any change when I handed him 3.000 psetas for the 2160 psetas fare! I have been to Dusseldorf, Prague and Amsterdam many many times and I had never encountered such situations in those cities. May be my friend is right, he told me the further south you go , the worse it gets. Avoid Club Riviera at all cost.

Recently in Barcelona with three experiences to report. I stayed at the Barcelo Sants hotel above the train station so confined myself to the general area around it.

Barcelona has some of the hottest women.

There’s private house at 260 Casanova 3rd floor (including lobby)apt#1. Girls 8-10 superior service. 1 hour complete s/f around 15.000 to 20.000 pesatas(US$90-120)as January 2001. You have to decide which one and believe it is difficult decisions. Happy hunting!

First stop was a massage place that was three streets east and about three south from the train station, just before the grand via, on the west side of the street. Like most such places, you enter and are shown a parade of chica’s. At 6 PM, there were about seven working, all in the 4-7 looks range. None appeared Spanish in origin which was a big disappointment. I chose “Naina” who was pretty and petite. The cost was 8000 Pesetas (US$40) for 1/2 hour, one servicio (cum once). Naina is Russian from St Petersburg and spoke a little Spanish but no English. It was the typical type of service you’d expect basic, no frills. She asked whether I wanted a condom during oral, but it seemed to me that she was planning on it so I didn’t argue. I tipped her 2000 Peestas and was on my way.

The next night, I went into a sauna closer to the station. Again, can’t remember the name, but it’s on the main north/south street to the east of the station, across from the “Pans & Company” fast food joint. I had thought about going into Cristal Sauna on the same street but they had a sentry posted outside which turned me off. Anyway, this other place was very nice; had a bar area where you could just sit and chat with the girls, or get the lineup. The prices were much higher – 20,000 Pesetas ($100) for 40 minutes. I chose the lineup and there were five or six girls…including Naina! Well, she was maybe worth the 8000 Pesetas but not 20,000 for sure. I chose Patricia, a very pretty Colombian woman. She has a beautiful face and decent body. She spoke very little English but was patient with my Spanish. The room was nice, round bed, round jacuzzi-style tub (we didn’t use). Started out with a light massage, then moved to BBBJ and finally some hot Latin sex. She didn’t seem to want to kiss at first but by the time we were in missionary, she was into it and it was great. She told me that the place was open 24 hours and that she would be there the next night.

So, I went by the next night, but Patricia was not there. I asked for the lineup anyway. Naina was there again! I wondered if her service was better at 20,000 than at 8000, but I decided that neither she nor any of the other chicas that night were worth it. Boy was I glad I made that choice!

Instead, I walked over to Kiss Me, a club mentioned in other postings. I think it’s on Mallorca about six or eight blocks east from the station. This is basically a small bar which had six or eight girls, in range from 5-9 to looks. Only one spoke English, a Barcelona girl named Sara. There was one chica in the place who was really hot but she was hanging with some other people. I decided to give it a few minutes. This was best decision of the night – because soon Karen came over to chat with me. She was a super hot Spanish girl with dyed blond hair, tattoo, navel ring, and a very tight bod. She said there were two rooms – a not-so-private room in the back of the bar or private rooms upstairs. The upstairs room was 25,000 Pesetas ($125) for an hour, plus buying her a drink (5000 Pesetas as mentioned elsewhere). I went for it and we went upstairs. The apartment is around the corner in a separate entrance, a few floors up.

In the room, Karen was an animal. We did it twice in the hour, in all positions and with very intimate contact. Some interesting things she told me were: 1) Spanish men only want to do it once; 2) Kiss Me will close on weekends, they only get business Monday – Thursday nights; 3) some of the girls, as mentioned in another report, will give blowjobs in the bar (but she won’t). I didn’t know how to ask if they swallow but I’d be pretty curious. No such action happening while I was in the bar.

I recently returned from 2 months in Barcelona, Spain. My 2 favorite brothels are: 1. Rosellon #328 Entio 2 (push the red button). Located near subway stop Sagrada Familia. 2. Madrid #6 Piso 1 Located near subway stop Badal Minimum service at Rosellon is 5000 pesetas ($30) for 20 minutes. At Madrid, 4000 ($24) pesetas for 20 minutes. Both places charge 6000 ($36) for a half an hour. This is for full service sex. If you’re still horny after the first session, you can pay for another “servicio”. Here is the procedure: When you enter, you will be greeted by the madam (at Rosellon it’s a man} and seated in a room. Don’t worry about the security guard—he’s there to protect the girls (and clients). The madam will ask you what kind of service you want. You pay her. Then the girls enter the room one by one and introduce themselves. The madam returns and asks you which one you want. The girl comes back and escorts you to a bedroom. You disrobe, and she washes you in the bidet or shower. You return to the bedroom. Some girls will give you a bareback blow job, but will always put a condom on before you cum. Fucking is anyway you want it. I enjoyed Vanessa so much; I went back to her 5 times. (she was at Rosellon) It was the closest to girlfriend sex I’ve ever experienced. She french kissed, let me suck her to my heart’s content, 69, sucked me bareback, and rode me till I came. At Madrid, I chose Doa (a 19 year old blond beauty). At these prices, Spain is the best value in Europe for high quality sex.

Recently I decided that a little I&I (In military we called it R&R, But we all knew it as Intercourse and intoxication) was what I needed to get over my painful divorce so To Barcelona I went. The scene is really interesting for sex ,anything goes, whatever you want, just a higher price…I consulted the trusty World Sex Guide as any horny tourist would and had several names and prices in mind. Again keep in mind that the Peseta is aprox. 5000 = $30US dollar so you will do the math. OK, now to my experience….

Any place open at night with sauna is definitely a brothel. You go in and the madam will ask you what you want, and quote you a price. Now maybe it was the holiday season or times in Barcelona have changed, or they smelled American dollars, but the prices were a lot higher than previously quoted. I went one afternoon to check one out and simply said to a cab driver, Mujers,Chicas.

The next thing I knew we arrived at Suana Modelas. After going inside I was quoted prices of 15,000 pesatas for 1/2 hour and 20,000 pesetas for 45 min. OK, doing the math,90 USD for 1/2 hr,120 USD for 45 min. I was suffering from bad case of blue balls so almost any price would have been OK. As reported you may go to the bar and simply order yourself a drink and wait for the girls to approach you or you may as you come in go directly to the small room and wait as the madam brings them to you with a smile. each girl will smile and kiss you on the cheek as they introduce themselves. After you have seen all the girls you will then be asked to make a choice. All were in the 7-8 range .I was a bit nervous so I simply took the first one ,not the best or the prettiest, but a good body and a really sweet attitude.

After going to a room it was a typical spa setting, large tub and a big bed, all you ever could need. The woman Monica asked me to pay her first and when she left and returned in two minutes she then asked me in Spanish only to undress and come over to the tub as she started to wash herself thoroughly. She then washed me as a skilled professional would, front and back very thorough. We then made our way to the bed and she massaged my back and shoulders with the help of her firm titties…after some more touch action she asked me to turn over and she kissed me all over my body, but not on the mouth. She had great skills at putting on the condom with her mouth, and even though the BJ was latex it felt great. we then proceeded to the main event.

While fucking her in every position I could remember from the Kama Sutra I blasted my load at she pumped my cock as if it was being milked .After, well it was a washing again a small kiss on the cheek and a hug goodbye. Overall her attitude and the girls at this spa was very good and for straight away sex this is the place. I did go to Cristal spa but was put off by the man running the place and the overall attitude of the girls working there. Several were in the 5-6 range and of course the Russians and Eastern euros were 7-8.Same situation on the intros, but after looking at the rooms and talking to the girls a bit I lost my interest. There are several clubs that are typical show type scenes, but all more expensive, Drinks for you 1000 pesetas, woman 5000 Posetas, You will pay up to 50,000 pesetas for private room action but these girls are all in the 9-10+ range and will do all, kiss you everything. So remember this city is fun and hip and if you want pay sex it is here but pricey, it depends if it is worth it to you. The action at Valleri Serra was discouraged by every cab driver for whatever reason, most said the women were not the best, even dirty. You can easily find women in any Discos, with many foreigners looking for fun. whatever you wish. Have fun and be safe.

Club Areas
Barri Xines Area, Is the sailor area of the city when the ships are in port also forms the heart red light zone. Made up of several bars with girls working in them. The largest of these bars will have 25-30 working girls at any given time in them. The police provide foot patrols in the area so fairly safe part of the city.

The business in Barrio Chino or Barri Xines in catalan is far from what it has been before the Olympics! It is now mostly limited to SW on calle San Ramon. It is mostly a day business (10 to 8) with some very young girl (barely legal). Girls ask for 20euros and another 10 for room in family house: you wait watching tv with owner’s baby and granma until one of the few rooms is free. Typical allowed time is 20 minutes. I had both wonderful times (mostly with Columbians or Ecuadorians) and terrible 3 minutes experience with turk girl.

Club Riviera in Castelldelfels.
Taxi from central Barcelona is about 30 – 35 Euros.

It’s a huge Brothel with three rooms to meet girls. There are Bars in all rooms and occasional pole dancing in the main meeting room. Drinks are not expensive – you can have a bottle of water for 2 Euros and a girls drink is 10 Euros. The standard price for half an hour with a girl for normal sex and a blow job is 70 Euros – double for an hour. There is also a Jacuzzi room but that is 260 Euros an hour minimum. According to my partner for the evening – (same girl, had a break and then went back for another round) there are upward of 300 girls work at the Club.

The rooms are clean and clean sheets were automatically provided. The showers were a bit hit or miss but the bidets worked and were used to make sure that all concerned are clean where it counts. The standard of girls was really high – lots of 8s and 9s. I spent my time with a gorgeous tall slim blonde Russian called Anna.

When in Barcelona buy the newspaper ‘La Vanguardia” and you’ll find around 250 advertisments for brothels and erotic massage parlors. I went to an old little brothel at Rosellon 328, which is actually 3 brothels, I choose the red doorbell. I was greeted by a friendly madam and introduced to 6 girls. Patricia from Brazil appealed immediately to me and I booked an hour with her at 90 euros. The photo on the website of Patricia is very much like her although she is a bit older now around 40 I estimate.

Barcelona – Balmes 74 – Ana
Barcelona and took a late afternoon stroll around sunny El Raval. There were plenty of young hookers around Placa de Salvador Segui on Calle de St Joseph Oriol, Carrer de Sadurni and Carrer d’Espobar. Very curvy Africans with big bottoms and slim Eastern Europeans. It was an erotic sight to see these sexy girls standing around smiling at me being available for making love. I asked three Rumanian beauties about their rates and was quoted 40 euros + 10 euros for the room for 30 minutes with fellatio and coitus. Two girls lowered their rate to 35 euros and one girl to 30 euros after I said it was too much for me.

Considering that I was more into longer sessions I headed for the Asian House at Balmes 74,
The mamasan showed me into a room and five Chinese girls introduced themselves one by one with a French kiss. I responded to the kisses, embracing them and stroking their necks, backs, buttocks and breasts. Ana responded passionately by embracing me and erotically stroking my buttock and penis.

So I took Ana for an hour at 70 euros. We went into a large room with a small shower and undressed, Ana has a fine body as you see on the picture on the website. I kissed her and caressed her buttocks and breasts while standing, then she asked me to shower. I asked her to wash me which she did thoroughly giving great attention to my anus and penis. On my request she gave my penis a soapy massage which created a good erection. I switched of the shower and made her continue with fellatio until I ejaculated in her mouth still standing in the shower.., what a lovely start .!

She dried me and we laid on the bed where I went kissing and caressing all over her nice body ending between her soft thighs with cunnilingus. She started moaning and I then gave her the full finger pussy massage while sucking on her nipples until she climaxed. She rested a couple of minutes, then started kissing and massaging my body with her breasts ending with fellatio until my penis stood tall again. She slipped on a condom and started riding me while turning her hips which was new and nice to me. I turned her around and we went into a long slow coitus in missionary style culminating into a beautiful deep orgasm.

The remaining ten minutes we laid kissing and cuddling, I just could not get enough of her soft breasts and nipples. Ana gave me a heavenly hour trying to please me all the time and was very friendly to me. I left Asian House as a happy man and will try to see her again.



I was in Barcelona for a few days for a business meeting and whilst there had an incredible experience at a place called Apricots. I found this escort agency online just by doing some brief research, but I liked the look of Apricots as they had a good website with videos of each of their girls, details of services offered, and their prices were very appealing at only 80 euros for 45mins…not to mention the selection of stunning girls on offer!

It was located near to where I was staying (I guess another reason for going as it was so close) on Corsega 252. Everyone was very friendly and the agency itself was extremely clean and nicely decorated which helped make me feel comfortable. I went with a very good looking Brazilian girl called Andrea- she had great tight arse and a big pair of boobs that were just perfect…I got so hard as soon as I saw her. You can see her on the website: 7b/andrea.html

I began by rubbing her pussy until she got so wet and I slipped two fingers deep inside of her. She moaned with pleasure as I massaged her G spot whilst rubbing her clit until her whole body shuddered as she came hard after a very short amount of time. Before she could even get her breath back she grabbed hold of my penis and directed it into her moist pussy. She felt so good as I thrusted deep inside of her in a missionary position. We were at it for a full 40mins in numerous positions until I pulled out of her to soak those gorgeous tits with my cum, and she gently massaged my penis to get every drop of cum out of me.

Well I have always thought that better accompanied than alone, and in the case of escorts, the company is always pleasant and pleasant to be able to vent on the most desired moments, the sex of payment has always existed and will exist.

I have been looking for escorts website and all the girls announced in https://www.agenda69.comare escort girls with real photos


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