
I guess I’m just plain spoiled by all my dancing girls in Matamoros. They give me everything I could possibly want. Long trips also mean you gotta stay more than a couple of nights. After two or three days of hard core whoring and drinking, I’m ready to take a break anyway. So convenient Matamoros works best for me.

I’ve also been lazy about street walkers. But they are cheap as hell, at $20 a trick, plus 10 or so for the room. But you gotta spend time looking for and culling the good ones. But there are plenty of em here on 10th street.

Paradise men’s club is a favorite. Its very secure, and is the oldest most established club here. If you go out with the girls who work there, and they won’t steal from you when you’re drunk, and will in fact take care of you while in their country. There are many other big bars here as well. I go about three times a week. Matamoros is a big city now, with plenty of action. No need to waste time traveling over oceans on long flights, with extended stays.

You can fly southwest into Harlingen or Brownsville. Harlingen is 30 miles from Matamoros. And the Brownsville airport taxi’s will take you directly to Matamoros, and find you whatever. Once in Matamoros switch to Mexican cabs. They are reliable and cheaper. I do not recommend you drive at night in Matamoros without speaking Spanish. Paradise club has a van and will take you back to your hotel for nothing.

Most of the clubs here have pretty woman. Street walkers are cheap. Like everything else in life, you get what you pay for. Typical club prices are $150 for an hour in the back bed room. $12 for a totally nude private dance in a private room, touch all you want. The reason I like Mexican clubs so much for the quality of the girls. Supposedly you have to be 18 to work in one, but that’s not enforced. There is no comparison to a USA strip club.Why would anybody buy a lap dance anyway? In Mexico you can meet someone who is much younger better attitude, and is working out of economic necessity, not laziness or greed. And they know what’s expected of them, and they don’t mind servicing you. Its all about attitude. And if you get to know them a bit, you don’t mind spending money on them. Typically they will use the money to feed their brothers and sisters or their own children.

On that point bring cash, or your ATM card. Its works fine in Mexican banks, and they’re everywhere. But forget visa or master card cause no clubs in matamoros accepts them.

The cost for a top girl in the clubs here will run about $150 dollars per hour. This is much cheaper than in; Mexico City,  Puerto Vallarta or Baja or Cancun and the level of service will be better too. Not looking to spend that kind of money per hour? Check out 10th street in Matamoros here you will find many streetwalkers that you can pick from both pros and semi pros. An hour with full service will run $20 to $30 or if you want the girl all night you’re looking at $50 to $60. You can find a hotel from $10 per night and up but a ten dollar hotel here is a step below a U.S. Jail in quality so be warned. The street walkers can be a pleasant surprise, sometimes very hot looking housewives just trying to get the rent money together at the end of the month will come out here to make ends meet. With most people making only $60 a week in salary, things can be tough. Non pro doesn’t mean they aren’t hot. Mexican woman are very, very passionate. Just take some time and romance them a little. Show some respect and you won’t be disappointed with your hot Latin lover.
And it’s cheaper than Asia or South America due to its proximity. You don’t have to stay a week or two, in order to get over your jet lag and justify the long trip. Brownsville Matamoros is only a one-hour flight from Houston.

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