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Club/bars: (All work from 10PM to 4AM, no cover)
1. JUNIORS BAR (there are 2)
1015 girls 1822 y/o, 79愀 in the TLAQUEPAQUE bar

2. KAOS BAR & SHOW GIRL’S MARIANO OTERO 6121, MARIANO OTERO, GUADALAJARA 45130, JAL. (013) 6841749 50 girls(710愀)




6. I don’t remember the name of the BAR CARR A CHAPALA KM ? TLAQUEPAQUE, GUADALAJARA , JAL. (many new imported cars outside this one, You’ll find it)

7. Men’s Club Guadalajara, expensive place, (cover), Lazaro Cardenas #???, most girls are foreign, (710), recently changed name (?)

There are a few more good bars but I don’t remember the names, sorry, ask a cab driver, hotel valet , etc.
Also check the local newspapers (like El Informador), under masajes (massage) prices:$15$120US, out call, hotel/house, some pretty college girls, house wife’s, etc.
careful with: underage girls (18) or transvestites.

While visiting the beautiful city of Guadalajara last weekend, I saw some ads in the newspaper for Esteticas in the personals section. I don’t speak much Spanish, but having read other reviews that said Esteticas is the place to look for great full service massage, I decided to try one out. It said Diamond at the beginning of the ad, but I don’t know if there was anyone named Diamond there. And it wasn’t the name of the salon, either.

I walked up some stairs at 1545 Montenegro and rang the bell. A woman answered the door and asked if I wanted un masaje. I said si. She asked if I speak Spanish or English, and I said English. Then she introduced me to a girl who appeared to be about 20 years old. She was attractive, but she had a big booty and a slightly bulging belly. It appeared as though I didn’t have a choice in the matter, as there were two other ladies there that I would have liked to meet, first. We went into the room and I said, $200 (pesos), right? She said that 200 pesos was for the massage ONLY. I then asked, Mas is mas? She laughed and told me that was right.

After a shower, she proceeded to give me an incredible massage. She even massaged my toes and my cheeks, but she stayed far away from my most sensitive area. After about an hour, she said she was done. I then asked her about mas. She asked what I wanted and I asked how much. She said oral sex was 400 pesos and complete sex was 500 pesos. I thought about it, but soon realized that, at approximately 10 pesos to the dollar, that was only $40 or $50 plus I’d had a great massage for $20. I figured $60, total, wasn’t too much to spend, so I told her I wanted oral. She asked if I prefer with or without a condom, and I told her without. She left the room for a couple of minutes and returned with a condom. She explained that she would start without and then put it on. I told her that would be fine.

For the next 30 minutes (I’m not exaggerating) she gave me the most gentle, un rushed blowjob I had ever had. She put the glove on after just a couple of minutes… I’m sure she was worried I’d pop in her mouth… but that just made the rest of the session last that much longer. Finally I exploded, but she kept up the gentle motion until I was finished writhing on the table. She took the condom off and cleaned me up, and I took my second shower… which I really need to clean off all the lotion she had used for the massage. I highly recommend the experience. If you ever find yourself in Guadalajara, Mexico, check the classified section in the newspaper. Las estiticas son muy fantasticas!

I agree completely. In fact there is a little town just 30 miles South of Guadalajara on Lake Chapala called Ajijic (pronounced AhheeHEEK) which at least 50% retired Americans mostly federal government workers. The Mexicans living there are almost entirely Spanish very few Indios. Personally, I found the Indios just as hospitable and friendly as the Euro Mexicans. The Guadalajara region is a very inexpensive and desirable place to retire w/decent medical care and the most wonderful women you could imagine for men of all ages.

The day before I left I met a beautiful and aristocratic lady of 32 who had married a wealthy British executive who had retired to Ajijic. He was killed in a freak accident last year in England and she was just beginning to come out of her shell. She was delightful in every way and we became fast friends. I’ll be revisiting the region every three months now it’s a goldmine.

I have a recent report on Guadalajara, Mexico, which largely reinforces some previous posts here. Staying at the Hotel Frances, perhaps the oldest (built 1610) in this beautiful and clean city, I ventured out in search of more earthly pleasures while speaking only minimal Spanish. I found the people of central Mexico to be warm, sincere, family focused and very religious. Everyone seemed in love in Guadalajara regardless of age. The city felt very much like the US in the ’50’s. Many teens wore shirts and ties and girls often wore long dresses. Primary schoolers wore uniforms. I also felt quite comfortable and safe walking the clean streets at night something I was not expecting. Unfortunately, the cab drivers were of little help as few knew any of the popular strip clubs often mentioned on this Board such as Kaoz or Lipstick (Lipstick was even right within the immediate region of my hotel). Fortunately, I had copies of the reports from this Board which saved me much heartache and frustration. For the benefit of this report suffice it to say that Guadalajara is broken into two distinct geographical areas. My hotel was in Guadalajara Central in the middle of the ancient historic district and close to the famous Plaza Tapatia (a great place for Chica watching on weekends). In the western suburbs are the Fiesta Americana and Hilton Hotels, more modern facilities and two large malls. Cab fares between Central and the Fiesta region run about US$5. The malls are great places to chica watch as well (especially La Gran Mall which is the newer of the two) as Guadalajara has some of the most beautiful women in the world.

The night club scene, however, was a total flop and ripoff. Neither Kaoz not Lipstick (the two best) had many chicas. However, those that were there were 8’s and 9’s. Both clubs really don’t populate ’til after 11 PM. Getting there at 10PM I found both clubs completely empty, save for the rather aggressive and pushy bouncers. However, this was mid January and mid week. Weekends may have been different. The strip clubs are all about bucks, and frankly I didn’t feel very comfortable in either one of them.

While Guadalajara is no TJ when it comes to sex (I would say thank goodness), the women are beautiful and very interested in American men. Spending only an hour in one of the neighborhood cybercafes near the Univ. of Guadalajara, I quickly made eye contact w/one young girl, struggled through a conversation in broken Spanish and English, and established a budding new relationship (of sorts). Angelique was a lovely, charming, light skinned w/long black hair and hazel eyes, sweet as candy and 22and she fortunately spoke a little English. Attractive but pushing 60, I was able to make a rather serious connection with her amazing. Such would NEVER have happened in the US. We saw each other daily until I left. She made me feel 30 years younger. While not looking for a handout, Angelique was looking for a reliable husband and protector for her beautiful little 2year daughter.

Hobbyists will find the most reliable sex at the Estetica Masculinas (hair cutteries). The two most reliable, IMHO, are Jet Set and Rape. Jet Set is near the corner of Mexico Ave and Chapultapec (opposite the Guadalajara Insane Asylum…true!). There are lots of great little sidewalk cafes nearby. I walked up and down Mexico Ave for a half hour passing the place 3 times before I finally found it. In fact I left a Coke can on the wall right underneath Jet Set while taking a pause. But I continued on down the street not realizing Eldorado had been right above my head! The sign for Jet Set was up on a 2nd level window. I finally circled all the way back via Chapultapec to the wall w/my Coke can on it, happened to look up, and there it was. As an FYI, you need to walk around to the back through an iron gate to enter. Diedre answered the door. After seeing the other 4 chicas who only ranged from 57’s I chose Diedre. She was a total GFE w/me but YMMV lots of kissing followed by an equal exchange of all language lessons, multiple positions and a pearl facial finish. Tried for a second bell ring but failed (no, it wasn’t the Viagra that failed). However, the Jet Set experience on this particular day was a far distant second to that at Rape. The Estetica Masculina, Rape, is in the district around the Fiesta Americana and Hilton Hotels off Lopes Mateo in the West of the city. Local cabbies even had difficulty finding Rape (as well as Jet Set). Seems the address numbering system in Guadalajara lacks all logic. Having patronized MPs all over North America for some years now, I can safely say that my Rape experience was the best by a mile. Of course, it depends on your particular tastes what you’re looking for. Rape is a very large, immaculately clean and modern spa facility w/steam baths, showers and well appointed double rooms in each unit. The front desk personnel were very cordial and most spoke English. I asked full service right away and admitted to speaking no Spanish. I also asked to see the entire crew. No fewer that 12 chicas began parading in through my room w/big smiles, one after the other. All were 8’s to 10’s with perfect, natural, girl next door looks that spanned the entire spectrum of tastes and shapes and this was on a week day! I chose the tiny little Carlotta (earned later she was 29 but looked 20). Lots of eye contact, lip contact, animated conversation and, what can I say, the works all holes got filled at some point. She probably weighted 90 lbs @ 5’4, yet a fist found its way into a commodious empty socket. Came back the next day and saw Andrea, a full 10 with perfect face and skin w/fresh, natural features, big smiles and mega GFE. I began revisiting twice daily until I left each event costing less that US$100 for 1 hr+. Never any clock watching, never any turn downs. This was living. Between my dates with Angelique and my total immersion at Rape, I left Guadalajara in love with its people, its charm and its cultureno wonder everyone falls in love in this city!

The Mexican State of Jalisco is bordered by Nayarit State to the north and Colima State to the south. The capital is located in the mountainous city of Guadalajara. The major beach resort city is Puerto Vallarta on the Bay of Banderas. I live in the sleepy fishing village of La Manzanilla, Mx. on the pristine Bay of Tenacatita ( If you have any questions pertinent to the State of Jalisco or travel stories please feel free to post your thoughts. Adios amigos!

O.K. boys… finally got a reason to return to Guadalajara, and I’m real glad I did. The first night did the old Kaoz routine (yes it is spelled with a z). Went with two friends and had lots of laughs. There were approx. 85 ladies that night and we were told about 120 show up on busier weekend nights. Of the 85 perhaps 30 were stunners, 25 were fine, and the rest a little on the chunky side. All shapes, sizes, hair colors, truly something for all tastes. Now they were asking 1500 pesos (163 USD) for the onsite rooms (all inclusive) and wanted 1000 pesos (108 USD) for take out. I’m sure some serious bargaining could bring them down, but I was tired and just wanted to hang out. One has to be careful about the lady drinks though. My buddy sat the entire evening with the same two girls and had a massive tab at the end. He was happy though and said he had a lot of fun so I guess all’s well that ends well.

The following day my luck changed for the better. I decided to see if Guadalajara had a massage scene. Started out by looking in about 4 different newspapers under masajes with no luck. That is to say, there were no sections that had anything to do with masajes. Hmmm. That struck me as strange because in Mexico City several papers have quite large sections dedicated to the fine art of massage. After I was done with work (about 2 pm), decided to use the usually reliable tactic of a taxi driver. Hailed a cab and asked the gent if he knew of a good massage spot. I could tell from the blank look on his face that perhaps I hadn’t hailed the correct driver. We ended up driving to his stand where a coworker filled him in on the local possibilities. We went searching for the local spots and my driver couldn’t seem to find them (we were in the Chapalita district of town). But persistence in the pursuit of high quality sex is important.

Finally the driver remembered a particular place in the Zona Rosa district a Guadalajara. This is a very beautiful and pleasant part of town with lots of nice shops, sidewalk restaurants, tree lined boulevards, etc. The first place we went to was called Gentleman’s. At that time it had only 2 ladies, neither of which piqued my interest, but at least we had found the correct type of place. I told the ladies I’d be back in a jiffy after having a bite to eat.

Can you say Estetica Masculina? Those are the key words in Guadalajara, in means something like Men’s Salon in English. On my many trips to Guadalajara I’d seen this type of place but had always assumed it was just a fancy barber shop, wasn’t aware it offered other special services.

Went around the block to a hotel taxi stand and my original driver asked a hotel driver for recommendations in the area. He gave us 3 and I asked which in his opinion was the best and thus we headed about 4 blocks away to Jet Set (on Av. Mexico near Av. Chapultepec). Upon entering the place located in nice old house I could tell immediately we’d hit pay dirt. Was shown upstairs to a nice sized room with massage table and bathroom and steam room. Hmmm. looking good so far. I asked my guide, the lovely tall blond Gaby if I could have of choice of ladies to which she replied yes. So began the fashion show of cuties, 8 in all. Now for the really hard part, which to choose. Well I couldn’t have gone wrong with any of the 8 and chose the gorgeous Marcela. Great choice. Tall, thin, flawless body, natural large pointed breasts, jet black hair, huge dark eyes, sweet personality. Did I mention natural large pointed breasts. For research sake I asked her for the menu of services. Straight massage (yeah right) 250 pesos (27 USD); hand job 400 pesos (43 USD); mouth job 550 pesos (59 USD); full service 600 pesos (65 USD). It took me about 2 milliseconds to determine that full service would be my best investment. Good choice.

Began with a shower in a room with a one way mirror window that overlooked a pleasant plaza. Next a truly great oil massage, with Marcela doing the massaging of course. Then asked Marcela to remove her skimpy outfit and lie on the table while I gave her my patented massage (my book is available through for only 19.95). With the proper prelude the rest was a blissful hour of dynamite girlfriend sex. Lots of kissing. She seemed to enjoy painting my lips with her red lipstick. I did have one big regret however. I was out of cash and more importantly, time. Otherwise I would have spent the rest of the afternoon and evening gratefully sampling several of the other talented ladies at this oasis of masculine services.

At the end Marcela mentioned that they also cut hair and did nails (what a country). Also without me prompting her she said there were lots of places like this and she knew of others where the girls were even better looking. This last statement left me utterly dumbfounded.

Boy, you guys picked some great spots but you are ruining the economy here for us locals. You can get great pussy for 150 pesos ($15 US), if you know where to go. Yes, some of the most beautiful girls are right here in Guad. I have lived here for 2 1/2 years and know many of the ladies. The $15 are quickies, but I have some stay the entire night with me for $2 and 3 hundred pesos (that’s $20 and $30 bucks). They won’t do this until you get to know them. The price will be the same but the time will be like an hour. Lipstick and Koas, (They know this club as Cows), charge way too much and they also charge too much for their drinks. I just go to a nice club, buy a drink and ask for their cell phone number and then call and meet them later and cut a deal at a much less cost than the one quoted in the bar. Also you don’t have to pay their way out of the club. Try going to La Palomias, just outside of the airport towards Chapala about ten miles. Or try the Rodeo club at the turn off to LaBarca and the main road to Chapala. In the Rodeo ask for Chelly or Andrea, in the La Palomias, Victoria is the most expensive as she is the most beautiful. She’s about $40, but Gaby is better and costs only $30. Gaby will fuck your brains out and you’ll ask her to stop. She sucks a mean dick! Don’t overpay, we have to follow in your footsteps.

Just on this side of town is the Boom Boom, and Tecano. Just outside of Ajijic is a small village called Jocotepec and there are two whorehouses there and outside of Ixtlachahaun is the Cubercobers (it means goat sucker). There is Patty (the best) and is 18 with beautiful tits, ask me for her naked photo,Dulce,(a little fat for my likes) and Sylvia who is pretty good. I have naked photos of all of these taken in my home at a recent party.There are good and bad in all of the clubs. Even in the lesser know clubs there are several good looking young girls. I’m happy to say that I know many by both their street names and their real names. I’ve got lots of phone numbers too. Treat them nice and they’ll respond. I’ve even gotten free fucks and that’s rare from a prostitute here. By the way, I’m 67 and 230 lbs and it doesn’t seem to make a difference to these girls

So I first went to Rape last year in October and was pleasantly surprised. I went back just recently from July 1 to July 4. 1200 pesos will get you one heck of a lay at Rape or Jet Set. I went to jet set on July 1 and first met Stephanie. She was all of 26 and had a petite banging body. Blonde highlights and pretty face. I always like to learn about my beautiful honeys when getting the full service. She is a single mom with a degree in computer science. She massaged me really well and then gave me a real solid blow job. She did did not 69 though. She bent over standing and I started with Doggy style. Her pussy was fairly tight and her little ass fit perfect around my average size cock. After a solid tapping from behind. She got on top and rode me like a champ. It did not take me too long to cum. One finished she got up and said goodbye. Great massage and great sex. Definitely recommend her. Day 2 brought me back as next chose a even more petite Carmela. She was another single mom with a degree. Beautiful brunette about 26. The massage was very thorough and the blow job was even better. Feeling quite lazy I laid down and she got on top. She rode me even better than Stephanie did. I came even faster and she left quickly leaving me there in ecstasy. After two days of solid lays at Rape I wanted to find a place more cost effective and maybe a little closer to the hostel. Jet Set was a little closer and a little cheaper than Rape at 1100 pesos. I saw a hot mama in Anna who was 28 and single mom. She gave me a even better massage than the other girls. Anna had a more voluptuous body and had implants. Anna gave a me a full hour treatment. I did come at all and was pretty hard all the way through. It was some good hard banging. Doggie, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl on loveseat, and reverse cowgirl on table. She really beat my dick up and afterwards I said good bye. A really great blowjob too! My final day I went to jet set and chose the 24 year old Carla. She was built just like Anna but younger and she did not have kids. Her boyfriend didn’t know she worked there. Carla gave me the best massage out of all and she equally fucked brains out just like Anna. Surprisingly I did not come and after four straight days of fucking my little cock was tired. I gave Carla a big hug and gave her some tequila to share with Anna. Overall a great four days at the salons!

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