Margarita Island

Last time I was on the Isla was 98 but I seriously doubt that it changed. Go to get away from the mainland, the Island is beautiful, it cost more for action but it is worth it. When on the Island jump in a cab and tell them to take you to the Mediterraneo Club, he will know where its at, the girls ask for a high price at first since you are a gringo but they will come around for about 25 bucks. The hotel room next door will cost about 10 more bucks. The girls are about from 5-8 and are fun to be with and will gladly make dates for other nights. They were hesitant about seeing you during the day and if your staying at one of the big hotel resorts they won’t come back to your room. If you want girls who are 10 try the strip joints on the island the girls go for about 75 to 100 bucks and are not worth it. There are a few spots like the Mediterraneo but I think this one is the best.

Venezuelan Romance Margarita Island. Elizabeth, the girl I chose for this once in a lifetime fantasy trip, was nothing more than a two bit hustler, and Venezuelan Romance Tours did nothing to satisfy my feeling ripped off for the $2500 three day fee. I believe that Colleen, the coordinator for  was sincerely upset by the way things turned out, but laid the responsibility on ME to discuss with Elizabeth the inappropriateness of her various behaviors asking for cab fares to go teach an aerobics class, ordering $30 chicken at $12 entree restaurants, rifling through room supplies to see what she could steal, etc. After two days, even though the sex was okay, I finally asked Elizabeth to leave the Margarita Hilton. The experience was worse than having a fucked up girlfriend at home in the good old USA.

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