Few months back there were a few advertisements in the newspapers with escort services operating in Patras . Well the news is not that good any more. I checked all newspapers with similar classifieds and I found nothing. I checked even the four local newspapers same story. I was driving around Patras in order to locate some nightclubs providing some additional services apart from regular striptease and table dance. No luck. I was staying in the best hotel Casino in the area and I was hopping that a few ladies will be around , but once again no luck . The only thing available was 4-5 typical brothels around the harbor area. I decided not to waste my time as cheap rushed and with moderate woman intercourse is not my preference. The hotel staff might know something but I couldn’t ask.
Just in case that some one is or might be interested I continue my trip in Ioannina (One of the biggest cities of Greece) hoping that the situation will be better. A friendly guy from the Hotel staff advised me for a strip joint, 5 minutes drive out of Ioannina City center in the way to Metsovo , next to the lake . The area is known as Perama . It was easy to locate the club . First impression when I entered was that I was in a typical lousy strip joint and definitely the purpose of existence of a club like that at the end of nowhere, was not the strip show. To make a long story short, as the club was rather empty when I entered, I start talking with the barman. When I asked him what type of services are available apart from strip show and table dance, the answer was that “ that’s the only available services, we used to have and other services but not any more. The story behind is that till few months ago all around Greece especially in small towns or big villages there were numerous strip joints and the girls were also having sex with their customers in rooms behind or over the bar. Unfortunately the last months our local police re-invented the wheel and all of a sudden the authorities discover that there is a lot of illegal trafficking of Eastern European girls and hidden prostitution in such places. For the moment and from what I heard from a friend of mine when we exchange experiences he told me that most of these clubs were forced to close as their business gone overnight. Going back to the club and as I had nothing better to do that night I stayed, a pay few ladies drinks (water with a slice of lemon) 15 Euro each and I enjoyed 2 table dances from a Rumanian lady (20 Euro, allowing touching). Not much but better than nothing.