Street Scene
Check Avenue called Reforma. Try the park in front of the Ancira Hotel downtown or try the bar next door with girls, next to Macro Plaza. The Carls’ Jr.s
Here are my observations and recommendations to others:
(1) Learn as much Spanish as you can. You will ripped of the least.
$1 = 10 pesos (approx).
Trade in pesos where ever you can.
(2) Cabs are 24 hours. Take cabs everywhere & have the cab driver turn on the meter as soon as you get in. Never pay more than a pesos(than what the meter says) after you get off. It will add up over time.
(3) Rental cars cost more than $50 a day & are not worth it if you are a tourist. A cab is safe & cheaper.
(4) Obsessions Men’s Club
RIP OFF.(if looking for sex with dancers)
Location: Av. Guerrero # 1302
Phone: 374.52.36
Private Dance – 400 pesos
2hr Hotel (fuck) – 2000 – 2500pesos.
(5) Prestige
Location: Av. Madero
Phone: 333.85.00
Private Dance – 400pesos
2 hr (fuck) – 2000-2500 pesos.
It is a outright RIP-OFF.STAY AWAY. (if looking for sex with dancers).
Girls standard OK. I had sex with one of the dancers for close to $300 in the end. She [Cindy(Kimberley) Garca] started first with 2200 pesos &
but finally forced me into paying for the hotel 220 pesos. This deal was fixed after I got personal table dance for 400 pesos. That is when the deal is struck. This place is run like a Mafia.(mainly targeting foreigners ). The deal was for 2 hrs. She got bored (i guess) & tricked me by saying that she would land up in my hotel & spend all night for free with in the first hour. And I bought into it.
(6) Massage parlor
Location: Near Intersection of Zaragoza & Reforma
Best place if looking for sex. I did three girls in 3 hours. Great massages & the girls are friendlier. I found few good looking ones.
Price-100 pesos for 25 minutes (includes everything). So with in $20 , you can have lot of fun. Show the girl the time in the watch and have her commit to how long she would stay before the session and enjoy a full session. The quality of the girl varies. Nail the best one & hold on to her or go on shopping to other massage parlors till you find the one you like.
(7) Massage Parlor
Couple on Tapia 353 PTE & 329 OTE
For further shopping.
(8) Buy “”Metro”” magazine & see the last page for latest hot spots.
(9) Get into a friendly cab & have the driver take you to some exotic
new spot.
(10) Zuku Zuku – Regular titty bar
Location: Miguel Aleman (De La Y Greiga area)
Can find very young mexicanas(very new to the trade).For a few extra table dances (1 TD=30 pesos), can get phone# extra & work a deal if lucky.
The bar does not set up anything for you.
(10) And finally remember women are women no matter if you spend 2500 pesos or 100 pesos. I would personally shop around all these massage parlors for the woman I like & yet pay the lowest rather than get ripped off by a high class nasty whore targeting foreigners.
Arrived in Monterrey just after 10:00pm. Took a cab to Ancira and checked in as quickly as I could. Ventured out and immediately found Maxxims (right next door). It is a small disco and there weren’t many people there. About 4 or 5 ladies and 2 or 3 gentlemen. Sat and ordered a Sol. One of the ladies came and sat with me and asked me to buy her a drink. Fortunately she spoke English quite well because I don’t speak much Spanish at all. She was very friendly but I did not find her attractive. Through our conversation, it became clear that she was available if I was interested. I passed and went back out into the street and immediately met a friendly English speaking taxi driver named Alex. As we were talking about my hobby, one of the other ladies from Maxxim’s came out and spoke to Alex in Spanish. She was young and thin. Very nice body and pretty face. Only downside was that she had very crooked teeth.
Alex asked if I’d like to spend some time with her. Price was quoted at 1500 pesos. I replied that I would pass for now. He tried to negotiate but I declined and asked him to take me to a table dance club. Off to Poisson. Alex brought me straight past the line formed at the door and we were seated without any cover charge. Alex and I ordered a few drinks and watched the dancers. By now I was getting a bit drunk and sleepy. An absolutely beautiful dancer girl came and planted herself on my lap and began kissing me all over. I must tell you that she was very beautiful. She spoke no English and I wasn’t in the mood to try and figure out the routine so I told Alex that I was ready to head back to my hotel. The bill at Poisson was not cheap but I did not at all feel cheated. Back to Maxxim’s for one last Sol and to see if the thin girl was still there.
She was but another lady came and set by me. Bought her a drink and found her quite lovely. 5’5” average body. Not thin, not heavy and a very pretty face. Nice smile (perfect teeth) and pretty eyes. Somehow I managed to arrange for her to spend some time with me in my room for 100US. As we walk toward the elevator at Ancira, several employees stopped us and told me that I would not be allowed to bring the lady to my room. I explained that she was my guest and after much haggling, they allowed her to sign in at the front desk. This lady was one of the most wonderful companions I have ever had. Very passionate and many, many activities were enjoyed. After almost 3 hours of fun, I walked her back to Maxxims and called it a night (or morning as it was).
Second evening, I was sleepy from the night before. Decided to get an early start. Well that is impossible in Monterrey unless you visit one of the Masaje places. Nothing gets going until after dark. Waited until dark and exited hotel to find a cab. Wanted to visit TVO. No one wanted to take me to TVO. Only Obsession, Poisson or Prestige. I guess no commissions are paid by TVO but after much haggling I finally found someone to take me there. Was met at the door by an hombre calling himself Hollywood Mike. He set me up with a cold beer and I said “peudo usted recommendar una chica que habla engles?” Well Mike was off before I completed my request and he didn’t hear the que habla engles part so he sends back an amazing creature but who spoke no English. Not sure about her name but if you ever go to TVO you cannot miss her.
She was a large woman but not fat. She must have been at least 5’10” with a very nice body, pretty face and short bleached blond hair. I found her to be very attractive. Hollywood Mike talked me into buying her a drink (350 pesos). Demasiado I explained but he was very insistent. Turns out that it was not really a bad deal because it was a whole pitcher of drinks and I was taken upstairs. I saw people going in and out of the booths upstairs but there are windows and the TVO employees would often look inside. Not sure what services were available. I wanted to have some fun with this lady but I was getting too sleepy to try and figure out how. She never asked me if I wanted a dance. She just sat there looking into my eyes and kissing me gently from time to time. I was sleepy so I decided to leave.
I left the lovely dancer a 20US for sitting with me and caught a taxi. Told the cab I needed to go to Versage. I’m not sure if that’s where we actually went as I never saw any signs. Anyway, once inside the taxi driver negotiated a deal of 500 pesos for servicio completo. There were only 3 ladies. Two unattractive but one was thin and young and looked pretty good. It’s a deal I said. We went to a small room with a wooden massage table. The lady provided oral with condom very quickly and then climbed onto all fours on the table. De parrito….. fine by me. I was done in about 10 minutes and on my way. Not a good experience but at 500 pesos, I did not feel cheated.
Back to Maxxims where I found the lady who had treated me to such a nice time the evening before. Back to my room. Oh yeah, I almost forgot, they do charge you to take a lady out of Maxxims. I think it was 300 pesos but I’m not certain. My total bill was 1000 pesos this night but I did buy several drinks for myself, my novia and the ugly lady who spoke English because she was so nice to me. Felt a bit cheated by this bill but what the hell. Back to hotel with mi novia. This time no commotion. They let us go straight up to my room. Same experience as the night before and same price 100US. Several very wonderful hours.
All in all a great time. My only regrets were that I did not at least try to take home the dancer girls from Poisson and TVO. I found both quite desirable and it would have been worth 200US to me to have one in my hotel room for a few hours. Maybe next time
Theres Ann Avenue called Reforma with women on the street, avoid it at all costs, its ultra cheap but girls (girls? grandmas!) are so ugly, this is mainly for poor people.
The are nice girls in a park in front of the ANCIRA HOTEL right at downtown, next to the Macroplaza.In front of the Carl Jrs, if they see you’re foreigner they might approach you and hand u a card.They’re are nice looking and average ask is $1000 ($100 dollars) I had 2 of them at the same time and it was good, one got wet, and gave me a condom less suck, nice fuck and it was worth it.Next to the Ancira Hotel there’s a bar and they have girls inside, but here, besides the $100 you have to pay $30 to the club for letting them go out, its mostly a rip off bar, try to avoid it too…
MASSAGES PARLORS: There are hundreds, they’re little places wiht6 or 8 girls, cheap ones cost like $10 (yes, ten dollars) for a fuck, ugly girls the most expensive ones (LE BARON,VERSACE) cost $50 but have pretty girls sometimes, those are the only 2 I would recommend to a friend.Just buy the tabloid EL METRO or EL SOL and look for the sex ads, they’re always there.Then take a cab and show them the address in the ad, they’re downtown, if you’re also in downtown the ride must not be more than $2 or $3.
You get in, choose a girl, pay and get into a room with a doctors bed (that’s what I don’t like), they suck your cock, if u want a bareback suck you would be asked for a tip, the you fuck her.Oh yeah, other good place is STATUS in Padre Mier Ave.This ones open 24 hrs. The others are open 10am-10pm Sunday they close at 6pm.
CALL GIRLS: There are a lot of ads for this, I have called 2times and the 2 times girls were fucking ugly.They cost more or less the same that a massage parlor plus the taxi.The problem is you don’t see the girl until she arrives…and it can be too late.I really don’t know which one has nice girls, I wish I knew…maybe the ones that are most expensive? who knows….sex its the same, 1 hour,bj, fuck….but you can fuck them in your nice big hotel bed.
TABLE DANCES CLUBS: There are like a hundred too, I divide them in 3 categories, Cheap,Medium,Nice. Cheap: Infinito,Imperio,Matehuala etc. Mostly ugly girls, a nice one every once in a while..lap dances are like $4 and you can pay more for hand jobs, blow jobs and sex…not all girls do it but most do.
Mediums:Zuku Zuku,la zota, TKCH, here they charge a cover at the door, lap dances are like $8 and also you can have full nude and hand job dances (like at TKCH for $20, 3 songs…i have come like that 3 times there) ask the girl first what can u do to her if u pay that option, also always ask the waiter for all the services, full sex is like $80 but its done in a stupid little room with a chair, no bed…Zuku Zuke (by the Y Griega Metro Station) has nice girls..and they fuck.
Nice Ones: Amnesia,Obseession, Colorados, Prestigue.The better girls work there, mostly nice cars in the parking lot, rich people….lap dances are $15 but some of the girls are really really pretty.They usually don’t fuck (you cant do it there) some may go out but once one asked me for $1000 for a fuck! (but man, she as so cute!) anyway the lap dances are hot, they have ads saying you cant touch the dancer but yeah,you can..even suck their tits….i love to have them put their bare feet on my cock..they grab your cock too and put it in their mouth (with your pants on) but beware, as the song ends another one begins and the girls keep dancing, if you don’t stop them they’ll charge another $15 and so on….so watch out.Ask any taxi driver, most table dances are also advertised in El Metro or El SOL (the nice ones ain’t, they advertise in the local section of the nice newspaper EL NORTE).
There are some brothels but I’m not very familiar with them except one that is a house by Ave.Felix U Gomez right in front of a Super G supermarket.In the corner with Ave. Reforma.Its a house with a guard in the door and nice cars parked in front.Its expensive, a 1 hr fuck cost $240 dollars, they have some really nice looking girls, nice elegant bedrooms and a chic atmosphere…you get the idea.They raise their prices often, last year I fucked one there for $100 (one of my fest fuck, nice ass, and I came all over her ass cheeks) girls suck your cock with out condom and are generally nice to you…just sit and watch a make a pick.Girls don’t come to you unless you call them, its not a ripoff place.Its called Casa Maria Luisa.
Lived in Montery for about a year, and for me the best were the MP’s, especially mid-mornings or afternoons. Lots of very pretty hot girls. Since I left its gotten more rough around the edges, but still tons of MP’s to choose from. I’m fluent in Spanish so I prefer to go out of the way. Smaller MP’s with no decor but nicer (less arrogant) girls. Last time (Nov. 02) went to Janneth II, and another one, the cheaper one gave a better ride. Prices all over town can’t be beat, but good MP’s close early, and I don’t go for the strip club scene, which is usually more of a hustle and risky.
Club Eclipse
not the best in the town but also not the worst. They have a good web site if you want to take a look.
Eclipse Men’s Club
Av Pedro Cardenas KM 2.5
Carretera a Cd Victoria
Matamoros, Tamps, Mexico
After years of all high class expensive Strip Clubs/Night Clubs dominating the area The scene has started to change, new joints are springing up all over the place. You can check out some big clubs there at
Best I saw was Matahuala’s. It is a total dive, but had at least forty chicas in the place on a Tuesday night and pretty reasonable at only $40 to $80 a pop in the back room. No wonder it was so crowded. Full range of quality, from fat dogs to fine chicas.
Spent one evening in Barrio Antigua, which has a San Antonio, Texas, style river walk, with a lot of outdoor cafe’s, shops, and discos, very upscale. Bunch of damn fine looking college girls and other non-pros all over the place. And with the new pro USA attitudes going on there its pretty easy for a gringo to get their attention. Downtown, the bar 1900 in the Hotel Ancira, and that entire neighborhood was loaded as usual, with non pros, mixed with street walkers and tourist families. And that hotel is probably your best bet to be in the center of the downtown action.
The new lap dance place in town is called Premier owned by the same people that own Amnesia, The Mitote and Colorados. The service is still no better and the pricing is the same overall not worth a stop.