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Cebu is both expensive (bar fines are double to triple what you pay in Angeles City), polluted (i.e., from vehicle exhaust), somewhat dangerous (i.e., crime), and limited, boring actually, in terms of night life. You certainly won’t find the abundance of Go Go bars or nightlife activity like you will in Angeles City. Some say Cebu has the most beautiful girls in the Philippines, however that has yet to be proven. Indeed, many extremely ugly women can be found here working in factories and the endless sweat shops throughout the city. On a somewhat positive side, it does have lots of single, available and friendly women working in stores, malls, restaurants, hotels and just walking around where ever you go. Its the kind of place where you can meet lots of “good girls” who are waiting patiently for you to show up and ask them to marry you. It has been said that Cebu is the “marriage island” of the Philippines due to so many men who have found there wives there. Actually, the fact is this is where many of the pen pal clubs get there girls, meaning the chances of running into a girl who is writing to four or five American guys back home is not unlikely. Often called the “Queen City of the South” Cebu is the country’s oldest city. Exploring Cebu City, one encounters a rich historic past. Cebuanos are extremely proud of their cultural and historical heritage, a legacy which has endured thru the centuries from the time the great explorer Ferdinand Magellan first planted the cross on Cebu’s shore.

You’ll need to fly to Cebu out of the domestic airport in Manila. It’s less then an hour flight. To book a flight to Cebu, consult any travel agent. If you’re in Angeles or Manila, you can book your reservation from the Swagman Travel (in Ermita, located inside the Swagman hotel; in Angeles, located on Fields, next door to Margarita restaurant). Or, if you like, you can purchase a ticket directly at the Philippine domestic airport or at any Philippines Airlines agency. It’s recommended you book your flight at least 2-3 days in advance as seats can fill up quick. Also, an important tip: book only the morning or early afternoon flight, as that is the best time to be seeking out a hotel (noon being the time most tourists check out, leaving room for you). Do not fly in at dark, for security reasons.
Caution: If you book your flight from a travel agency in the Philippines, make damn sure the travel agent gives you your confirmation number of the flight. If they say they have no confirmation number and it will be fine when you arrive at the airport, they are either lying or don’t know what they are talking about. You will show up for your flight and chances are they will have no record of you having any reservation with their airlines. It happened to me and I went through hell to get a flight out.
Philippine Airlines has three daily flights (morning, early and late afternoon) from Manila to Cebu. You can get a slightly cheaper flight if you fly Cebu Pacific.
Although Philippine Airlines (PAL: short for “plane always late”) is a decent airlines, they are notorious for screwing up their flight schedule. Therefore, plan on something happening (such as losing your seat on a flight, having to take the next flight out) to screw things up. This is the Filipino way.

GETTING TO YOUR HOTEL Once you arrive in Cebu, you can take a private airport taxi to your hotel. (see hotels) You will not have a problem finding a taxi as the taxi drivers will mob you once you get out onto the street. Bargain for the ride and don’t take the first taxi driver that comes up to you. The airport is about an hour’s ride to downtown. By the way, before you head on out to your hotel, I suggest you go to the Cecario Airport restaurant and order the incredibly delicious, fresh squeezed, mango shake. A true delight.

The Jeepney is a conventional form of public transport. It is a remodeled US military jeep extended to accommodate up to 18 passengers (some standing up) including the driver. Getting around Cebu on Jeepneys is puzzling especially for first time visitors, but its worth the adventure. Their routes are indicated on the sides of the Jeepneys and the fare ranges from 3 pesos or more depending on destination (hint: have change ready before you get on; pay when you get on, handing the money to the guy next to you who will pass it on up to the driver). Other forms of transportation include the bus, taxi and chaffer-driven cars. Buses provide service in the city and outbound journeys. Next to the Jeepney, the taxi is the most convenient way of getting around Cebu and be flagged down on the street (although it’s best for security reasons to have your hotel set you up with a driver). Taxis also queue at most hotels and shopping centers and cars be requested by telephone. Car rental companies have offices around Metro Cebu, in major hotels, and at the airport.

CLOTHING in Cebu will be the same as Angeles City or anywhere else in the Philippines. The streets, typical of most places in the Philippines, are extremely dusty and dirty. So you will not want to wear your favorite clothes as they may get ruined. You may want to dress a little nicer though when visiting clubs. No sandals or tank tops. Remember the weather is both hot and humid, so dress light. Shorts are o.k. during the day but the girls like to see men dress nice when they visit them in the clubs. Bring a bathing suit with you as you’ll surely want to visit the beaches and swim in the hotel pool.

AIRPORT PICK UP SERVICE can be made by notifying your hotel by fax, phone or email to pick you up at the Cebu Airport when you arrive in Cebu. Some or most hotels will offer this service for no extra charge if you make an overnight reservation with them. (see hotel info for suggestions)

The Fuente Pension House Hotel is located at 13 Don Julio Llorente St., in Cebu city. The location is quite good as it’s hidden off in a side street (making the area quiet), yet only a few minutes walk from the circle of town where the Robinson’s department store and Max’s Chicken (best restaurant in town) are located. The phone number is 253-6789. The rooms are comfortable and will run you about $20 per night. Add another two dollars for the upgrade room which includes cable TV. All the rooms have air con, western style bathrooms with hot/cold shower and telephone. The Fuente Pension House allows you to bring as many female guests to your room as you like without any hassle or surcharge. Actually, we were told to avoid a surcharge, we would need to stay in the room with twin beds, which worked out fine as it was a larger room and more comfortable. As it turned out though, the front desk never charged us for bringing in female guests, although one of us stayed in the single room rather than the twin. So perhaps they were just pulling our leg when they said we needed to book a twin room rather than the single. Anyway, both of us brought a ton of girls to our rooms and the hotel staff not once lodged a complaint or charged us any extra fees (one day our guide brought almost ten girls to our hotel to meet us!)

Maria’s Pension Tourist Inn M.L. Quezon Avenue, Mandaue City. Tel. No.: (6332) 345-2211
Budget P395.00 Economy P550.00 Single Executive 650.00 Twin Bed P850.00
Cebu Pensionne Plaza North Escario St., Cebu City Tel. No.: (6332)254-6300
DeLuxe P650.00 Super DeLuxe P700.00 Supreme P800.00 Double Supreme P900.00

Pacific Pensionne 313-A Osmeña Boulevard Cebu City Tel. No.: (6332) 253-5271
Single P448.00 Double P504.00 Double Room P600.00 Family P800.00

Park Place Hotel Fuente Osmena, Cebu City Tel. No.: (6332) 253-1131
Standard P1,400.00 Superior P1 600.00 Superior Double P1 800.00 Suite Room P2,688.00
Acropolis Hotel Guadalupe, Cebu City 6332 – 253-1911
Cebu Midtown Hotel Fuente Osmeña, Cebu City 6332 – 253-9711

Hotel Tips:
Like most hotels around the world, a lot of them frown on bringing guests to the room, especially if they’re hookers. The more expensive the hotel, the less chance you will be able to bring your “squeeze” up to the room without being asked to pay a surcharge. That is why we suggest staying at the medium range hotels mentioned on our recommended hotel list.

Cebu is best from December to February when the weather turns somewhat cool and dry. March thru June are the hot season, and believe me, it gets hot and humid. Expect to sweat a lot during this time period. The rainy season begins in June onto October, bringing torrential downpours that would sometimes inhibit movement (except bowel movement if you eat on the open streets and bed movement if you take back a girl).

Security and Safety Tips
Cebu is probably safe during the daytime. Nighttime is a different game as robbers and thieves seems to come out of nowhere. Follow the same rules we suggest in other parts of the Philippines and you will have lowered your chances of robbery. The golden rule of safe travel is: don’t walk the streets at night, especially if you are drunk or alone; appear poor at all times by not wearing any jewelry (fake or not) or fancy clothes, and don’t ever flash money in public or in a place where others are watching (keep your smaller bills in one pocket, from which you draw your money to pay your bills at the bars, discos, etc.). I’ve seen tourists make the mistake of pulling out $100 bills in search for a 100 note peso ($2) to pay off a drink. Such tourists are setting themselves up for being robbed. Try to anticipate how much you will need before you leave your hotel and carry only that amount. At any one time, I can’t see myself carrying more than a few thousand pesos (i.e., $50 or less). Always exchange you money during the afternoon and head straight back to your hotel to deposit the bulk in your safe deposit box. Don’t leave any valuables in your room or any cash sitting around where a female guest can pocket it. All this sound paranoia? Good, because there is cause to be. The Philippines is not a safe and secure place to travel.

SAFE DEPOSIT BOX is the safest place to keep your valuables. However on rare occasion, armed robbers have broken into the safety boxes, meaning no place in the PI is 100% secure. With that in mind, having a few hundred dollars stashed away in a pair of dirty socks or underwear (or better yet, locked in your bags) i your room is advisable. Make sure it’s hidden in some corner where the maids won’t get at it or a Filipina girl won’t see it and discover it as she decides it’s time to do your laundry (and they will do your laundry, so be aware of that). What I do is travel with a combination lock briefcase, in which I store some extra cash. I then use a bicycle chain to secure that to a chair or desk so it cannot be stolen. One friend uses handcuffs to secure the handles on his closet door, an interesting way to secure things. He also uses them to tie the girls up, ha! ha! for some kinky sex (just kidding).

There are some hot looking women working the bars in Cebu. Let there be no doubt about that. However, the number of places to meet chicks is very limited and the prices are steep, surprisingly high actually. Compared to Angeles City, you will be paying double or triple the bar fine fee, choosing from only a handful of girls, and frequenting only a small selection of bars and disco’s which will probably have you bored by the third or forth night in town. In other words, the nightlife in Cebu is very limited and cannot compare to what you will find in places like Angeles City or better yet, Thailand. On the bright side however, the quality of women in some of the bars is surprisingly nice, so even if you have only a handful of bars and bar girls to choose from, almost all will be as hot as or better than the top ten in Angeles. So in a way that balances out, although again, it will reach a saturation point quite fast. Note: unlike Angeles City, where the bars are clustered together and walking distance from each other, in Cebu it’s more spread out and you will need to hire a private taxi to take you around. It’s suggested, for security reasons, you hire a driver who is recommended by your hotel or a friend. Do not pick up a driver at night whom you have never seen before. Also, do not attempt to walk around after 9 p.m., unless danger is your middle name.
By the way, Cebu is the only place in the Philippines where I found bars that charge a cover charge for entrance. The entrance fee is small (under $2), but on the greedy side if you ask me. Perhaps they charge the entrance fee to keep out bums. Most likely, it’s just another way to get money out of a tourist, a true Filipino philosophy (“You are rich, so you should give us your money”, so they will tell you).

The Cobra Bar is located inside the Acropolis Hotel on V. Rama Ave. Cor. Singson, Guadalupe St. , Cebu City ( 6332 ) 253-1911 is about a ten minute taxi ride from the center of town. Any taxi driver will know here it is. The atmosphere is high class and the women are gorgeous. However, the bar fine is 2,000 pesos (about $40), so it’s double what you would pay in Angeles. Also, there are only about five girls or so working the bar, so there is not exactly a large selection. However, of the five we saw, two were drop dead gorgeous and the other three also very nice looking. The MO is Filipino style, meaning each girl comes out to do a quick dance and strip tease, one at a time and very slowly. This is most likely meant to keep you there for a long time (thus, buying more drinks, of course), as you patiently wait for each girl to come out and show you what she’s worth.

The Thunderdome is just a few minute taxi ride from the center of town. Again, ask any taxi driver to take you there. The Thunderdome had some truly gorgeous babes working there. The girls dance on stage Filipino style, meaning they come out one at a time. The girls appear in see through nightgowns and other sexy outfits, a sight to behold (sexy, but tame compared to Bangkok’s dancing beauties). Some of the girls were breathtaking, most a bit large and tall. But not as large and tall as the whopping 3,000 pesos bar fine (yikes!). One girl, named Ana Lynn, who was absolutely adorable was too tempting for me to resist and so I paid it. She turned out to be worth every peso. She was sweet, gorgeous, sexy and knew how to please a man. My type of girl. But the bar fine price is so high, I can’t see myself spending too much time girl chasing in the bars of Cebu.
Big Wigs is right next door to Thunderdome.

Silver Dollar is a more relaxed, low key bar with only a handful of somewhat decent women. Actually, the women tend to be older and uglier, but the prices are also much lower (1,000 to 1,500 pesos for the bar fine). It’s worth a visit only if you’re on a budget.

Another way to get laid in Cebu is to go to the local whore houses or brothels. To find the brothels, you will need either a taxi driver to take you or better yet, hire a Filipino guide to get you there. Most of the hotels will be able to hook you up with a local guide, especially if you stay in a hotel that is NOT four star. The Fuente pension house will probably be able to help with in that area. You will not be able to find the brothels on your own. They are located in residential areas and there are no obvious signs indicating which house is a brothel and which isn’t. We visited a few brothels with our guide and found the women old and unattractive. This was the opposite of what I expected to find as you hear so much from the media about eight, nine and ten year old children working the sex industry (the youngest we saw was about 17 and from the size of her tits and ass and the way she commanded her clientele, this was certainly no child!). The brothels we visited were no bargain. The asking price was 1,500 pesos for all night, which is outrageous. However, when we decided there were no women even close to being worth that price, the Papasan (brothel manager) suddenly lowered the price down to 1,000 pesos, still not much of a bargain if you saw what we had to choose from (some butt ugly whores!). In disappointment, we asked our guide if he could find us a better selection of women and next day he actually brought about ten girls to our hotel to choose from. None were cute and so we went on our way, wondering who said this city is the center point for beautiful women in Cebu.

Another area you may want to explore is visiting the “Casa’s” in Cebu City. These are very similar to brothels where Filipina girls congregate into a large living room that have long couches. Most Casas have 10 to 40 girls, starting at 5 or 6 pm. Later on around 10 p.m. the choices gets to be slim pickens. Whereas at the bars you can arrive late and do fine, with the Casas the early bird catches the worm. Best time to get to these Casas is between 7-9 p.m.
Happy Valley is located near Osmena Circle. Just ask a taxi driver to take you there. There are a number of girls usually on duty however the quality is not as good as some of the others.
Myuki is located in the central area and has a lot of fairly decent looking girls. The price is high (2,000) and the girls get snatched up quick, so get there early.
New World is located near the Ayala Center. Price is lower here, around P1200.
Para Para is located in Lahug on hillside below Cebu Plaza hotel. Quality is the lowest here and this would be a last choice. Price 1500 peso
VIP is located in Lapu Lapu City on Mactan Island near the Mactan Bridge. The prices are a bit pricey, P3000, but they can be bargained down to P2000. The quality is first rate here.

Besides the bars, which is not the best place in this town to look for a wife, you can meet girls all over the city. By far, the largest cluster of roaming women will be found in the giant shopping malls, such as Robinson’s, located in Cebu City right in the circle, midtown, and the newer SM mall. (Shoe Mart Mall) There you will find an abundance of single women who are working as employees, not to mention the many female shoppers (especially on the weekends). The Show Mart Store or SM only hires girls on two conditions: 1. They are from the ages of 18-25 years old and they are not married and have no children. Just go to the mall in the afternoon and you’ll see more than a handful of pretty girls working as cashiers, salesgirls, clerks, door girls, etc.
If you spot a girl you like, feel free to go right up to her and say hello. Remember, Filipina girls are very shy, so don’t take it as an automatic reject if the girls seem unfriendly or evasive. That’s just their style, namely their shyness. Once you’ve said hello to a girl, ask her what her name is, how old she is, etc., Next, ask her if you can take meet with her on her lunch break or for an evening of dancing at the disco. What I always like to do is hand the girl my hotel card with my name and room number on it. Then I tell her to call me at a certain time and believe it or not, that usually works. Most girls will call and from there you can make arrangements to meet for lunch or dinner. So as a rule, have at least ten or more hotel cards with you when you go shopping for women. Make sure you already have your name and room number printed on it. Be sure you hand the card very discreetly or you may embarrass her by her friends thinking you are just after her for sex and she is willing and able. By the way, if you do take a girl out on a date, it’s standard procedure for her to bring her friend along, as a escort. If the girl is a true virgin, most likely it will take several dates, possibly longer, before you can convince her to visit you at your hotel alone. In short, dating means spending time and money and getting no sex, at least not for a while. This is the nature of dating in the PI. (Tip: we found hiring a female guide to help you pick up girls at the malls or other public places works wonders. The guide will establish trust and friendship much faster than you ever could and will make the girl feel more comfortable when first meeting and dating you. Once the girl has agreed to go out, on the second or third date, you can usually let the guide go home and with a bit of luck, have the girl to yourself). See section on hiring a guide.

Getting around a foreign country, especially for your first time is no easy task. Trying to find a wife or a serious relationship is even harder and if you think you can just walk into a place you’ve never been before and have command of the situation, well, all I can do is wish you good luck. The easiest way to find true love in Cebu is to hire a guide to help you. Although I prefer female guides, a male will work provided the guy is married (so he isn’t himself trying to steal your girls from you!). There are several ways to go about finding a guide. Usually companies that sell pen-pal books in the states can make a reference. We found such a company and his male guide was excellent. He was a real flirt with the girls and did his job well. Another way to find a guide is to hire one from your hotel. Ask the clerk at the front desk you are looking to hire an English speaking female guide to show you around the city (don’t say you’re looking for a wife). Then, when you meet the guide, you can talk to her in person and tell her what you’re up to. If she seems fit for the job, agree on a price (200 pesos a day is a very generous salary), and test her out by going with you to the malls. If she is helpful, you’ve got yourself a good guide. If not, move on to the next.

HOW MUCH MONEY will be needed will depend on you personally and your budget of course. Figure for each night in Cebu, staying at budget or medium range hotel, food, girl, drinks, transportation, etc. you will need about $100-$150.

To obtain a visa in Manila, take a taxi to the Swagman hotel in Ermita and at the hotel, upstairs they have their travel agency that will process your visa. As stated above, you will need to leave your passport with them, so be aware you will have no passport until the visa is processed. The price is about $20 (depending on the exchange rate at the time) for a one month stay; slightly higher for a two month stay.
If you wish to reside in the Philippines for more than two months, you can obtain further visa extensions at the Swagman, ad infinitum. However, be aware after six months of stay, there will be taxes you have to pay at the airport in Manila when you finally depart the country.
Warning: Do not overstay your welcome in the Philippines. There are harsh penalties if you stay beyond the date stamped in your passport. I overstayed my welcome in the Philippines by only one day and they charged me 900 pesos penalty (about $25). I don’t want to know what it would have cost if I stayed much longer. Leave the country before your visa expires (or renew it). Immigration does not take kindly to those to stay after their visa has expired. (No, they won’t arrest you, but they will ream you for every dime they can get out of you).

Cebu is not really a prime destination for Western tourists. Exchanging money, therefore, is not always such an easy task. You will find exchange booths near the Robinson’s department store, both along the street (at the Bank of the Philippine Islands) and near the popular restaurant, Max’s. If you have problem finding an exchange booth or it’s closed, you can always exchange your money at your hotel. However, the rates there are generally poor. The best bet is to try to anticipate how much money you will need in Cebu and exchange your money BEFORE your departure, either in Angeles City or Manila. That way you won’t have to worry about it once you arrive. I would exchange at least $100 per day you will be staying in Cebu, before departing.

SAFE DEPOSIT BOXES: If you leave all your money in your room or take it with you as you bar hop, you are a fool. Always secure your valuables in the hotel safe deposit box. Be sure to check the hours the box is open. Some hotels will not let you access the safe deposit box after 9 p.m. This is because the manager leaves to go home and the desk clerk is not trusted with the key. However, some hotels will let you access your box 24 hours a day. Check with the hotel. You don’t want to be stuck with no money late at night (i.e., if you decide to do some late night bar hopping). Knowing when you can access your valuables in the safe deposit box can be critical. Suppose, for example, your flight departs at 6 a.m. the next morning. So you awake at 4:30 a.m, and as you check out at 5:00 a.m, you need to access your box to get at your money, passport, airline ticket, etc. But the safe is not open till 7:00 a.m. So now you’re in the frustrating position of having to catch a plane but you can’t leave because you can’t remove your passport and money out of the box! Of course, if you knew this ahead of time, you would have emptied your box the night before so you could leave on time the following morning. Another example. You check into the hotel after midnight. You have a few thousand dollars in cash that you wish to deposit in your box, but the safe deposit box cannot be accessed between midnight and 6 a.m . So what are you going to do? You want to go out bar hopping, but there’s no way you’re going to take thousands of dollars with you and no way you’ll leave that much cash in the room. So you’re stuck to stay in your hotel alone till morning when you can deposit your money.

YOUR PERSONAL APPEARANCE will have a lot to do with your success with the ladies. Get a decent conservative haircut before you leave. Filipina’s prefer clean cut, clean shaven gentlemen to hippies, punks, or Mr. Natural types. Non smokers are also preferred. Losing a few pounds of flab before you take off won’t hurt your prospects either.

Any major mall, such as the Robinson’s in Ermita will have a wide selection of restaurants and fast food stalls to eat in. The Robinson’s in Ermita actually has a fairly large selection of restaurants including Mexican, Italian, Thai, Filipino, American (steak house), etc. Even a good ole McDonald’s is there too. The food is okay, nothing much to brag about.

SM MEGA MALL has lots of fast food restaurants all throughout the building. A great place to meet lots of local Filipina’s.

The most popular restaurant in the Philippines is the food chain Max’s Restaurant. Noted for their chicken, fried to a delicious crisp without coloring, flavoring or coverings. A secret Filipino family recipe handed down through generations since 1945. You will find Max’s at the third floor of the Robinson’s in Ermita. Start off with their delicious green mango shake. Then I suggest you enjoy one of their dinner specials, which includes along with a quarter of a chicken a variety of Filipino dishes. Explore.

Chinese Dim Sum Tea Houses are my favorite if you like Dim Sum. You’ll find some right around the corner from the Swagman Hotel. Ask the desk clerk for directions.

The best way to get around in Cebu is to hire a private taxi. Ask your hotel to recommend one. It’s best for security reasons not to pick one up on the street, especially during the evenings. During the evenings, have your driver wait for you as you bar hop, rather than let him go and have to trust another driver. If you have hired a guide, which again you can find by consulting your hotel, then he will make all arrangements for transportation, day and night.
Jeepneys are the most popular means of transportation for the locals. They are easy to catch as they parade up and down the major streets. While easy to catch and get on, getting off them at the right location is no easy task unless you are very familiar with the area (it’s difficult to see out of the jeepney as it’s usually very crowded and the windows are very low). while the jeepneys are a very cheap means of transportation (For about a few cents you can get around Cebu City all day), they are very uncomfortable (being open air, all the fumes and dust from the dirty and polluted streets get into your face), somewhat risky (many a tourist has had his pockets picked on the jeepney), and overall obnoxious (as passengers bump into you getting on and off, making you wonder what the hell you are doing riding on one). While it’s recommended you ride in one at least once, just to say you did it, you’ll find the money spent on private taxis more than worth the price.

Every so often you will run into a “billy-boy”, meaning a man who dresses up as a women (transvestite). They are not as common in Cebu as in Angeles City, but in case you do find some, here is a few hints on how to recognize them.
First, true Filipina women are typically very short, around five feet or under. The transvestites, being men, are much taller, five foot six and up. So if what appears to be a woman approaches you and you notice that she is nearly as tall as you, watch out! Oddly enough, the transvestites, as tall as they are, persist in wearing high heels. I understand they want to dress as women, but being men they are already tall enough; wearing high heels makes them even taller and therefore more obvious. I would have thought they would wear shoes a little flatter to disguise their height, but they don’t. For that reason, it’s usually pretty easy to spot them a mile away. In short, any woman who is unusually tall (5 and a half feet or taller), beware of.
Secondly, the transvestites, being men, cannot imitate the softness and high pitched sound of a woman’s voice (that’s because they are men). So the transvestite will try to disguise his voice by either speaking with a whisper, a very soft tone, or a falsetto (i.e., a fake high pitched sound). So if you hear someone whisper or say in a high pitched voice, “Hello. Where you go?” you know what you are dealing with.
Third, since most of them cannot ‘afford to have the operation where they surgically remove the penis and carve it into a vagina, the transvestites will desire only oral sex, rather than intercourse. So if the emphasis of the conversation is, “I give you good blow job”, that is your red alert. However, being that most of them hang on blow road, there is not much of a distinction between them and the girls, as the girls are also aggressively pushing their line of work: “I give you good blow job.”
Forth, the transvestites are usually quite ugly up close. After all, they are men and a man’s face, no matter how much make-up you put on it, will still take on a masculine appearance (although some of the transvestites amazingly look feminine). To hide this, it’s not unusual for the transvestites to hang out where the lighting is low.
Fifth, the transvestites have masculine hands. They are aggressive and if you let them, will come right up to you and touch you. If you touch their hand, it will be unusually large; Filipina girls typically have very small hands, much like that of a twelve year old girl in the states. So if a “woman” holds your hand and it’s thick like that of a man, beware!

SAFE SEX in the Philippines should be practiced at all times, and anywhere else you travel in the world. Condoms should be worn at all times, even when you’re sleeping. I’m wearing one now as I type this report. But seriously, you should buy your condoms in the U.S.A. before you go to the Philippines. The ones made in Asia are made to fit Asian men and you know what that means. Also, figure on using at least two a day. Unfortunately condoms are not requested by all of the girls in the Philippines due to lack of education. Be safe and considerate to others and use protection.

Cebu is beautiful and clean, as compared to Manila. Nightlife is plentiful. Flights arrive from Thailand, Hong Kong, and Manila – and now Japan and Taiwan. Many foreigners travel to Cebu to relax on Mactan Island, a resort island just 30 minutes away. There are some 5-star hotels on Mactan Island, but few night spots.

Getting There
There are two ways to get to Cebu: by air and by boat. The boat trip takes 24 hours to get from Manila to Cebu.

From the air: fly Philippine Airlines (about $85 round trip) to Cebu from Manila. Go to the new Philippine Airlines Domestic Terminal. Or, fly Cebu Pacific of Air Philippines to Cebu ($75 to $80 round trip) from the old Domestic Terminal. Tell the taxi drivers “Cebu Pacifc, Old Domestic Terminal.” A Cebu Pacific ticket counter is next to the airport. Reserve a ticket via telephone (or have the conceirge at the hotel do it). Best to get to the ticket counter 90 minutes in advance.

Getting Around
From the airport to downtown Cebu City, you will pay anywhere from P150 to P200. Taxi Drivers want P300 for rides out to Shangra-La or Plantation Bay from downtown Cebu. If you are staying on Mactan Island, it is best to go to Cebu City, and bar fine a lady for a couple days, rather than go back each night and pay the taxi fee back and forth.

Crime is not as rampant in Cebu as it is in Manila. Still, near the boat docks (Super Cat and Ocean Jet-Piers 4 & 1), you can run into pick pockets, or thieves who will rip your jewelry right off your neck. Travel smart, and do not expose gold jewelry. Also, beware of street children who can surround you, overwhelm you, and go for everything in your pockets.

Beware of free-lancers who come in late in the evening. Some may look good, but they could be runners. These are women who agree to long-time, but only give you short time and then take off. They will usually complain of a stomach ache, or claim that their parents don’t know they do this and they must to get home before morning. Before you pay, make sure you will get the services you requested.

Cebu Pensionne Plaza

North Escario St., Cebu City
(6332) 254-6300
DeLuxe P650, Super DeLuxe P700, Supreme P800, Double Supreme P900

Fuente Pension House Hotel
13 Don Julio Llorente St.
(6332) 253-6789
Only a few minutes’ walk from the Robinson’s department store and Max’s Chicken. Comfortable rooms at $20 per night. Add two dollars for upgrade room with cable TV. All rooms have air con, hot/cold shower, and telephone. Can bring in female guests with no hassle or surcharge.

La Florentina Pension House
590 Pesos per room, with hot water and toilet.

Maria’s Pension Tourist Inn
M.L. Quezon Avenue, Mandaue City
(6332) 345-2211
Budget P395, Economy P550, Single Executive P650, Twin Bed P850

Midtown Hotel
Located on Sanciangko St. off of Osmena Blvd., near Firehouse, Silver Dollar, Thunderdome, and Gaisano Country Mall
Daily rate: P1450 to P1800. Large rooms. Cable TV. Air conditioning. Internet access. Refrigerator in room. Hot water. Quiet, away from street traffic. Breakfast (juice, coffee, toast, bacon and eggs) is included. No extra charge for one companion. Extra charge for a 2nd companion of 550 PHP/night (about $11).

Coco Loco’s
Shangra La, Mactan Island
Great bar with great bands on Mactan Island. P350 per drink.

Located in Lahug, in the upscale part of Cebu City.

Silver Dollar
Barfine: 750 Pesos, 350 Pesos after midnight. Ladies expect a 1500 to 2000 Peso tip.

St. Moritz Hotel
Gorordo St.
All taxi drivers know the location. P1200 and up for a room with double king size bed. No extra charge for female guests. Go-go bar on the premises. Drinks: P48, ladies drink is P140. Bar fine: P650, tip P1500.

Fire House
Located 1/2 mile from Osmena Circle
Good line up. Bar fine: 750 to 1000 Pesos, 1500 to 2000 Peso tip.

Located near Osmena Circle, behind the Robinson’s Department store and Midtown Hotel
120 Peso cover charge. Drinks are expensive. Topless dancing. Women tend to be attractive. Popular with Asian tourists. Bar fine: 3000 to 4000 Pesos.

Bai Disco, Cebu Plaza Hotel
Busy on Friday and Saturday evenings. If you tip the manager, he will sit you in the Millionaire’s Club: a sound-proof booth where you can sit and talk with your date(s).

Ask a taxi driver to take you to Myuki, Happy Valley, or New World. The going rate is around P3000 per lady for an all-nighter. You need not tip the lady, nor do you have to buy ladies drinks until you pick the right lady. The cab will take you to a residential area and drop you off at the casa. Walk inside with your taxi driver to see the line-up. Looks range from 5 to 8, but the ladies seem to be responsive to almost anything.

Located behind Capitol Bld.
Tell management: “No commission to taxi driver, I told him to come here.” Don’t pay at the Casa. Pay the girl in the hotel room. Price per session: P4000 and up.

Located in the central area of Cebu
Prices run about P2000.

New World
Near the Ayala Center
Price is lower here, around P1200.

In Lapu Lapu City on Mactan Island, near the Mactan Bridge
Expect to be quoted P3000. Can possibly bargain down to P2000.

Venus Health Club
Holiday Health Club

Sinulog. A week-long religious festival held every 3rd weekend of January honoring the patron Saint of Cebu, Sto. Niño, the Christ Child, with the Sinulog ritual dance and other public celebrations. The Sto. Niño image is carried in procession along the streets. It is also a celebration of the pageantry of the early Cebuano culture, and the history of the Christianization of Cebu.
Tipping, I think is totally subjective. Girls will ask for 2500 peso’s for the night. I once barfined two girls at the Silver Dollar Bar for P350 each (1999), and then the girls asked for 2500 peso’s each per girl. They tried to leave early, so I threatened no tip, and then ended up giving them 1000 each until about 6:00am. Play hard ball with these girls. The Japanese and Koreans tip agressively, so be firm with your girl.
Karaoke bars will provide you access to private rooms and guest relations officers. Ladies drinks for girls at Infinity cost P300. If you decide to go to a back room, your cost is P1500. You need to buy a ladies drink every 30 minutes at around P150. This may sound like a bad deal, however the girls will usually dance naked for you, do lap dances, and give you blow jobs for around P500 tip. For P1000 to P1500 (depending on the girl), the girls will go to private bathroom in the back rooms, and do full service. The quality of the girls there are 10’s and 9’s. They wear incredible uniforms, high heels, and are made up and clean. Plus, it’s a blast to sing Kareoke with beautiful women.
As for most girly bars, like Silver Dollar and Firehouse, the standard 800 to 1000P leaving fee, followed by P1500 to P2500 tip.

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Like most parts of the Philipines, fresh tap water should not be consumed. It is safer to always drink bottled water where ever you are in the Philippines. When brushing your teeth, always rinse out your mouth with bottled water too. The finer restaurants will be a safer choice to drink water from the the pitcher, however you are still taking a chance.

Filipino food is an intriguing blend of Malaysian, Chinese, Spanish and American cuisines. For instance, the use of coconut milk as an ingredient is a gastronomic legacy from the Filipinos’ Malay ancestors. Popular dishes such as lumpia (egg rolls) and pancit (noodles) are Chinese. Even the country’s most famous dish lechon (roast pig), originated in China. Some traditional dishes are still called by their Spanish names such as mechado (beef with pork fat), menudo (diced meat and potatoes stewed in tomato sauce) and pochero (pork, green beans, cabbage and other selected vegetables).


Cebu Plaza Hotel Buffet
A good place to eat is the Cebu Plaza hotel in the Cafe Tartanilla. Their brunch buffet is about $8 and is very good.

English Pub
Our Place – Little English Pub – located in Colon, Cebu City. Great continental food, and cheap beers. Usually you’ll find a few foreigners drinking and eating there.
Mariott Hotel – Great Spare Ribs – Best Food in Cebu City

Cebu Seoul Restaurant Archibishop Reyes Ave. Cebu City Tel. 95384
Korea Korea 5/F Gaisano Metro, Colon St. Cebu City, Tel. 61110
Korean Garden Restaurant Arlington Pond, Cebu City

Great Han Palace 18 Osmena Boulevard, Tel. 95881
Chowking Gaisano Country Mall Banilad, Cebu City Tel. 2313695
Golden City Dimsum Restaurant JRDC Bldg., Osmena Blvd., Cebu City Tel. 2537538/2537560
Lumpia House Gaisano Country Mall Banilad, Cebu City Tel. 2311481 loc. 116
Lee Garden Restaurant Nivel Hills, Lahug, Tel. 72376
Majestic Chinese Cuisine 2f JRG Bldg., Gen Maxilom Ave. Tel. 53788/75319
Seafood City JY Square, Lahug, Tel. 75157
Talk of the Town 117 Gorordo Ave., Tel. 61332
Tung Yan Arch. Reyes cor. Gorordo Ave. Tel. 74198/90265
White Gold House Reclamation Area, Cebu City Tel. 90248/78390
Grand Majestic Restaurant Gorordo Avenue, Cebu City Tel. 2533087

Alavar’s Seafood House Archibishop Reyes Ave., 46 Gorordo Ave., Lahug Tel. 96120
Chika-an sa Cebu Century Plaza Complex, Juana Osmena St. Tel. 2536221/2536303
Golden Cowrie Salinas Drive cor. La Guardia, Lahug Tel. 92633
Lantaw Gardens Cebu Plaza, Cebu City Tel. 311231
Lighthouse Restaurant Gen. Maxilom Ave. Tel. 78126/97233
Nang Damasa’s Restaurant F. Ramos St., Cebu City Tel. No. 2549664
Pete’s Kitchen 6-1 Pelaez St, Cebu City Tel. 94234/53808
Pistahan Pilipino Seafood 329 Gorordo Ave. Tel. 72742
Seafood City J.Y. Square. Lahug, Tel. 75157
Seafood City Restaurant Salinas Drive, Cebu City Tel. 2533795
Abuhan Restaurant & Coffeeshop Kan-irag Hotel Garden, F. Ramos St. Cebu City Tel. 2531157
Cafe Laguna Restaurant & Catering Services Veteran’s Drive cor. Torralba St, Cebu City Tel. 2313553 Branch: Ayala Center Cebu Tel. 2310922

Cafe Ranudo 110 V. Ranudo St., Cebu City Tels. 2539070/ 2533282
Patio Isabel Old Banilad Road, Banilad, Cebu City Tel. 2315075
Sabungan Restaurant Cebu Midtown Hotel Fuente Osmena St., Cebu City Tel. 253-9711

Wife Hunting
Besides the bars, which is not the best place in this town to look for a wife, you can meet girls all over the city. By far, the largest cluster of roaming women will be found in the giant shopping malls, such as Robinson’s, located in Cebu City right in the circle, midtown, and the newer SM mall. (Shoe Mart Mall) There you will find an abundance of single women who are working as employees, not to mention the many female shoppers (especially on the weekends). The Show Mart Store or SM only hires girls on two conditions: 1. They are from the ages of 18-25 years old and they are not married and have no children. Just go to the mall in the afternoon and you’ll see more than a handful of pretty girls working as cashiers, salesgirls, clerks, door girls, etc.
If you spot a girl you like, feel free to go right up to her and say hello. Remember, Filipina girls are very shy, so don’t take it as an automatic reject if the girls seem unfriendly or evasive. That’s just their style, namely their shyness. Once you’ve said hello to a girl, ask her what her name is, how old she is, etc., Next, ask her if you can take meet with her on her lunch break or for an evening of dancing at the disco. What I always like to do is hand the girl my hotel card with my name and room number on it. Then I tell her to call me at a certain time and believe it or not, that usually works. Most girls will call and from there you can make arrangements to meet for lunch or dinner. So as a rule, have at least ten or more hotel cards with you when you go shopping for women. Make sure you already have your name and room number printed on it. Be sure you hand the card very discreetly or you may embarrass her by her friends thinking you are just after her for sex and she is willing and able. By the way, if you do take a girl out on a date, it’s standard procedure for her to bring her friend along, as a escort. If the girl is a true virgin, most likely it will take several dates, possibly longer, before you can convince her to visit you at your hotel alone. In short, dating means spending time and money and getting no sex, at least not for a while. This is the nature of dating in the PI. (Tip: we found hiring a female guide to help you pick up girls at the malls or other public places works wonders. The guide will establish trust and friendship much faster than you ever could and will make the girl feel more comfortable when first meeting and dating you. Once the girl has agreed to go out, on the second or third date, you can usually let the guide go home and with a bit of luck, have the girl to yourself). See section on hiring a guide.

Hiring a Guide
Getting around a foreign country, especially for your first time is no easy task. Trying to find a wife or a serious relationship is even harder and if you think you can just walk into a place you’ve never been before and have command of the situation, well, all I can do is wish you good luck. The easiest way to find true love in Cebu is to hire a guide to help you. Although I prefer female guides, a male will work provided the guy is married (so he isn’t himself trying to steal your girls from you!). There are several ways to go about finding a guide. Usually companies that sell pen-pal books in the states can make a reference. We found such a company and his male guide was excellent. He was a real flirt with the girls and did his job well. Another way to find a guide is to hire one from your hotel. Ask the clerk at the front desk you are looking to hire an English speaking female guide to show you around the city (don’t say you’re looking for a wife). Then, when you meet the guide, you can talk to her in person and tell her what you’re up to. If she seems fit for the job, agree on a price (200 pesos a day is a very generous salary), and test her out by going with you to the malls. If she is helpful, you’ve got yourself a good guide. If not, move on to the next.
There are some hot looking women working the bars in Cebu. Let there be no doubt about that. However, the number of places to meet chicks is very limited and the prices are steep, surprisingly high actually. Compared to Angeles City, you will be paying double or triple the bar fine fee, choosing from only a handful of girls, and frequenting only a small selection of bars and disco’s which will probably have you bored by the third or forth night in town. In other words, the nightlife in Cebu is very limited and cannot compare to what you will find in places like Angeles City or better yet, Thailand. On the bright side however, the quality of women in some of the bars is surprisingly nice, so even if you have only a handful of bars and bar girls to choose from, almost all will be as hot as or better than the top ten in Angeles. So in a way that balances out, although again, it will reach a saturation point quite fast. Note: unlike Angeles City, where the bars are clustered together and walking distance from each other, in Cebu it’s more spread out and you will need to hire a private taxi to take you around. It’s suggested, for security reasons, you hire a driver who is recommended by your hotel or a friend. Do not pick up a driver at night whom you have never seen before. Also, do not attempt to walk around after 9 p.m., unless danger is your middle name.
By the way, Cebu is the only place in the Philippines where I found bars that charge a cover charge for entrance. The entrance fee is small (under $2), but on the greedy side if you ask me. Perhaps they charge the entrance fee to keep out bums. Most likely, it’s just another way to get money out of a tourist, a true Filipino philosophy (“You are rich, so you should give us your money”, so they will tell you).

International Access Code : 00
The international telephone access code for the Philippines is 63.
The city code for Cebu is 32.
For assistance with direct-dialled calls, dial 112.
AT&T USA direct operators are available by dialing 105-11.
Dial 108 for operator assisted international calls
Dial 109 for operator assisted local calls.
For directory assistance, dial 114 (all operators speak English).
Don`t expect a good connection every time.
Pagers are widely used in the Metropolitan Cebu area also.
To make a call from a pay phone, lift the receiver and deposit P2 coins or you can buy phonecards in the range of P100, P250, P300, P500, P1000. Wait for the dial tone. You can then dial the number of the party you need to call.

There are a number of internet cafes which offer full access to the net. Cyber Lynx (Coco Mall) offers access complete with video cams at 90 Pesos/hr., Global Village (Ayala Centre) offers access at 95 Pesos/hr. and Web Link (General Maxilom Av.) offers 24 Hr. access at 100 Pesos per hour. Hourly rates reduce if online time exceeds 1 hour. All rates quoted here are for the first hour of access. The international lines can be slow so don`t expect fast connect speeds even with a fast modem.
Cebu has two major shopping malls, SM City and Ayala Centre, in addition to a number of smaller malls such as Gaisano Country Mall, Coco Mall and Raintree Mall. A wide variety of local and imported products are available. The traditional shopping area is located in the downtown area around Colon Street (oldest street in the Philippines); this area is relatively “native” and visitors should take particular care of their valuables here-pickpockets frequently operate. Carbon Market (also situated in the downtown area) is the best known produce market in Cebu; a wide variety of indigenous products are sold and traded here.

Vsitors are allowed to import the following items duty free: reasonable quantities of clothing, jewellery and perfume; 400 cigarettes or 50 cigars or 250 grams (just over half a pound)of tobacco; and 2 litres of alcoholic beverage. Alcohol and tobacco is comparatively cheap in Cebu however, so most visitors would probably not want to import for personal consumption. Firearms, explosives, pornographic material, seditious or subversive material, and narcotics are prohibited.

Laundry (change laundry, its on angeles.)

There used to be a bus available from Mactan Airport, a contract hire, fare 50 pesos. If thats not running anymore, take a taxi to the town centre. Fares vary from 120 to 250 pesos, if you are good, they might even switch the meter on. Negotiate prices always ,beforehand, if not sure. Alternatively, at the end of a trip, when you have gotten your luggage, just give them what you think its worth.

Taxis from the Port area are around 150 pesos to the north side of town.

Century Hotel,corner of Colon and Palaez Streets.Phone no. 255 1341,Fax 255 1600 or website….. <>…… prices are around 500-700 pesos per night.Its near to the fun and the night life,and also has an extra benefit.Outside are large numbers of taxis and hustlers.Some of these guys are actually not bad.A good taxi driver can get you out of trouble,save you money,get a nice deal with a street girl,or one from the casas. A few decent bars around the location of the Century Hotel.The best was Silver Dollar and next Erotica Bar.Prices for drinks around 55 pesos for beer/local mix,15/175 pesos for ladies drink.Bar Fines are about 600 to the Bar and 1500 to the girl.

Some girls do sneak out,others quote an all-in price.Your taxi driver,or friendly hustler can take you to a Casa.Its a brothel,in a house,no neon signs outside etc.A little cheaper,short time if required,room incl

The first time I visited Cebu City back in Feb. 1992, my friend, who lived in a town nearby, and I went to the various bars ranging from the upscale in the Osmena Circle area down to seedy in the older Carbon St. area. I just wanted to drink San Miguel beer and watch girls strip and could’ve barfined any girl I wanted, but my friend who was also my guide, advised against it because she had a better place in mind to take me. She took me to one of the many casas in town. She knew that if all I wanted was a quick lay or a companion that I can take anywhere for the whole night, I could get it all right there in one place for one fee. There were no ladies drinks to buy, no act or special technique to put on, nor any haggling with the girl AND the papasan or mamasan. However, you do have to negotiate a little bit with the papasan if you want to save about 500 pesos. Most of the girls are between 18 and 21 years old and are just as attractive, if not more so, than the girls in the bars. Needless to say, the casa route is by far the ONLY way to go, unless you believe that you must spend time, money, and effort chasing these girls. All that is required is that you pay her barfine and treat her as if she was your long-time girlfriend.

Anyway, I went back there in Feb. 1999 and to my surprise, very little has changed. The only change I noticed are in the girls themselves in that most of them now sport tattoos. Other than that, they’re just as young and attractive as before. Although my friend no longer lives there, I remembered and learned enough to get around town without any problems. Armed with a Sony Hi-8 camcorder, I took nude videos (no sex whatsoever, but with close-ups) of five girls from various casas. I will travel there again next month to do more shoots and setup a website in the Philippines from which I intend to advertise the sale of these videos.

I visited all of the casas listed below, however some of the girls I have on video do not come from them. As of Feb. 1999, the most popular ones are:

Myuki: This is a fairly new place. Only one cab driver knew where this one was which was located next door to a restaurant downtown. If your cab driver knows where this is, you MUST come here. The girls here range from very pretty to outright gorgeous (7.5 to 9.5 range). Bar fine: 1,200 to 1,500 pesos.

Happy Valley: Almost every cab driver will take you here by default. Located near Osmena Circle, the girls here range from average to very pretty (5.0 to 7.9). Bar fine: 1,500 pesos

New World: Another well-known casa, the girls are similar in quality to those at Happy Valley (5.0 to 7.9), but goes down quickly after midnight. Bar fine: before 7:00 pm, 2,000 pesos; afterwards 1,500 pesos

You can also try using one of the many guys who come up and ask you if want a girl. The safest way to use his service is to tell him exactly what you want and have him bring you 2 or 3 to choose from. If and when he does come back, you either pay 800 pesos for a short time or 1,500 pesos for all night. If you have the balls, you can have him take you to the girls. I strongly recommend that if you’re going to go this route, that you and the guy travel in a taxi. More than likely you’ll be traveling into the older part of town where you might get beaten and robbed if you went with him alone. The papasan, accompanied by 10 to 20 girls, line up outside a few feet away. From inside the taxi, take no more than a few minutes to make your choice. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES are you to give money BEFORE getting the girl. With the girl in your possession inside the taxi, you can now give him the money with little risk of being taken. The barfine is the same; 800 pesos for a short time, 1,500 pesos for all night. I have one girl on video from this type of casa.

Until I go back again in April, this is the latest experience I have to offer. I’ll update this report as soon as I get back and hope to have the videos up for sale by this coming fall.

I have recently gone to the Philippines, both Manila and Cebu from 3March to 9March, and would like to add one or two things to these fine (and for the most part accurate) reviews. 1. Don’t bother looking for any action in Manila. Oftentimes is you are Western (and especially American), they will add a zero onto the prices. I myself was conned into a 600 (P48=US$1) peso cab ride (which would be fine, but everything in America is about 5x more expensive than in Manila). And into buying a fairly unresponsive P6000 (US$120) girl for the whole night. It seems that she was more interested in sleeping than other things. Japanese men have driven up the prices there more than in Cebu. 2. While in Cebu, you should pay no more than, say P1500 for a short time, and P2000 for the whole night. There are bars, but do not go into them. They are a , asking for P4000 for a “short time,” which is 4 hours. Sorry, but there are girls at other places that can do the same thing for 1/2 the price. There are also the options of the casas (particularly Happy Valley), in which there are about 20-30 girls for you to choose from for about P2000 each. Really, it’s supposed to be P1500, but it’s not worth your time to haggle with the Papasan over P500. You are not always able to tell the level of enthusiasm of the fuck that you are going to get, but it doesn’t cost more than the P50 ride to get there if you leave with nothing, which is unlikely. 3. The third option, mentioned in NONE of the reports is the best, IMHO: At the hotels there is always a bellman/ porter there that you can have bring you a girl to you room. Tell him that you want about 3 to choose from and tell him *what* you want. And mention to him that you are interested in paying about P1500 (and not whatever he adds on as markup). I found that out after one time the hard way, by paying P2000, when the girl told me that I had paid too much. As a courtesy, I always give the girl at least a P500 tip, for which she is *very* grateful. That is between 2-5x what the locals are in the habit of giving her. Try to have a couple of towels and some soap for her, too. The Philippine girls are very hygienic, and will *always* like to wash their tails before having sex. And they will expect you to do the same thing. Also, I find that these girls tend to be a bit more enthusiastic about their work than the casa girls, who are not happy about being there and don’t try to hide the fact that they are doing this of economic necessity. Two other points: Do not book an hotel over the net. If you pay more than, say P800 for an hotel room nightly, you are paying *too much.* My hotel, directly across from the Ayala mall, was P795/ night, and was more than adequate for what I wanted to do. And the front desk woman told me how much I should expect to spend for a girl, AND directed me to the bellman to have him set it up for me. Second (and most important): Treat the girl like an human being and she will love you for it. I had a girl stay with me for “short times” of four hours because she was thrilled with my treatment of her and my tipping. She was a very hard worker after the first night. As with many others, if you like her after the first few times, you can just book her for the whole night right then. She will call her papasan and set it up, and you are not in the position of having to pay in advance for a whole night for someone that might be a lousy lay. Because many of these girls work in houses which house many girls, you can also ask for her number is you want to request her a second time. Make sure that you always make the taxis turn on their meters, because they will sometimes “forget,” and stick you with a much higher fare than necessary (which should be no more than, say P60 between any two points in town).

I’ve made three trips to Cebu this year. In late spring, I stayed at the Cebu View Tourist Inn on Sanciangko St. off of Osmena Blvd. It’s within walking distance of Gaisano Metro Mall.

It seems that anybody could be a pimp on that street. There are two men and one woman who were particularly persistant. One was a psycho who followed a mamasan and myself for several blocks.

Women were about 1,000 pesos. I once paid 2,000 for a very petite girl who needed the incentive for a blow job. She posed willingly for the camera and seemed to have experience.

Most girls were intrigued by my Polaroid I-Max mini pictures. I could take one, offer one, and take a couple of more. Most girls appeared to 20-ish. One girl turned out to be all bra padding and no breasts to speak of. She may or may not have been under 18. The aforementioned petite girl could have been 20 or substantially less. The danger here is that the police are more than happy to set you up with an under-18 and then take all your money for “bail.”

The Cebu View Tourist Inn had no problem with girls in the room. The in-house massage service was okay as far as massage goes, but one girl wanted 5,000 pesos to fuck. When I told her to leave my room, she didn’t. I opened the door, and even though she was naked and visible from the hallway, she still just stood in my room repeating “sorry” and “my family.”

Subsequent trips were to the Cebu Midtown. One trip was solo, one with my Thai mistress. Again, overnight guests as well as families were present.
Cebu Midtown is off of Fuente Osmena Circle. Bars are down the street. If you pass Jollibees, you’re going in the right direction. Or, ask a taxi for Dimples. With a 25 peso (50 cent) flagfall, you can afford it. There are two clusters of bars on opposite sides of the street.
The bars had barfines approaching 2,000 pesos. For that kind of money, you can afford to go to Soi 33 in Bangkok.
Bottom lines:

Stay at or near the Cebu Tourist View Inn and let the women find you.
Save your money for Angeles City or Phnom Penh or Asoke Plaza.

Cebu is more laid back then Angeles City per say and the girls are more layed back and willing to stay all night and make you happy. The mango area is where most of the bars are located but you can find many other bars thru-out the city and down in Manduae but they usaully charge more for drinks and barfine. But also have a better slection of 8-10’s but you will pay too! Most times you can find honeyko’s that are off work and go to Julianna’s for 1000 pesos and lots of freelancer’s too! In Cebu you are sure to have a great time in a relaxed atmosphere. The bars change in popularity and fun times What one week is a great place to enjoy yourself the next maybe dead. Some bars names change frequently others remain unchanged and continue to be reliable place to monger.

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